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Patent Technology Monitoring Division (PTMD) Research Publications

Activity Index Reports U.S. Colleges and Universities Utility Patent Grants
Buttons to Biotech - U.S. Patenting by Women  
Concordance Between USPC and SIC PTMD Statistical Reports

Patenting Trends in the U. S. Reports

PTMD Technology Reports

Activity Index Reports CD-ROM

This CD-ROM includes the following four Activity Index Reports profile utility patents originating from selected countries (determined by the residence of the first-named inventor):

(Includes TAF Country Activity Index Reports for the year)
Product Code: EIP-3035P-CD
For ordering information, e-mail

Country Activity Index Report (Utility Patents)
This TAF report profiles U.S. utility patents originating from selected countries (determined by the residence of the first-named inventor). For each country, the report identifies U.S. Patent Classification System classes receiving relatively greater and lesser patenting emphasis. The countries currently included in this report are Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, Mexico, the Netherlands, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, and the United States. Updated annually. [Approximately 520 pages]

Country Activity Index Report, Corporate Patenting (Utility Patents)
The Country Activity Index Report, Corporate Patenting profiles U.S. Utility patents originating from selected countries (determined by the residence of the first-named inventor) having ownership assigned to a U.S. or foreign corporation at time of grant. For each country, the report identifies U.S. Patent Classification System classes receiving relatively greater and lesser patenting emphasis. The countries included in this report are Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, Mexico, the Netherlands, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, and the United States. Updated annually. [Approximately 520 pages]

Country Activity Index Report, Utility Patent Applications
This TAF report profiles U.S. Utility patent applications in selected countries (determined by the residence of the first-named inventor). For each country, the report identifies U.S. Patent Classification System classes receiving relatively greater and lesser patenting emphasis based on filing data. The countries included in this report are Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, Mexico, the Netherlands, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, and the United States. Updated annually. [Approximately 520 pages]

Country Activity Index Report, Corporate Utility Patent Applications
This report profiles U.S. Utility patent applications in selected countries (determined by the residence of the first-named inventor) having ownership assigned to a U.S. Or foreign corporation at time of application. For each country, the report identifies U.S. Patent Classification System classes receiving relatively greater and lesser patenting emphasis based on filing data. The countries included in this report are Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, Mexico, the Netherlands, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, and the United States. Updated annually. [Approximately 520 pages]

Buttons to Biotech - U.S. Patenting by Women

This report examines U.S. patenting by U.S. resident women from 1977 to 1996 with updated information through December 2002. Updated irregularly.

Product Code: EIP-3050P-PP
Price: $20.00
For ordering information, e-mail

Concordance Between the U.S. Patent Classification (USPC) System and the Standard Industrial Code (SIC) System available on floppy disk

Provides a concordance between the U.S. Patent Classification (USPC) System and the 41 unique SIC-based product fields. The concordance also includes a product field entitled "All Others" which contains USPC subclasses not concorded to any of the 41 unique product fields. Used to generate the Patenting Trends in the United States reports. Updated annually. An excerpt of this report is available at [approximately 420 pages, 4MB, compressed) ] The USPC to SIC Concordance is also available on the USPTO FTP site.

Product Code: EIP-3060P-FD
Call 571-272-5600 or send e-mail to for information.

Product Code: EIP-3060P-PP
For ordering information, e-mail

Product Code: EIP-3060P-OL
Price: free (See USPTO FTP site)
Call 571-272-5600 or send e-mail to for information. 

Patenting Trends in the United States Reports CD-ROM www
This CD-ROM includes the following three Patenting Trends Reports profile U. S. patenting in 55 product fields (41 unique fields and several fields which are roll-ups of the 41 unique fields) based on the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) System. Updated annually.

Product Code: EIP-3075P-CD
Call 571-272-5600 or send e-mail to for information.

Patenting Trends in the United States
This report profiles U.S. patenting in 55 product fields (41 unique fields and several fields which are roll-ups of the 41 unique fields) based on the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) System. For each product field, the report lists patent counts in the same format as Parts A1 and A2 of the All Technologies Report. The report consists of two parts: a "fractional count" section and a "whole count" section, which count patents according to different methods. Updated annually. [Approximately 240 pages]

Patenting Trends in the United States, State/Country
This report profiles U.S. Patenting in 55 product fields (41 unique fields and several fields which are roll-ups of the 41 unique fields) based on the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) System. It provides separate totals for U. S. states and for all foreign countries receiving U. S. patents during the period. This report consists of two parts: a "fractional count" section and a "whole count" section, which count patents according to different methods. Updated annually. [Approximately 320 pages]

Patenting Trends in the United States, 12 European Countries
This report is identical to the Patenting Trends in the United States report, but is limited to patent data for U. S. patents originating from twelve countries, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, and the United Kingdom. Updated annually. [Approximately 240 pages]

U.S. Colleges and Universities Utility Patent Grants www CD-ROM

This report profiles the patent activity of U.S. colleges and universities since 1969. Tabular presentations show the number of utility patents assigned annually to each U.S. college and university. Separate tables show the number of patents in each technology class of the U.S. Patent Classification System. Institutions are identified separately that rank in the top 100 based on total research and development expenditures. The patent activity of these institutions is also summarized apart from the patent activity of all colleges and universities. Updated annually. [Approximately 128 pages]

Product Code: EIP-3091P-CD

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