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Northern Arizona Energy Project

Northern Arizona Energy, LLC proposes to construct the Northern Arizona Energy Project, a 175-MW, natural gas fired, simple-cycle power plant located on private lands about nine miles south of Kingman, Ariz. The proposed project would supply power to utilities in Arizona and surrounding areas to serve their customers during periods of peak electricity demand.

Located on an approximately 40-acre parcel of land just north of the existing Griffith Energy Project, the proposed project would interconnect with the regional transmission grid at the existing Griffith Switchyard, owned and operated by Western. Natural gas and water would be provided by the adjacent Griffith Energy Project. Construction of the proposed project would start in late 2007 and be complete by May 2008.

Comments on the Northern Arizona Energy Project Draft Environmental Assessment should be received by October 17.

Project progress

  • February 2007 – Environmental Assessment determination
  • Early March 2007 – Scoping notice sent to stakeholders; comments solicited to help define the scope of the EA.
  • March 31, 2007 – EA scoping period ends.
  • September 2007 – Western incorporates scoping comments and distributes draft EA for review.
  • December 2007 – Western determines whether to prepare a Finding Of No Significant Impact or an EIS and issues a FONSI or EIS determination.

Project updates and documents

Letter requesting comments on the Draft Environmental Assessment, September 2007 (24 kb pdf)
Comment form for Draft Environmental Assessment (91 kb pdf)
Online comment form and mailing list signup
Newsletter, March 2007 (237 kb pdf)
Determination to prepare an Environmental Assessment, February 2007 (122 kb pdf)