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Eastern Plains Transmission Project

EPTP Comment Form

We need your input. Please take a few minutes to provide yur comments or questions and submit your completed form by July 5, 2007. Your comments help in planning and implementing the project. Thank you.

Completing this form will automatically add you to the mailing list and the stakeholder list. The stakeholder list is part of the administrative record that is available to the public. If you prefer to not be on the mailing list, please check the box below.

 I do not wish to be on the project mailing list.


How did you hear about this project: (Check all that apply)

  Other - please specify    


What concerns or questions do you have about the proposed and alternative routes?


If you own property along one of the routes, please indicate all the existing uses of your property:

  Mineral interest
  Other - please explain


Are there any special uses, circumstances or factors on your land that you would like the Eastern Plains Transmission Project to be aware of? If so, please list. 


Please povide any other comments on the proposed scope of the EPTP EIS and identify any additional issues that need to be addressed. 


Sign up to receive the Eastern Plains Transmission Project Draft Environmental Impact Statement

Let us know if you would like to receive a copy of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement. Once the DEIS is completed, the document will be available at public libraries on CD. The Executive Summary will be posted on Western's Web site.

To receive a copy, please check one box below:

  Notify me of publication of the DEIS
  Send me an electronic copy on CD-rom
  Send me the Executive Summary (30 pages)

Tell us how to reach you

Include your name, address, phone number, fax and e-mail address, so we may keep you up to date about this project. Western will not share your contact information during this EIS process.

Contact information (optional)






            Zip code: 

  Daytime phone: 

   E-mail address: