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Federal Register Notices

The U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy will be making its Preliminary Report available for public review and comment.


U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy
Preliminary Report


Notice of Public Availability and Comment Period


The U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy was established pursuant to the Oceans Act of 2000 to make recommendations to the President and Congress for a coordinated and comprehensive national ocean policy. The Preliminary Draft of the Final Report is being made available to the nation’s Governors and other interested parties for their review and comment.


The Preliminary Report will be available for public review on April 20, 2004. Comments on the report must be received in the Commission office no later than the close of business on May 21, 2004 ET.


Send electronic comments (email) to:

Comments may also be mailed to:
U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy
1120 20th Street, N.W
Suite 200 North
Washington, D.C. 20036

Comments may be sent by facsimile to: 202 418-3475.

For Further Information Contact

Michael Kearns
U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy
1120 20th Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036

Supplementary Information

TThis notice is being issued pursuant to the Oceans Act 2000 (Pub. L. 106-256, sec. 3(g)(1)(A)). The report and detailed instructions for submitting comments will be available at the Commission’s website,, on April 20, 2004, when the report is released to the public. The report is also available for public review at the Commission’s office at 1120 20th Street, N.W., Suite 200 North, Washington, D.C. 20036, from 2:00 PM- 5:00 PM ET on April 20th and thereafter from 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM ET, Monday through Friday, during the remainder of the comment period. Comments sent by facsimile should include the words “Public Comment on Preliminary Report” on the coversheet. All public comments must include the individual’s name, institutional affiliation (optional), address, telephone number, and email address. Comments should contain no attachments. All public comments received will be reviewed by the Commission and will become part of the official record of its work. Only comments received electronically will be acknowledged.

Public comments will not be posted to the website. Sufficient time will be allowed for any needed changes to the report as a result of gubernatorial or other stakeholder comments. When such changes are made and the final report is approved by the Commission, it will be transmitted to the President and Congress.


April 9, 2004


"" Main Page


December 17, 2004
Press Statement

December 15, 2004
Press Statement

September 21, 2004
Congressional Testimony

September 20, 2004
News Release

September 17, 2004
Media Advisory

September 10, 2004
Media Advisory

August 5, 2004
Press Statement

July 28, 2004
News Release

July 22, 2004
Summary of
Governors' Comments

July 22, 2004
Summary of
Public Comments

July 19, 2004
Press Statement

July 15, 2004
Media Advisory

June 10, 2004
Press Statement

May 14, 2004
Press Statement

April 22, 2004

April 20, 2004
Press Statement

April 20, 2004
Video Summary

April 16, 2004
Media Advisory

April 13, 2004

March 25, 2004
Press Statement

March 10, 2004
Press Statement

February 13, 2004
Press Statement

2003 News Archive

2002 News Archive

2001 News Archive

Federal Register Notices


FR Notice of Public Meeting on July 22, 2004

FR Notice of April 20, 2004 Release of Preliminary Report


FR Notice of April 2-3, 2003 Public Meeting

FR Notice of January 24, 2003 Public Meeting

FR Notice Archive

Revised May 20, 2005 by Ocean Commission Webmaster
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