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Trinity Public Utilities District Direct Interconnection Project

The Trinity Public Utilities District Direct Interconnection Project involves a proposal to build transmission facilities near Weaverville, in Trinity County, Calif.  The proposed project would remove about 5.3 miles of 12-kV distribution line and construct about 16 miles of new 60-kV transmission line, a tap structure and associated equipment as well as a new switchyard.

Western will analyze the environmental impacts of the proposed project and alternatives and prepare an environmental impact statement. The U.S. Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management will participate in preparing the EIS.

Project progress

  • Notice of intent to prepare an environmental impact statement published in the Federal Register - June 2006
  • Planned public comment period to provide input on the scope of the EIS - June and July, 2006
  • Draft environmental impact statement - February 2007
  • Final environmental impact statement - November 2007
  • Record of Decision - January 2008 

Project updates and documents

Record of Decision

Record of Decision advertisement (67 kb pdf)

Notice of availability of final environmental impact statement (97 kb pdf)

Public comments (1.1 MB pdf)

Public hearing transcript (590 kb pdf)

Open house and public hearing advertisement (122 kb pdf)

Local notice of availability of draft environmental impact statement (118 kb pdf)

Newsletter, June 2006 (139 kb pdf)

Scoping meeting advertisement (96kb pdf)

Notice of Intent to Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement