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Pre-Publication Copy

An Ocean Blueprint for the 21st Century Final Report of the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy

preliminary report of the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy

Released by the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy on September 20, 2004, An Ocean Blueprint for the 21st Century contains the Commission's final recommendations for a new, comprehensive national ocean policy. The other documents listed below are supporting documents, including the Special Addendum to the Final Report, appendices printed in the main report and appendices printed as separate documents.

Please note: pre-publication copies of the Final Report and appendices will be extremely limited. However, interested individuals and groups may download and reprint the report and appendices from the website as needed. The Commission is planning on a wider distribution of the Final Report when it is published later this year.

The Preliminary Report can be viewed or downloaded as a full report or by sections, including, quick overview, individual parts, individual chapters and appendices. You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader or higher to open this document. Adobe Acrobat Reader can be downloaded for free. (Note: If you experience an error when you click on the link to open the file in your browser window, right-click on the link and download the file to your desktop.)

Full Report
Executive Summary
Table of Contents
Funding Needs and Possible Sources
Summary of Recommendations
Chapters 1-31
Appendices Printed in the Main Report
(Appendices A-G)
Appendices Printed as Separate Documents (Appendices 1-6)
Special Addendum to the Final Report
Figures from the Final Report
Tables from the Final Report

Full Report

An Ocean Blueprint for the 21st Century (Pre-Publication Copy), Final Report of the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy (pdf, 10.2 MB)


Final Report Chapters 1-31

Front Matter (pdf, 2 MB)
Table of Contents (pdf, 224 Kb)
Executive Summary (pdf, 922 Kb)


Part I - Our Oceans: A National Asset
Chapter 1:  Recognizing Ocean Assets and Challenges (pdf, 2.6 MB)
Chapter 2: Understanding the Past to Shape a New National Ocean Policy (pdf, 532 Kb)
Chapter 3:  Setting the Nation's Sights (pdf, 800 Kb)

Primer on Ocean Jurisdictions: Drawing Lines in the Water (pdf, 808 Kb)

Part II - Blueprint for Change: A New National Ocean Policy Framework
Chapter 4: Enhancing Ocean Leadership and Coordination (pdf, 560 Kb)
Chapter 5: Advancing a Regional Approach (pdf, 756 Kb)
Chapter 6: Coordinating Management in Federal Waters (pdf, 900 Kb)
Chapter 7: Strengthening the Federal Agency Structure  (pdf, 956 Kb)

Part III - Ocean Stewardship: The Importance of Education and Public Awareness
Chapter 8:  Promoting Lifelong Ocean Education (pdf, 524 Kb)

Part IV - Living on the Edge: Economic Growth and Resource Conservation along the Coast
Chapter 9: Managing Coasts and their Watersheds (pdf, 296 Kb)
Chapter 10: Guarding People and Property against Natural Hazards (pdf, 756 Kb)
Chapter 11: Conserving and Restoring Coastal Habitat (pdf, 572 Kb)
Chapter 12: Managing Sediment and Shorelines (pdf, 744 Kb)
Chapter 13: Supporting Marine Commerce and Transportation (pdf, 1 MB)

Part V - Clear Waters Ahead: Coastal and Ocean Water Quality
Chapter 14: Addressing Coastal Water Pollution (pdf, 3.5 MB)
Chapter 15: Creating a National Monitoring Network (pdf, 352 Kb)
Chapter 16: Limiting Vessel Pollution and Improving Vessel Safety (pdf, 388 Kb)
Chapter 17: Preventing the Spread of Invasive Species (pdf, 1.3 MB)
Chapter 18: Reducing Marine Debris (pdf, 588 Kb)

Part VI - Ocean Value and Vitality: Enhancing the Use and Protection of Ocean Resources
Chapter 19: Achieving Sustainable Fisheries (pdf, 1.2 MB)
Chapter 20: Protecting Marine Mammals and Endangered Marine Species (pdf, 388 Kb)
Chapter 21: Preserving Coral Reefs and Other Coral Communities (pdf, 1.2 MB)

Chapter 22: Setting a Course for Sustainable Marine Aquaculture (pdf, 296 Kb)
Chapter 23: Connecting the Oceans and Human Health (pdf, 1 MB)
Chapter 24: Managing Offshore Energy and Other Mineral Resources (pdf, 1.7 MB)

Part VII - Science-based Decisions: Advancing Our Understanding of the Oceans
Chapter 25: Creating a National Strategy for Increasing Scientific Knowledge (pdf, 596 Kb)
Chapter 26: Achieving a Sustained, Integrated Ocean Observing System (pdf, 840 Kb)
Chapter 27: Enhancing Ocean Infrastructure and Technology Development (pdf, 320 Kb)
Chapter 28: Modernizing Ocean Data and Information Systems (pdf, 560 Kb)

Part VIII - The Global Ocean: U.S. Participation in International Policy
Chapter 29: Advancing International Ocean Science and Policy (pdf, 820 Kb)

Part IX - Moving Ahead: Implementing a New National Ocean Policy
Chapter 30: Funding Needs and Possible Sources  (pdf, 720 Kb)
Chapter 31:  Summary of Recommendations (pdf, 452 Kb)

Part X: Appendices Printed in the Main Report (Appendices A-G)
Appendix A to the Final Report - Oceans Act of 2000 (pdf, 52 Kb)
Appendix B to the Final Report - Acronyms (pdf, 36 Kb)
Appendix C to the Final Report - Living Near ... and Making a Living From ... the Oceans by Charles S. Colgan (pdf, 244 Kb)
Appendix D to the Final Report - Glossary of Federal Ocean and Coastal-Related Commissions, Committees, Councils, Laws, and Programs (pdf, 112 Kb)
Appendix E to the Final Report - Proposed Structure for Coordination of Federal Ocean Activities (pdf, 28 Kb)
Appendix F to the Final Report - Congressional Committees And Subcommittees with Jurisdiction over Ocean and Coastal Issues (pdf, 56 Kb)
Appendix G to the Final Report - Detailed Costs Associated with Recommendations of the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy (pdf, 68 Kb)


Appendices Printed as Separate Documents (Appendices 1-6)
Appendix 1 to the Final Report - Testimony Before the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy - Synthesis Indexed by Policy Topic (pdf, 3.7 MB)
Appendix 2 to the Final Report - Testimony Before the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy - Summary Indexed by Presenter (pdf, 7.9 MB)
Appendix 3 to the Final Report - National Marine Educators Association Membership Profile (pdf, 14.6 MB)
Appendix 4 to the Final Report - U.S. Ocean-related Academic Infrastructure (pdf, 1.9 MB)
Appendix 5 to the Final Report - Inventory of U.S. Ocean and Coastal Facilities (pdf, 8.2 MB)
Appendix 6 to the Final Report - Review of U.S. Ocean and Coastal Law - The Evolution of Ocean Governance Over Three Decades[This report is currently in production and will be released by the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy at a later date.]


Special Addendum to the Final Report: Governors' Commentson the Preliminary Report (pdf, 23.4 MB)


Figures from the Final Report (pdf, 6.5 MB)


Tables from the Final Report (pdf, 96 Kb)


Revised September 20, 2004 by Ocean Commission Webmaster
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