I TFM Part 4 - Chapter 1100 (T/L 573) DELEGATIONS AND DESIGNATIONS OF AUTHORITY FOR DISBURSING FUNCTIONS This chapter prescribes procedures and forms needed to delegate (transfer authority) and designate (appoint) individuals to perform disbursing functions in agencies authorized by the Department of the Treasury (Treasury), Financial Management Service (FMS), and corporations and agencies exempt and authorized to perform their own disbursing functions. Section 1110 - Scope and Applicability This chapter includes procedures and forms needed to: Inform FMS of the Head of Agency (HOA); delegate designation authority to Designating Officials (DO); designate individuals to the positions of Certifying Officers (CO), ECS Security Administrators (SA), ECS Data Entry Operators (DEO), Designated Agents (DA), Check Custodians (CC), and Encryption Officers (EO); confirm receipt of ECS Tokens, PINs and IDs; and order and confirm receipt of FedSelect blank check stock. It also includes procedures and forms needed to: Inform FMS of the Head of Agency (HOA), for Non-Federal organizations participating in the Automated Standard Application for Payments (ASAP) program; delegate ASAP designation authority to ASAP Designating Officials (DO); and, designate individuals to the position of ASAP Authorizing Official (ASAP AO) and ASAP Financial Official (ASAP FO). It only applies to those agencies to which disbursing functions are provided by the Department of the Treasury (Treasury), Financial Management Service (FMS). Section 1115 - Authority The authority of these procedures appears in Title 31 United States Code, Sections 3321 and 3325 (31 U.S.C. 3321 and 3325). Section 1120 - Definitions of Terms Agency - Includes each department and establishment certifying vouchers to Treasury Regional Financial Centers (RFC) and/or Regional Operations Centers (ROC) of FMS for payment. For Non-Federal organizations participating in the Automated Standard Application for Payments (ASAP) program, "agency" refers to the name of the organization. Agency Location Code (ALC) - Refers to a numeric symbol used to identify accounting reports and documents prepared by or for agency accounting stations and regional financial offices. Consists of an 8-digit agency accounting station, 4-digit disbursing office symbol, or a 3-digit Treasury Financial Center symbol. For Non-Federal organizations participating in the Automated Standard Application for Payments (ASAP), ASAP Payment Requestor and/or Recipient Organization IDs (PR and/or RO ID) perform the function assigned to ALCs. Assistant Disbursing Officers (ADO) - Individuals who have been delegated Disbursing Authority by a Disbursing Officer of the Financial Management Service. Delegation - Documentation submitted to FMS, usually by means of FMS Form 2958, notifying it of the delegation (transfer of) authority to make designations of disbursing related authority to FMS. The right to further delegate (re-delegate) such authority may also be included in such delegations. For Non-Federal organizations, FMS Form 2958A is used to make delegations of authority. Designating Officials (DO) - Individuals for whom a Head of Agency delegation has been presented to FMS, and individuals to whom designation authority has been delegated by the Head of Agency or other official to whom designation authority has been delegated. Designation - Documentation submitted to FMS, usually by means of the FMS 210 Series Forms, notifying it of the selection/appointment of an individual to perform a specific disbursement related function. FMS 210 Series Forms - Refers to a series of FMS Forms used to designate authority including: FMS Form 210 Designation for Certifying Officer, FMS Form 210A Designation for ASAP Authorizing Official and Financial Official, FMS Form 210C Designation for Check Custodian, FMS Form 210D Designation for Agent To Receive and Deliver Checks, FMS Form 210DEO Designation for ECS Data Entry Operator, FMS Form 210E Designation of Encryption Officer, FMS Form 210ECS ECS User Designation, and FMS Form 210S Designation for ECS Security Administrator. Disbursing Offices - Offices of the Financial Management Service, established to provide disbursing services for Government agencies. Also referred to as Regional Financial Centers (RFCs). FMS has six Disbursing Offices (RFCs), located in: Austin, TX; Birmingham, AL; Chicago, IL; Kansas City, MO; Philadelphia, PA; and San Francisco, CA. Effective Date of Delegation/Designation - The effective date of a delegation or designation (that date from which FMS calculates the period until it expires - normally two years) will be the latter of; the effective date requested on the form, or the date accepted by FMS. (Example: If the agency specifies a requested effective date of March 3, 1997, and FMS actually accepts the form on March 7, 1997, the actual effective date will be March 7, 1997; If the agency were to specify an effective date of May 20, 1997, and FMS accepted the form on May 5, 1997, the actual effective date would be May 20, 1997.) Head of Agency (HOA) - This term, when used in relation to delegations of authority, will be interpreted to mean the head of an Executive Agency, as appointed by the President; that is, Secretaries of Departments, Administrators of Administrations and Commissioners of Commissions. At the discretion of the Treasury Chief Disbursing Officer (CDO), Head of Agency delegations may be accepted from lesser authorities in an agency, such as Bureau Heads and agency and/or bureau Chief Financial Officers. For Non-Federal organizations participating in the ASAP program, the Head of Agency (ASAP HOA) delegation would be acceptable from: for state governments, the state's Governor, Treasurer, Chief Financial Officer, or other person in a position of top financial responsibility within the state entity; for local governments, the local entity's head, Treasurer, Chief Financial Officer, or other person in a position of top financial responsibility within the entity; for universities, the university's head, Treasurer, Chief Financial Officer, or other person in a position of top financial responsibility within the university (for state universities,it would also be acceptable from the persons noted for state governments); and, for non-government entities, the entity's head (President, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, etc.), Treasurer, Chief Financial Officer, or other person in a position of top financial responsibility within the entity. Treasury Disbursing Officers- Refers to officers of FMS Operations Directorate or those who have been delegated Disbursing Authority by the Financial Management Service. Treasury Regional Financial Centers (RFCs) - Offices of the Financial Management Service, established to provide disbursing services for Government agencies. FMS has six RFCs, located in: Austin, TX; Birmingham, AL; Chicago, IL; Kansas City, MO; Philadelphia, PA; and San Francisco, CA. Also referred to as Disbursing Offices. Section 1125 - General Form Instructions for Delegation and Designation of Authority Sample copies of forms described in this chapter are located in the chapter's appendices. See the Appendices Listing at the end of this chapter for the specific form. FMS Form 2958 is used to establish the 'Head of Agency' authority, and to delegate designation authority while the FMS 210 Series Forms are used to designate specific authority. A valid FMS Form 2958 must be on file with the Financial Management Service for each individual exercising delegation or designation authority (signing an FMS Form 2958 as Delegator, or an FMS 210 Series Form as Designator). A valid FMS 210 Series Form must be on file with FMS for each designee and designated function. A valid FMS Form 210ECS must be on file with FMS for each individual designated authority to utilize the Treasury Electronic Certification System (ECS) - includes Certifying Officers with ECS authority, ECS Security Administrators, and ECS Data Entry Operators. Valid receipts must be on file with FMS for all ECS tokens, PINs and IDs issued to designees with ECS authority. To order forms, see Contacts page. FMS Form 2958A is used to establish the 'Head of Agency' authority for Non-Federal organizations participating in the ASAP program, and to delegate designation authority while the FMS Form 210A is used to designate ASAP Authorizing Official and ASAP Financial Official authority. A valid FMS Form 2958A must be on file with the Financial Management Service for each individual exercising ASAP delegation or designation authority (signing an FMS Form 2958A as Delegator, or an FMS Form 210A as Designator). A valid FMS Form 210A must be on file with FMS for each ASAP designee and designated function. To order forms, see Contacts page. The FMS 2958 and 210 Series Forms are used as a signature sample source for signature validation. FMS stores optically scanned electronic images of sample signatures for use by all Treasury Regional Financial Centers (RFCs). These forms may also be used for manual validation of voucher-schedule certifying signatures. Consequently, IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT THAT all forms be properly and accurately completed, that all signatures be in BLACK INK, THAT SIGNATURES BE WHOLLY WITHIN THE SIGNATURE BLOCK PROVIDED, and that there be no extraneous markings in the signature blocks. All delegation and designation forms must bear four original manual signatures, of the individual to whom authority is being delegated or who is being designated, IN BLACK NON-ERASABLE INK. ALL SIGNATURES SHOULD BE WITHIN THE SIGNATURE BLOCK(s) PROVIDED! ALL SIGNATURES MUST be the official signature of the individual, 'nicknames' should not be used. Facsimile signatures or any evidence of erasures, corrections, or alterations will cause the form to be rejected by FMS. The Delegator or Designator block in Section IV must be signed by the Head of Agency or other official who has been lawfully delegated designation authority for the function being delegated or designated. The Delegator or Designator signature must be in black non-erasable ink, and be wholly within the signature block provided. Revocation forms do not require signature samples of the individual whose authority is being revoked (Section III), but must be signed in Section IV, by the Head of Agency or other official who has been lawfully delegated designation authority for the function being revoked. In all cases, the Agency Location Codes (ALCs) listed on the form must correspond to the department, agency or establishment, and bureau or office that the Delegator or Designator shown in Section IV of these forms has authority to delegate or designate for. AT LEAST ONE ALC MUST BE entered on all FMS 210 Series Forms that require ALC(s) in Section I. In the case of designations for Non-Federal organizations participating in the ASAP program, Payment Requestor and/or Recipient Organization ID (PR and/or RO ID) must correspond to the organization that the Delegator or Designator shown in Section IV of these forms has authority to delegate or designate for. AT LEAST ONE PR and/or RO ID MUST BE entered in Section I of any FMS Form 210A submitted to FMS. Form instructions are located on the back of the form (except for FMS Forms 210RC, 210RD, and 210RS). After completion, the agency will retain copy 3 and forward copies 1 and 2 of the form to the Financial Management Service (in the case of FMS Form 2958A and 210A, retain copy 4 and forward copies 1, 2, and 3). See Contacts page, or form, for address. On receipt, FMS, will verify the delegation/designation, sign and return copy 2 to the Delegator or Designator, at the address specified in Section VI of the form, with an acceptance label affixed to the back of the form (except for Head of Agency Delegations which will not have an acceptance label, but will be signed in Section VII). The receipt of copy 2 signifies FMS' acceptance. On receipt of copy 2, the Delegator or Designator will verify the contents of copy 2 against the retained copy 3 (or copy 4 for FMS Form 2958A and 210A) to ensure that no alterations occurred. At the time of designation, the agency should advise the designees of their responsibilities as noted in applicable Treasury directives. Two months prior to the expiration of a delegation or designation, FMS will notify the Delegator or Designator of the pending expiration of the delegation or designation, by mailing a 'Letter of Notification of Pre-Expiration' to the address listed in Section VI of the FMS 2958/2958A or FMS 210 Series Form that documented the delegation/designation. Delegations and designations may be renewed by re-submitting the appropriate FMS Form 2958/2958A or FMS 210 Series Form with the Re-Delegation or Re-Designation block checked. Alternatively, designations of authority (Certifying Officer, ASAP Authorizing Officer, ASAP Financial Officer, ECS Security Administrator, ECS Data Entry Operator, Designated Agent, Check Custodian, and Encryption Officer) that are about to expire, and for which there are NO CHANGES in the details of the designation, may be renewed by having an authorized Designating Official complete the "For Renewal Only" portion of the 'Letter of Notification of Pre-Expiration', and returning it to FMS, at the address specified in the letter. Designations of authority, that are about to expire, and for which there are no changes in the details of the designation, may also be renewed by submission of an 'Agency Initiated Letter of Renewal', signed by an authorized Designating Official. 'Agency Initiated Letters of Renewal' must be on the agency's letterhead; provide the name, type of designation, authorized ALCs, agency/bureau/division identification for the individual, and requested renewal date; and be signed by a Designating Official with a valid FMS Form 2958 on file with FMS, providing designation authority for the type of designation being renewed. An 'Agency Initiated Letter of Renewal' may be used to renew multiple designations, at the same time. 'Letter of Notice of Pre-Expiration' and 'Agency Initiated Letter of Renewal' MAY NOT be used to renew delegations of designation authority, delegations of designation authority may only be renewed on FMS Form 2958 (or 2958A for ASAP delegations). Delegations and designations not renewed by their expiration date will become void as of that date and no further designations/delegations, certifications, etc. will be accepted from the individual. Agencies will be notified of expired delegations and designations via a 'Letter of Notification of Expiration', mailed to the delegating or designating official, at the address provided in Section VI of the original delegation or designation form. Once a delegation or designation expires, a new delegation or designation must be submitted to reinstate that individual. When an individual, for whom a delegation or designation is on file with FMS, departs or otherwise becomes ineligible to act (including reassignment, retirement, departure, death, etc.), the responsible delegating or designating official will forward the appropriate FMS Form 2958/2958A or FMS 210 Series Form revoking the delegation or designation of the departing/ineligible designee to FMS. Revocations will be effective on the date received, and processed, by FMS. Section 1130 - Reorganizations FMS Forms 2958, 2958A, 210, 210A, 210C, 210D, 210DEO, 210E, and 210S will be verified for signature, title and organization. Therefore, if organization names or titles change, authority must be re-delegated/re-designated to all affected positions. This re-delegation/re-designation must be initiated at a level above the areas affected by the organizational or title changes. On such re-delegation/re-designation forms, the Re-delegation or Re-designation block (as appropriate) must be checked, and the word "REORGANIZATION" should be noted in the 'Name' block in Section II, of the form(s). Section 1135 - Head of Agency Delegation (HOA) This is a self-delegation, by the head of a Federal Government Agency, to provide FMS with a basis for validating all subsequent delegations and designations from that agency. The HOA self-delegation is accomplished using FMS Form 2958. All authority to expend agency funds, and to certify the disbursement of such funds through a Treasury Disbursing Officer, resides with the Head of Agency (HOA) of the agency for which funds are to be disbursed. The authority to certify the disbursement of agency funds may be delegated to duly designated Certifying Officers. The authority to delegate certification authority may also be delegated to duly assigned individuals. No delegating official, other than the Head of Agency, may self-designate themself as a Certifying Officer, or other disbursing function designation, for the agency. Head of Agency delegations automatically have all delegation and designation authorities listed on the FMS Form 2958. For Non-Federal organizations participating in the Automated Standard Application for Payments (ASAP) program, the 'Head of Agency' (ASAP HOA) self-delegation, by the head of the ASAP using organization, is to provide FMS with a basis for validating all subsequent delegations and designations from that organization. The ASAP HOA self-delegation is accomplished using FMS Form 2958A. All authority to certify requests for individual ASAP User IDs, to establish receiving bank accounts, and to request draw-down of funds resides with the 'Head of Agency' (ASAP HOA) of the recipient organization. The authority to certify the assignment of ASAP User IDs, establish bank accounts and request draw-down of funds may be delegated to duly designated ASAP Authorizing Officials (AO) and ASAP Financial Officials (FO). The authority to designate ASAP AO and/or FO authority may also be delegated to duly assigned individuals. No delegating official, other than the 'Head of Agency', may self-designate themself as an ASAP AO and/or FO for the organization. ASAP 'Head of Agency' delegations automatically have all delegation and designation authorities listed on the FMS Form 2958A. 1135.10 - Procedures: FMS Form 2958 Sample copies of forms described in this section are located in the chapter's appendices. See the Appendices Listing at the end of this chapter for the specific form. NOTE: It is critically important that ALL applicable sections of FMS Form 2958 be completely and accurately filled in, by the submitting agency. All signatures must be in black, non-erasable ink, with the signature constrained to the block provided, and with no extraneous markings in the signature blocks. The signatures MUST BE the official signature of the individual signing. DO NOT use 'nicknames'. Use FMS Form 2958 to submit the Head of Agency delegation, for all Head of Agency self-delegations, other than those for Non-Federal organizations participating in the Automated Standard Application for Payments (ASAP) program. Sections I, II, III, IV, and VI must be completed by the submitting agency. Check all authority blocks in Section I; this establishes the authorities of the Head of the Agency. Check the appropriate block for type of action and complete Section II, with information on the individual to be designated as Head of Agency. The Head of Agency will manually sign all signature sample blocks in Section III, and the Delegator block in Section IV in black non-erasable ink. Signatures should be within the signature boxes provided on the form. Insert the return address and phone number for the Head of Agency in Section VI. The agency will retain copy 3 and forward copies 1 and 2 of the completed FMS Form 2958, with a self-designation letter bearing the official seal of the agency, to the Financial Management Service. Mail to the address provided at the upper left of the FMS Form 2958. On receipt, FMS will verify the designation, complete Section VII, and return copy 2 to the Head of Agency, at the address provided in Section VI. The receipt of copy 2 signifies FMS' acceptance. On receipt of copy 2, the Head of Agency should verify the contents of copy 2 against the retained copy 3 to ensure that no alterations occurred. Head of Agency FMS Form 2958s that fail validation will be returned to the submitting office, with an explanation of the rejection. 1135.20 - Procedures: FMS Form 2958A Sample copies of forms described in this section are located in the chapter's appendices. See the Appendices Listing at the end of this chapter for the specific form. NOTE: It is critically important that ALL applicable sections of FMS Form 2958A be completely and accurately filled in, by the submitting agency. All signatures must be in black, non-erasable ink, with the signature constrained to the block provided, and with no extraneous markings in the signature blocks. The signatures MUST BE the official signature of the individual signing. DO NOT use 'nicknames'. Use FMS Form 2958A to submit the 'Head of Agency' delegation, for the head of a Non-Federal organization participating in the ASAP program. Sections I, II, III, IV, and VI must be completed by the submitting organization. Check all authority blocks in Section I; this establishes the authorities of the 'Head of the Agency'. Check the appropriate block for type of action and complete Section II, with information on the individual to be designated as 'Head of Agency'. The 'Head of Agency' will manually sign all signature sample blocks in Section III, and the Delegator block in Section IV in black non-erasable ink. Signatures should be within the signature boxes provided on the form. Insert the return address and phone number for the 'Head of Agency' in Section VI. The organization will retain copy 4 and forward copies 1, 2, and 3 of the completed FMS Form 2958A, with a self-designation letter bearing the official seal of the organization, to the Financial Management Service. Mail to the Treasury Regional Financial Center (RFC), that is processing the organization's ASAP enrollment. On receipt, FMS will verify the designation, complete Section VII, and return copy 2 to the organization's servicing RFC, who will forward it to the 'Head of Agency', at the address provided in Section VI. The receipt of copy 2 signifies FMS' acceptance. On receipt of copy 2, the 'Head of Agency' should verify the contents of copy 2 against the retained copy 4 to ensure that no alterations occurred. 'Head of Agency' FMS Form 2958As that fail validation will be returned to the submitting organization, with an explanation of the rejection. 1135.30 - Expiration and Revocation Head of Agency delegations are valid for a period of two (2) years from effective date, unless revoked earlier. Two months prior to the expiration of a Head of Agency delegation, FMS will notify the Head of Agency of the pending expiration of the delegation, by mailing a 'Letter of Notification of Pre-Expiration' to the address listed in Section VI of the FMS Form 2958/2958A that documented the delegation. Delegations may be renewed by submitting an FMS Form 2958 or 2958A (as appropriate -must be a new [original] FMS Form 2958/2958A [photocopies of a previously submitted FMS Form 2958/2958A are not acceptable]) for the Head of Agency, with the Re-Delegation block checked. Delegations not renewed by their expiration date will become void as of that date and no further designations/delegations will be accepted from the individual. Once a Head of Agency delegation expires, a new delegation must be submitted to reinstate the Head of Agency authority for that individual. When a Head of Agency delegation expires or is revoked, this action has no effect on the delegations and/or designations that were made by the individual while the delegation was valid. (Example: If a properly designated Head of Agency were to sign an FMS 210 Certifying Officer designation on April 4, 1997, and subsequently leaves the agency (and ceased to be Head of Agency), on April 6, 1997, the Certifying Officer designation would remain valid for the normal two year effective period.) Actions regarding the status of a delegating or designating official have no impact on actions (FMS 2958s/2958As and FMS 210 Series Forms) that were previously signed by the official, while the official's authority was in effect. When an individual for whom a Head of Agency delegation is on file with FMS departs the Head of Agency assignment, or otherwise becomes ineligible (reassignment, retirement, death, etc.) to act as Head of Agency for funds disbursement purposes, the succeeding Head of Agency will forward an FMS Form 2958/2958A revoking the Head of Agency delegation of the departing/ineligible designee to FMS. Alternatively, the departing Head of Agency may sign the revocation. Revocations will be effective on the latter of the effective date requested by the agency or the date received and processed by FMS. A separate FMS Form 2958/2958A must be completed for the new Head of Agency. When using the FMS Form 2958 or 2958A to document a revocation, Sections I, II, IV, V, and VI must be completed by the submitting agency/organization. Section 1140 - Delegations of Designation Authority Delegations of Designation Authority are made to individuals designated to exercise delegation and/or designation authority for the Head of Agency. Such delegations must be for specific authorities as noted on the FMS Form 2958/2958A. For each authority delegated, it must be specified whether the authority MAY or MAY NOT be redelegated. No delegating official, other than the Head of Agency, may self-designate themself as a Certifying Officer for the agency (or as an ASAP Authorizing Official and/or Financial Official). 1140.10 - Procedure: FMS Form 2958 Sample copies of forms described in this section are located in the chapter's appendices. See the Appendices Listing at the end of this chapter for the specific form. NOTE: It is critically important that ALL applicable sections of FMS Form 2958 be completely and accurately filled in, by the submitting agency. All signatures must be in black, non- erasable ink, with the signature constrained to the block provided, and with no extraneous markings in the signature blocks. The signatures MUST BE the official signature of the individual signing. DO NOT use 'nicknames'. Use FMS Form 2958 to name individuals authorized to exercise delegation and/or designation authority for agency Certifying Officers, ECS Security Administrators, ECS Data Entry Operators, Designated Agents, Check Custodians, Encryption Officers, and other designations. Use FMS Form 2958A for ASAP related delegations and designations (see 1140.20, below). Sections I, II, III, IV, and VI must be completed by the submitting agency. Form instructions are located on the back of the form. The agency will retain copy 3 and forward copies 1 and 2 of the form to the Financial Management Service. See Contacts page for address. Note The individual signing an FMS Form 2958, as a Delegator, must have a valid FMS Form 2958 on file with FMS with re-delegation authority for the functions being delegated. On receipt of FMS Form 2958, FMS will verify the delegation, complete Section VII, and return copy 2 to the delegating official, at the address listed in Section VI, with an acceptance label affixed to the back of the form. The receipt of copy 2 signifies FMS' acceptance. On receipt of copy 2, the delegating official will verify the contents of copy 2 against the retained copy 3 to ensure that no alterations occurred. For FMS Forms 2958 that are rejected, copies 1 & 2 will be returned to the delegating official, at the address provided in Section VI, with a rejection label affixed to the back of the form, and a rejection report explaining the reason for rejection. 1140.20 - Procedure: FMS Form 2958A Sample copies of forms described in this section are located in the chapter's appendices. See the Appendices Listing at the end of this chapter for the specific form. NOTE: It is critically important that ALL applicable sections of FMS Form 2958A be completely and accurately filled in, by the submitting agency. All signatures must be in black, non-erasable ink, with the signature constrained to the block provided, and with no extraneous markings in the signature blocks. The signatures MUST BE the official signature of the individual signing. DO NOT use 'nicknames'. Use FMS Form 2958A to name individuals authorized to exercise delegation and/or designation authority for ASAP Authorizing Official and ASAP Financial Official designations. Use FMS Form 2958 for non- ASAP related delegations and designations (see 1140.10, above). Sections I, II, III, IV, and VI must be completed by the submitting agency. Form instructions are located on the back of the form. The originating organization will retain copy 4 and forward copies 1, 2, and 3 of the form to the Financial Management Service. Mail to the Treasury Regional Financial Center (RFC) that is processing the organization's ASAP enrollment. NOTE: The individual signing an FMS Form 2958A, as a Delegator, must have a valid FMS Form 2958A on file with FMS with re-delegation authority for the function(s) being delegated. On receipt of FMS Form 2958A, FMS will verify the delegation, complete Section VII, and return copy 2 to the servicing RFC, who will forward it to the delegating official, at the address listed in Section VI, with an acceptance label affixed to the back of the form. The receipt of copy 2 signifies FMS' acceptance. On receipt of copy 2, the delegating official will verify the contents of copy 2 against the retained copy 4 to ensure that no alterations occurred. For FMS Forms 2958A that are rejected, copies 1 & 2 will be returned to the delegating official, at the address provided in Section VI, with a rejection label affixed to the back of the form, and a rejection report explaining the reason for rejection. 1140.30 - Expiration and Revocation Delegations of designation authority are valid for a period of two (2) years from the effective date, unless revoked earlier. Two months prior to the expiration of the designation, FMS will notify the delegating official of the pending expiration of the delegation, by mailing a 'Letter of Notification of Pre- Expiration' to the address listed in Section VI of the FMS 2958/2958A that documented the delegation. Delegations may be renewed by submitting an FMS Form 2958 or 2958A (as appropriate -must be a new [original] FMS Form 2958/2958A [photocopies of a previously submitted FMS Form 2958/2958A are not acceptable]), with the Re-Delegation block checked. Delegations not renewed by their expiration date will become void as of that date and no further designations/delegations will be accepted from the individual. Once a delegation expires, a new delegation must be submitted to reinstate that individual. When a Delegation of Designation Authority expires or is revoked, the action has no effect on the delegations and/or designations that were made by the individual while the delegation was valid. (Example: If a properly designated Designating Official were to sign an FMS 210 Certifying Officer designation on April 4, 1997, and the individual left the agency (and ceased to be a valid Designating Official) on April 6, 1997, the Certifying Officer designation would remain valid for the normal two year effective period.) Actions regarding the status of a delegating or designating official have no impact on actions (FMS 2958s and FMS 210 Series Forms) that were previously signed by the official, while the official's authority was in effect. When an individual for whom a delegation is on file with FMS departs the assignment, or otherwise becomes ineligible to act (reassigned, retirement, death, etc.), the responsible delegating official will forward an FMS Form 2958 or 2958A revoking the delegation of the departing/ineligible designee to FMS as soon as possible. Revocations will be effective on the latter of the effective date requested by the agency or the date received and processed by FMS. When using the FMS Form 2958 or 2958A to document a revocation, Sections I, II, IV, V, and VI must be completed by the submitting agency. Section 1145 - Designation of Certifying Officer Certifying Officers are individuals to whom authority to approve disbursal of agency funds has been delegated, by a properly authorized designating official. The designating official must have a valid FMS Form 2958 on file with FMS, providing authority to designate Certifying Officers for the agency. Officials, other than Head of Agency, delegated designation authority for Certifying Officers, MAY NOT designate themselves as Certifying Officers. (When it is necessary for such an individual to be designated as a Certifying Officer, the designation must be made by an official one level, or more, higher in the designation chain.) 1145.10 - Procedure: FMS Form 210 Sample copies of forms described in this section are located in the chapter's appendices. See the Appendices Listing at the end of this chapter for the specific form. NOTE: It is critically important that ALL applicable sections of FMS Form 210, and 210ECS if applicable, be completely and accurately filled in, by the submitting agency. All signatures must be in black, non-erasable ink, with the signature constrained to the block provided, and with no extraneous markings in the signature blocks. The signatures MUST BE the official signature of the individual signing. DO NOT use 'nicknames'. Use FMS Form 210 to designate agency Certifying Officer(s) (CO). Sections I, II, III, IV, VI and VII must be completed by the submitting agency. Form instructions are provided on the back of the form. Check-off blocks are provided to indicate the purpose of the FMS 210 and the certification functions that are authorized. One or more of the certification functions must be checked, as appropriate. If the Electronic Certification function is checked, one (and only one) of the Electronic Certification Officer Type boxes (Master Certifying Officer, Transmission Certifying Officers, or Certifying Officer) must be checked, and an FMS Form 210ECS must be prepared and submitted, to facilitate assignment of ECS access. A single agency location may have only one (1) Master Certifying Officer at any one time. If the Certifying Officer designation is to provide FedSelect Authorized Issuing Officer (AIO) authority, check the 'Other' block and type in "FedSelect AIO". If the Certifying Officer designation is to provide agency ASAP authority, check the 'Other' block and enter "ASAP". The agency will retain copy 3 and forward copies 1 and 2 of the form to the Financial Management Service. See Contacts page for address. If required, FMS Form 210ECS must have Section I completed. NOTE: Certifying Officers authorized to certify for the Treasury ECS MAY NOT also be designated as ECS Security Administrators or ECS Data Entry Operators for the same agency location. Certifying Officers authorized as FedSelect Authorized Issuing Officers MAY NOT also be designated as FedSelect Check Custodians, for the same ALC(s). A Certifying Officer designated with ECS authority will be issued an ECS User ID, token (smartcard) and personal identification number (PIN) for use with the ECS. The receiving Certifying Officer must forward receipts for token and PIN to FMS, using FMS Form 210RC. The ECS User ID WILL NOT be activated until the receipt is received and validated. Instructions for FMS Form 210RC are provided on the face of the form. On receipt of an FMS Form 210, FMS will verify the designation, sign and return copy 2 to the designating official, at the address listed in Section VI of the form, with an acceptance label affixed to the back of the form. The receipt of copy 2 signifies FMS' acceptance. On receipt of copy 2, the designating official will verify the contents of copy 2 against the retained copy 3 to ensure that no alterations occurred. At the time of designation, the agency should advise the Certifying Officer of his/her legal responsibilities to certify vouchers according to 31 U.S.C. 3521, as amended. For FMS Forms 210 that are rejected, copies 1 & 2 will be returned to the designating official, at the address provided in Section VI, with a rejection label affixed to the back of the form, and a rejection report explaining the reason for rejection. Voucher-schedules will not be accepted from a newly designated Certifying Officer until the effective date shown on the FMS Form 210 of the Certifying Officer. Disbursing Officers may accept for payment only those voucher-schedules that contain the same organizational designation, agency location code (ALC) and the Certifying Officer's manual signature as that shown on the Certifying Officer's FMS Form 210. For voucher-schedules submitted via the Treasury Electronic Certification System (ECS), Disbursing Officers may accept for payment only those voucher-schedules containing the same organizational designation, agency location code, and the valid electronic signatures of the Certifying Officer and valid ECS Security Administrator. In all cases, the Agency Location Codes listed must correspond to the department, agency or establishment, and bureau or office shown on the FMS Form 210 for the Certifying Officer. 1145.20 - Expiration and Revocation Designations for Certifying Officers are valid for a period of two (2) years from the effective date, unless revoked earlier. Two months prior to the expiration of the designation, FMS will notify the designating official of the pending expiration of the designation, by mailing a 'Letter of Notification of Pre-Expiration' to the address listed in Section VI of the FMS Form 210 that documented the designation. If there are NO CHANGES in the details of the designation, it may be renewed by having an authorized Designating Official complete the "For Renewal Only" portion of the 'Letter of Notification of Pre-Expiration', and returning it to FMS, at the address specified in the letter. Designations that are about to expire, and for which there are no changes in the details of the designation, may also be renewed by submission of an 'Agency Initiated Letter of Renewal', signed by an authorized Designating Official. 'Agency Initiated Letters of Renewal' must be on the agency's letterhead; provide the name, type of designation, authorized ALCs, agency/bureau/division identification for the individual, and requested renewal date; and be signed by a Designating Official with a valid FMS Form 2958 on file with FMS, providing designation authority for Certifying Officers. An 'Agency Initiated Letter of Renewal' may be used to renew multiple designations, at the same time. Designations, for which the details have changed, or the designee's signature has altered significantly since the last designation, must be renewed by submitting an FMS Form 210 (must be a new [original] FMS Form 210 [photocopies of a previously submitted FMS Form 210 are not acceptable]) with the Re-Designation block checked. Designations not renewed by their expiration date will become void as of that date and no further certifications will be accepted from the individual. Once a designation expires, a new designation must be submitted, on FMS Form 210, to reinstate that individual. When an individual for whom a designation is on file with FMS departs or otherwise becomes ineligible to act, the responsible designating official will forward an FMS Form 210, revoking the designation of the departing/ineligible designee, to FMS. Revocations will be effective on the latter of the effective date requested by the agency or the date received and processed by FMS. When using the FMS Form 210 to document a revocation, Sections I, II, IV, V, VI, and VII must be completed by the submitting agency. 1145.30 - Requirements Applicable to Officers Certifying Vouchers to Assistant Disbursing Officers or to U.S. Disbursing Officers In instances where vouchers are to be certified to disbursing officers other than Treasury disbursing officers, namely Assistant Disbursing Officers or U.S. Disbursing Officers, FMS Form 210, with certifications and notices required as above, must be furnished as follows: 1) to the Assistant Disbursing Officer for payment; or 2) to FMS when the vouchers will be certified to U.S. Disbursing Officers. Section 1150 - Designation of Electronic Certification System (ECS) Security Administrator ECS Security Administrators are individuals to whom authority has been delegated to act as Security Administrator for the agency component of the Treasury Electronic Certification System (ECS). The designating official must have a valid FMS Form 2958 on file with FMS, providing authority to designate ECS Security Administrators for the agency. Since the ECS microcomputer cannot be used without a Security Administrator, it is normally desirable for several Security Administrators to be designated for each location that will use the ECS. NOTE: Individuals designated as ECS Security Administrators MAY NOT be designated as ECS Certifying Officers for the same agency location. Individuals designated as ECS Security Administrators will be issued ECS User ID, tokens (smartcards) and personal identification numbers (PINs) for use with the ECS. The receiving ECS Security Administrator must forward receipt(s) for token and PIN to FMS using FMS Form 210RS. The ECS User ID WILL NOT be activated until the receipt is received and validated. Instructions for FMS Form 210RS are provided on the face of the form. 1150.10 - Procedure: FMS Form 210S Sample copies of forms described in this section are located in the chapter's appendices. See the Appendices Listing at the end of this chapter for the specific form. NOTE: It is critically important that ALL applicable sections of FMS Form 210S and 210ECS be completely and accurately filled in, by the submitting agency. All signatures must be in black, non-erasable ink, with the signature constrained to the block provided, and with no extraneous markings in the signature blocks. The signatures MUST BE the official signature of the individual signing. DO NOT use 'nicknames'. Use FMS Form 210S to designate Electronic Certification System Security Administrators (SA). A separate form is required for each Administrator. Sections I, II, III, IV, VI and VII must be completed by the submitting agency. An FMS Form 210ECS must also be prepared and submitted for each Security Administrator being designated, to facilitate assignment of ECS access. Check-off blocks are provided to indicate the purpose of the FMS 210S and the Security Administrator type that is authorized. One and only one Security Administrator type block must be checked for Master Security Administrator, Transmission Security Administrator, or Security Administrator. A single agency location may have only one (1) Master Security Administrator at any one time. Form instructions are located on the back of the form. The agency will retain copy 3 and forward copies 1 and 2 of the form to the Financial Management Service. See Contacts page for address. For the FMS Form 210ECS, the agency must complete Section I. On receipt, FMS, will verify the designation, sign and return copy 2, of the FMS Form 210S, to the designating official, at the address provided in Section VI, with an acceptance label affixed to the back of the form. The receipt of copy 2 signifies FMS' acceptance. On receipt of copy 2, the designating official will verify the contents of copy 2 against the retained copy 3, to ensure that no alterations occurred. For FMS Forms 210S that are rejected, copies 1 & 2 will be returned to the designating official, at the address provided in Section VI, with a rejection label affixed to the back of the form, and a rejection report explaining the reason for rejection. At the time of designation, the agency should advise Security Administrators of their responsibilities to provide security for the ECS, as noted in applicable Treasury directives. For voucher-schedules submitted via the Treasury Electronic Certification System (ECS), disbursing officers may accept for payment only those containing the same organizational designation, agency location code, and the valid electronic signatures of a valid Certifying Officer and a valid ECS Security Administrator. 1150.20 - Expiration and Revocation Electronic Certification System Security Administrator designations are valid for a period of two (2) year from the effective date, unless revoked earlier. Two months prior to the expiration of the designation, FMS will notify the designating official of the pending expiration of the designation, by mailing a 'Letter of Notification of Pre-Expiration' to the address listed in Section VI of the FMS Form 210S that documented the designation. If there are NO CHANGES in the details of the designation, it may be renewed by having an authorized Designating Official complete the "For Renewal Only" portion of the 'Letter of Notification of Pre-Expiration', and returning it to FMS, at the address specified in the letter. Designations that are about to expire, and for which there are no changes in the details of the designation, may also be renewed by submission of an 'Agency Initiated Letter of Renewal', signed by an authorized Designating Official. 'Agency Initiated Letters of Renewal' must be on the agency's letterhead; provide the name, type of designation, authorized ALCs, agency/bureau/division identification for the individual, and requested renewal date; and be signed by a Designating Official with a valid FMS Form 2958 on file with FMS, providing designation authority for ECS Security Administrators. An 'Agency Initiated Letter of Renewal' may be used to renew multiple designations, at the same time. Designations, for which the details have changed, or the designee's signature has altered significantly since the last designation, must be renewed by submitting an FMS Form 210S (must be a new [original] FMS Form 210S [photocopies of a previously submitted FMS Form 210S are not acceptable]) with the Re-Designation block checked. Designations not renewed by their expiration date will become void as of that date and no further ECS transmissions will be accepted bearing the ID of the individual. Once a designation expires, a new designation must be submitted, on FMS Form 210S, to reinstate that individual. When an individual for whom a designation is on file with FMS departs or otherwise becomes ineligible to act, the responsible designating official will forward an FMS Form 210S, revoking the designation of the departing/ineligible designee, to FMS. Revocations will be effective on the latter of the effective date requested by the agency or the date received and processed by FMS. When using the FMS Form 210S to document a revocation, Sections I, II, IV, V, VI, and VII must be completed by the submitting agency. Section 1155 - Designation of ECS Data Entry Operators Data Entry Operators (DEOs) are individuals to whom authority to create and modify ECS payment requests, and transmit certified payment requests to Treasury Regional Financial Centers, has been delegated, by a properly authorized designating official. That designating official must have a valid FMS Form 2958 on file with FMS, providing authority to designate ECS Security Administrators for the agency. Data Entry Operators designated for the ECS function, prior to October 1997, will not be issued tokens (smartcards) and personal identification numbers (PINs), as for Security Administrators and Certifying Officers, but will be issued ECS User IDs for use with the ECS. After October 1, 1997, FMS will commence issuance of tokens (smartcards) and PINs, in addition to ECS User IDs, to ECS Data Entry Operators using Version P8.0, or later of the ECS software. FMS will provide Data Entry Operator ECS User IDs, tokens and PINs only to properly designated individuals. The receiving Data Entry Operators must forward receipts for ECS User IDs (and token and PIN, where applicable) to FMS using FMS Form 210RD. Instructions for FMS Form 210RD are provided on the face of the form. ECS User IDs WILL NOT be activated until receipts are received. 1155.10 - Procedure: FMS Form 210DEO Sample copies of forms described in this section are located in the chapter's appendices. See the Appendices Listing at the end of this chapter for the specific form. NOTE: It is critically important that ALL applicable sections of FMS Form 210DEO and 210ECS be completely and accurately filled in, by the submitting agency. All signatures must be in black, non-erasable ink, with the signature constrained to the block provided, and with no extraneous markings in the signature blocks. The signatures MUST BE the official signature of the individual signing. DO NOT use 'nicknames'. Use FMS Form 210DEO to designate ECS Data Entry Operator(s). Form instructions are provided on the back of the form. Sections I, II, III, IV, VI and VII must be completed by the submitting agency. An FMS Form 210ECS must also be prepared and submitted for each Data Entry Operator being designated, to facilitate assignment of ECS access. Form instructions are located on the back of the form. The Agency Location Code(s) (ALC) corresponding to the department, establishment or agency, and the bureau or office for which the ECS Data Entry Operator will create, modify and/or transmit payment requests must be entered in Section I. The agency will retain copy 3 and forward copies 1 and 2 of the form to the Financial Management Service. See Contacts page for address. On receipt, FMS, will verify the designation, sign and return copy 2 to the designating official, at the address provided in Section VI, with an acceptance label affixed to the back of the form. The receipt of copy 2 signifies FMS' acceptance. On receipt of copy 2, the designating official will verify the contents of copy 2 against the retained copy 3 to ensure that no alterations occurred. At the time of designation, the agency should advise the ECS Data Entry Operators of their legal and ethical responsibilities. For FMS Forms 210DEO that are rejected, copies 1 & 2 will be returned to the designating official, at the address provided in Section VI, with a rejection label affixed to the back of the form, and a rejection report explaining the reason for rejection. An individual MAY NOT be designated as both an ECS Data Entry Operator and ECS Certifying Officer, for the same Agency Location(s). 1155.20 - Expiration and Revocation CS Data Entry Operator designations are valid for a period of two (2) years from the effective date, unless revoked earlier. Two months prior to the expiration of the designation, FMS will notify the designating official of the pending expiration of the designation, by mailing a 'Letter of Notification of Pre-Expiration' to the address listed in Section VI of the FMS Form 210DEO that documented the designation. If there are NO CHANGES in the details of the designation, it may be renewed by having an authorized Designating Official complete the "For Renewal Only" portion of the 'Letter of Notification of Pre-Expiration', and returning it to FMS, at the address specified in the letter. Designations that are about to expire, and for which there are no changes in the details of the designation, may also be renewed by submission of an 'Agency Initiated Letter of Renewal', signed by an authorized Designating Official. 'Agency Initiated Letters of Renewal' must be on the agency's letterhead; provide the name, type of designation, authorized ALCs, agency/bureau/division identification for the individual, and requested renewal date; and be signed by a Designating Official with a valid FMS Form 2958 on file with FMS, providing designation authority for ECS Security Administrators. An 'Agency Initiated Letter of Renewal' may be used to renew multiple designations, at the same time. Designations, for which the details have changed, or the designee's signature has altered significantly since the last designation, must be renewed by submitting an FMS Form 210DEO (must be a new [original] FMS Form 210DEO [photocopies of a previously submitted FMS Form 210DEO are not acceptable]) with the Re-Designation block checked. Designations not renewed by their expiration date will become void as of that date and the ECS User ID of the individual will be deactivated. Once a designation expires, a new designation must be submitted, on FMS Form 210DEO, to reinstate that individual. When an individual for whom a designation is on file with FMS departs or otherwise becomes ineligible to act, the responsible designating official will forward an FMS Form 210DEO, revoking the designation of the departing/ineligible designee, to FMS. Revocations will be effective on the latter of the effective date requested by the agency or the date received and processed by FMS. When using the FMS Form 210DEO to document a revocation, Sections I, II, IV, V, VI, and VII must be completed by the submitting agency. Section 1160 - Designation of Designated Agent to receive and deliver checks Designated Agents are individuals to whom authority is delegated to receive & deliver checks drawn on agency funds. Treasury prefers that all payments be remitted directly to the financial institution of the payee/recipient, for crediting to their account, or direct mailed (in the case of checks). However, it is understood that under some circumstances it may be necessary for an agency to pick up or receive checks from a Treasury Regional Financial Center, upon approval of the Disbursing Officer, for direct delivery to the payee/recipient. NOTE: Treasury has now transferred all U.S. Savings Bond production, for the payroll savings plan, to the Federal Reserve Bank of Pittsburgh. Any arrangements for Designated Agent delivery of U.S. Savings Bonds must now be made with that institution. 1160.10 - Procedure: FMS Form 210D Sample copies of forms described in this section are located in the chapter's appendices. See the Appendices Listing at the end of this chapter for the specific form. NOTE: It is critically important that ALL applicable sections of FMS Form 210D be completely and accurately filled in, by the submitting agency. All signatures must be in black, non-erasable ink, with the signature constrained to the block provided, and with no extraneous markings in the signature blocks. The signatures MUST BE the official signature of the individual signing. DO NOT use 'nicknames'. Use FMS Form 210D to designate Designated Agent(s) to receive and deliver checks. Sections I, II, III, IV, VI and VII must be completed by the submitting agency. Form instructions are located on the back of the form. Enter the DA number assigned to the individual on the 'Name of Designee' line in Section II. Arrangements for delivery/pickup of checks for DA delivery must be made with the Regional Financial Center (RFC), that will produce them, prior to submission of FMS Form 210D. The agency will retain copy 3 and forward copies 1 and 2 of the form to the Financial Management Service. See Contacts page for address. On receipt, FMS, will verify the designation, sign and return copy 2 to the designating official, at the address provided in Section VI of the form, with an acceptance label affixed to the back of the form. The receipt of copy 2 signifies FMS' acceptance. On receipt of copy 2, the designating official will verify the contents of copy 2 against the retained copy 3 to ensure that no alterations occurred. At the time of designation, the agency should advise the Designated Agents of their legal and ethical responsibilities. For FMS Forms 210D that are rejected, copies 1 & 2 will be returned to the designating official, at the address provided in Section VI, with a rejection label affixed to the back of the form, and a rejection report explaining the reason for rejection. The Agency Location Code(s) corresponding to the department, establishment or agency, and the bureau or office for which the Designated Agent will receive checks should be entered in Section I. When an individual is designated to receive checks for another organization, for example, another department or bureau, a separate FMS 210D will be required for that department or bureau. 1160.20 - Expiration and Revocation Designated Agent designations are valid for a period of two (2) years from the effective date, unless revoked earlier. Two months prior to the expiration of the designation, FMS will notify the designating official of the pending expiration of the designation, by mailing a 'Letter of Notification of Pre-Expiration to the address listed in Section VI of the FMS Form 210D that documented the designation. If there are NO CHANGES in the details of the designation, it may be renewed by having an authorized Designating Official complete the "For Renewal Only" portion of the 'Letter of Notification of Pre-Expiration', and returning it to FMS, at the address specified in the letter. Designations that are about to expire, and for which there are no changes in the details of the designation, may also be renewed by submission of an 'Agency Initiated Letter of Renewal', signed by an authorized Designating Official. 'Agency Initiated Letters of Renewal' must be on the agency's letterhead; provide the name, type of designation, authorized ALCs, agency/bureau/division identification for the individual, and requested renewal date; and be signed by an authorized Designating Official with a valid FMS Form 2958 on file with FMS, providing designation authority. An 'Agency Initiated Letter of Renewal' may be used to renew multiple designations, at the same time. Designations, for which the details have changed, or the designee's signature has altered significantly since the last designation, must be renewed by submitting an FMS Form 210D (must be a new[original] FMS Form 210D [photocopies of a previously submitted FMS Form 210D are not acceptable]) with the Re-Designation block checked. Designations not renewed by their expiration date will become void as of that date and no further checks will be released to the individual. Once a designation expires, a new designation must be submitted, on FMS Form 210D, to reinstate that individual. When an individual for whom a designation is on file with FMS departs or otherwise becomes ineligible to act, the responsible designating official will forward an FMS Form 210D, revoking the designation of the departing/ineligible designee, to FMS. Revocations will be effective on the latter of the effective date requested by the agency and the date received and processed by FMS. When using the FMS Form 210D to document a revocation, Sections I, II, IV, V, VI, and VII must be completed by the submitting agency. 1160.30 - Procedure: Standard Form 1195 Sample copies of forms described in this section are located in the chapter's appendices. See the Appendices Listing at the end of this chapter for the specific form. NOTE: It is critically important that ALL applicable sections of Standard Form 1195 (SF-1195) be completely and accurately filled in, by the submitting agency. All signatures must be in black, non-erasable ink, with the signature constrained to the block provided, and with no extraneous markings in the signature blocks. The signatures MUST BE the official signature of the individual signing. DO NOT use 'nicknames'. Use SF-1195 to designate Designated Agent(s), by Position Title, to receive and deliver checks. Sections I must be completed by the submitting agency. Enter the Name and Location of the Disbursing Officer that will be releasing checks to the DA. Enter the ALC for which checks will be delivered by the DA. Enter the Position Title, Agency and Address of the DA. Check the 'Checks' block. An authorized Designating Official, with an active FMS Form 2958 on file with FMS, must sign as the Recommending Officer. Enter the Title and Address of the Designating Official. Arrangements for delivery/pickup of checks for DA delivery must be made with the Regional Financial Center (RFC), that will produce them, prior to submission of SF-1195. The agency will retain copy 4 and forward copies 1, 2 and 3 of the form to the Regional Financial Center that will produce the checks, to the attention of the Disbursing Officer. See Contacts page for address. On receipt, FMS, will verify the designation, enter the name of the current incumbent of the position, sign and return copy 3 to the designating official, at the address provided in Section I of the form, with an acceptance label affixed to the back of the form. The receipt of copy 3 signifies FMS' acceptance. On receipt of copy 3, the designating official will verify the contents of copy 3 against the retained copy 4) to ensure that no alterations occurred. Copy 2, of the form, will be sent to the incumbent of the position designated as a DA. At the time of designation, the agency should advise the Designated Agents of their legal and ethical responsibilities. For SF-1195 that are rejected, copies 1, 2 & 3 will be returned to the designating official, at the address provided in Section I, with a rejection label affixed to the back of the form, and a rejection report explaining the reason for rejection. 1160.40 - Expiration and Revocation, of DA Designated by Position Title Designated Agent designations, by Position Title, are valid until revoked. When a Designated Agent designation by Position Title is no longer required, the responsible designating official will forward an SF-1195, revoking the designation of the Position Title designation, to the Disbursing Officer to whom the original designation was submitted. Revocations will be effective on the latter of the effective date requested by the agency or the date received and processed by FMS. When using the SF-1195 to document a revocation, Section I must be completed by the submitting agency. Section 1165 - Designation of Check Custodian, for blank Treasury check stock The Check Custodian is a function of the FedSelect check system. FedSelect is a system which allows participating agencies to produce check type draft payments locally, using an FMS computing system and associated on-line agency computer equipment with blank check stock furnished through Treasury. Check Custodians are individuals to whom authority to order, receive and hold blank Treasury check stock has been delegated. The designating official must have a valid FMS Form 2958 on file with FMS, providing Certifying Officer designation authority for the agency. Disbursing officers may distribute check stock only to properly designated Check Custodians, Agency Location Codes, and shipping addresses shown on the FMS Form 210C. All requests for check stock must be documented on FMS Form 210RX, which must bear the same Check Custodian name, ALC, and shipping address as shown on the FMS 210C designating the Check Custodian. The original signature on the FMS 210RX must match the signature samples provided on FMS 210C. NOTE: Check Custodians authorized to order, receive and hold Treasury check stock MAY NOT also be designated as a Certifying Officer (Authorized Issuing Officer) for payments utilizing the check stock. 1165.10 - Preparation of FMS Form 210C Sample copies of forms described in this section are located in the chapter's appendices. See the Appendices Listing at the end of this chapter for the specific form. NOTE: It is critically important that ALL applicable sections of FMS Form 210C be completely and accurately filled in, by the submitting agency. All signatures must be in black, non-erasable ink, with the signature constrained to the block provided, and with no extraneous markings in the signature blocks. The signatures MUST BE the official signature of the individual signing. DO NOT use 'nicknames'. Use FMS Form 210C to designate Check Custodian(s), for blank Treasury check stock. This form must be prepared at the department, agency, or bureau level for which blank Treasury check stock will be held. Sections I, II, III, IV, VI and VII must be completed by the submitting agency. Form instructions are located on the back of the form. The Agency Location Code(s) corresponding to the department, establishment or agency, and the bureau or office for which the Check Custodian will order, receive and hold check stock must be entered in Section I. The agency will retain copy 3 and forward copies 1 and 2 of the form to the Financial Management Service. See Contacts page for address. On receipt, FMS, will verify the designation, sign and return copy 2 to the designating official, at the address provided in Section VI, with an acceptance label affixed to the back of the form. The receipt of copy 2 signifies FMS' acceptance. On receipt of copy 2, the designating official will verify the contents of copy 2 against the retained copy 3 to ensure that no alterations occurred. At the time of designation, the agency should advise Check Custodians of their legal and ethical responsibilities. For FMS Forms 210C that are rejected, copies 1 & 2 will be returned to the delegating official, at the address provided in Section VI, with a rejection label affixed to the back of the form, and a rejection report explaining the reason for rejection. 1165.20 - Expiration and Revocation Check Custodian designations are valid for a period of two (2) years from the effective date, unless revoked earlier. Two months prior to the expiration of the designation, FMS will notify the designating official of the pending expiration of the designation, by mailing a letter of notification of pending expiration to the address listed in Section VI of the FMS Form 210C that documented the designation. If there are NO CHANGES in the details of the designation, it may be renewed by having an authorized Designating Official complete the "For Renewal Only" portion of the 'Letter of Notification of Pre-Expiration', and returning it to FMS, at the address specified in the letter. Designations that are about to expire, and for which there are no changes in the details of the designation, may also be renewed by submission of an 'Agency Initiated Letter of Renewal', signed by an authorized Designating Official. 'Agency Initiated Letters of Renewal' must be on the agency's letterhead; provide the name, type of designation, authorized ALCs, agency/bureau/division identification for the individual, and requested renewal date; and be signed by an authorized Designating Official with a valid FMS Form 2958 on file with FMS, providing designation authority for Certifying Officers. An 'Agency Initiated Letter of Renewal' may be used to renew multiple designations, at the same time. Designations, for which the details have changed, or the designee's signature has altered significantly since the last designation, must be renewed by submitting an FMS Form 210C (must be a new [original] FMS Form 210C [photocopies of a previously submitted FMS Form 210C are not acceptable]) with the Re-Designation block checked. Designations not renewed by their expiration date will become void as of that date and no further check stock will be released to the individual. Once a designation expires, a new designation must be submitted, on FMS Form 210C, to reinstate that individual. When an individual for whom a designation is on file with FMS departs or otherwise becomes ineligible to act, the responsible designating official will forward an FMS Form 210C, revoking the designation of the departing/ineligible designee, to FMS. Revocations will be effective on the latter of the effective date requested by the agency or the date received and processed by FMS. When using the FMS Form 210C to document a revocation, Sections I, II, IV, V, VI and VII must be completed by the submitting agency. Section 1170 - Designation of Encryption Officers for Treasury Telecommunications Systems Treasury regulations require that telecommunication links used to transmit payment request data files be protected by encryption. The use of encryption devices entail the generation, distribution, loading, and protection of encryption keys (secret data strings used to encrypt data). Agencies intending to connect to the FMS Wide Area Network, or use other telecommunication facilities to transmit payment request files to Treasury Regional Financial Centers, must designate Encryption Officers to FMS whenever any portion of the encryption management function is to be entrusted to personnel of that agency. Currently, the majority of agency telecommunication connections to the FMS Wide Area Network (FMS WAN) have the encryption management functions performed by Treasury contractors, which obviates the need for agencies to designate Encryption Officers. Encryption Officers ARE NOT required for the Treasury Electronic Certification System (ECS), as the ECS Security Administrators perform that function for the ECS. 1170.10 - Preparation of FMS Form 210E Sample copies of forms described in this section are located in the chapter's appendices. See the Appendices Listing at the end of this chapter for the specific form. NOTE: It is critically important that ALL applicable sections of FMS Form 210E be completely and accurately filled in, by the submitting agency. All signatures must be in black, non-erasable ink, with the signature constrained to the block provided, and with no extraneous markings in the signature blocks. The signatures MUST BE the official signature of the individual signing. DO NOT use 'nicknames'. Use FMS Form 210E to designate Encryption Officers. When Encryption Officers are required, the agency must designate both an Encryption Officer One (EO1) and an Encryption Officer Two (EO2), which may not be the same individual. Sections I, II, III, IV, VI, and VII must be completed by the submitting agency. The connection(s) and application(s) for which the Encryption Officer will have responsibility should be entered in Section I. Check-off blocks are provided to indicate the purpose of the FMS 210E, the status of the connection (host or remote - the host is the controlling end of the connection, the remote is the other end, the Treasury end would normally be the Host) and the Encryption Officer type that is authorized. Form instructions are located on the back of the form. The agency will retain copy 3 and forward copies 1 and 2 of the form to the Financial Management Service. See Contacts page for address. On receipt, FMS, will verify the designation, sign and return copy 2 to the designating official, at the address provided in Section VI, with an acceptance label affixed to the back of the form. The receipt of copy 2 signifies FMS' acceptance. On receipt of copy 2, the designating official will verify the contents of copy 2 against the retained copy 3 to ensure that no alterations occurred. At the time of designation, the agency should advise the Encryption Officers of their legal and ethical responsibilities. For FMS Forms 210E that are rejected, copies 1 & 2 will be returned to the delegating official, at the address provided in Section VI, with a rejection label affixed to the back of the form, and a rejection report explaining the reason for rejection. 1170.20 - Expiration and Revocation Encryption Officer designations are valid for two (2) years from the effective date, unless revoked earlier. Two months prior to the expiration of the designation, FMS will notify the designating official of the pending expiration of the designation, by mailing a letter of notification of pending expiration to the address listed in Section VI of the FMS Form 210E that documented the designation. If there are NO CHANGES in the details of the designation, it may be renewed by having an authorized Designating Official complete the "For Renewal Only" portion of the 'Letter of Notification of Pre-Expiration', and returning it to FMS, at the address specified in the letter. Designations that are about to expire, and for which there are no changes in the details of the designation, may also be renewed by submission of an 'Agency Initiated Letter of Renewal', signed by an authorized Designating Official. 'Agency Initiated Letters of Renewal' must be on the agency's letterhead; provide the name, type of designation, authorized ALCs, agency/bureau/division identification for the individual, and requested renewal date; and be signed by an authorized Designating Official with a valid FMS Form 2958 on file with FMS, providing designation authority for Encryption Officers. An 'Agency Initiated Letter of Renewal' may be used to renew multiple designations, at the same time. Designations, for which the details have changed, or the designee's signature has altered significantly since the last designation, must be renewed by submitting an FMS Form 210E (must be a new [original] FMS Form 210E [photocopies of a previously submitted FMS Form 210E are not acceptable]) with the Re-Designation block checked. Designations not renewed by their expiration date will become void as of that date and no further checks will be released to the individual. Once a designation expires, a new designation must be submitted, on FMS Form 210E, to reinstate that individual. When an individual for whom a designation is on file with FMS departs or otherwise becomes ineligible to act, the responsible designating official will forward an FMS Form 210E, revoking the designation of the departing/ineligible designee, to FMS. Revocations will be effective on the latter of the effective date requested by the agency or the date received and processed by FMS. When using the FMS Form 210E to document a revocation, Sections I, II, IV, V, VI and VII must be completed by the submitting agency. Section 1175 - Designation of ASAP Authorizing Officials and/or Financial Officials ASAP Authorizing Officials (AO) and Financial Officials (FO) are positions required for a Non-Federal organization (recipient) to participate in the Automated Standard System for Payments (ASAP) program. ASAP AOs are individuals to whom authority to approve (certify) ASAP organization enrollment documents and designation of organization personnel as ASAP Users has been delegated, by a properly authorized ASAP designating official. ASAP FOs are individuals to whom authority to approve (certify) ASAP Payment Requestor Bank Information has been delegated, by a properly authorized ASAP designating official. The ASAP designating official must have a valid FMS Form 2958A on file with FMS, providing authority to designate Authorizing Officials and/or Financial Officials for the organization. Officials, other than ASAP Head of Agency, delegated designation authority for Authorizing Officials and/or Financial Officials may not designate themself as Authorizing or Financial Officials. (When it is necessary for such an individual to be designated as an AO and/or FO, the designation must be made by an official one level higher in the designation chain.) 1175.10 - Procedure: FMS Form 210A Sample copies of forms described in this section are located in the chapter's appendices. See the Appendices Listing at the end of this chapter for the specific form. NOTE: It is critically important that ALL applicable sections of FMS Form 210A be completely and accurately filled in, by the submitting agency. All signatures must be in black, non-erasable ink, with the signature constrained to the block provided, and with no extraneous markings in the signature blocks. The signatures MUST BE the official signature of the individual signing. DO NOT use 'nicknames'. Use FMS Form 210A to designate organization ASAP Authorizing Official(s) (AO) and/or ASAP Financial Officials (FO). Sections I, II, III, IV, VI and VII must be completed by the submitting agency. Form instructions are provided on the back of the form. Check-off blocks are provided to indicate the purpose of the FMS 210A and the certification functions that are authorized. One or more of the certification functions must be checked, as appropriate. The designating official should retain copy 4 of the FMS Form 210A, and forward copies 1, 2, and 3 to the Regional Financial Center that is servicing the organization's ASAP enrollment. On receipt of an FMS Form 210A, FMS will verify the designation, sign and return copy 2 to the designating official, at the address listed in Section VI of the form, with an acceptance label affixed to the back of the form. The receipt of copy 2 signifies FMS' acceptance. On receipt of copy 2, the designating official will verify the contents of copy 2 against the retained copy 4 to ensure that no alterations occurred. At the time of designation, the organization should advise the ASAP Authorizing Official and/or Financial Official of his/her legal responsibilities in the ASAP program. For FMS Forms 210A that are rejected, copies 1 & 2 will be returned to the designating official, at the address provided in Section VI, with a rejection label affixed to the back of the form, and a rejection report explaining the reason for rejection. 1175.20 - Expiration and Revocation Designations for ASAP Authorizing and/or Financial Officials are valid for a period of two (2) years from the effective date, unless revoked earlier. Two months prior to the expiration of the designation, FMS will notify the designating official of the pending expiration of the designation, by mailing a 'Letter of Notification of Pre-Expiration' to the address listed in Section VI of the FMS Form 210A that documented the designation. If there are NO CHANGES in the details of the designation, it may be renewed by having an authorized Designating Official complete the "For Renewal Only" portion of the 'Letter of Notification of Pre-Expiration', and returning it to FMS, at the address specified in the letter. Designations that are about to expire, and for which there are no changes in the details of the designation, may also be renewed by submission of an 'ASAP Organization Initiated Letter of Renewal', signed by an authorized Designating Official. 'ASAP Organization Initiated Letters of Renewal' must be on the organization's letterhead; provide the name, type of designation, authorized ALCs, organization and component identification for the individual, and requested renewal date; and be signed by an ASAP Designating Official with a valid FMS Form 2958A on file with FMS, providing designation authority for Authorizing Officials and/or Financial Officials. An 'ASAP Organization Initiated Letter of Renewal' may be used to renew multiple designations, at the same time. Designations, for which the details have changed, or the designee's signature has altered significantly since the last designation, must be renewed by submitting an FMS Form 210A (must be a new [original] FMS Form 210A [photocopies of a previously submitted FMS Form 210A are not acceptable]) with the Re-Designation block checked. Designations not renewed by their expiration date will become void as of that date and no further certifications will be accepted from the individual. Once a designation expires, a new designation must be submitted, on FMS Form 210A, to reinstate that individual. When an individual for whom a designation is on file with FMS departs or otherwise becomes ineligible to act, the responsible designating official will forward an FMS Form 210A, revoking the designation of the departing/ineligible designee, to FMS. Revocations will be effective on the latter of the effective date requested by the organization or the date received and processed by FMS. When using the FMS Form 210A to document a revocation, Sections I, II, IV, V, VI, and VII must be completed by the submitting organization. Section 1180 - Use of FMS Form 210ECS FMS Form 210ECS is a multi-use form, that serves a number of purposes. The form is a three-part, self carbon, form set, with instructions for completion of the form on the reverse. The form may be completed via typewriter, impact printer, or by hand. FMS Form 210ECS may be used as follows: o In conjunction with FMS Form 210, 210DEO, or 210S to request issuance of ECS ID, token and PIN for a Certifying Officer being designated with ECS certification Authority, ECS ID (ECS ID, token and PIN, after October 1, 1997) for an ECS Data Entry Operator being newly designated, or ID token and PIN for an ECS Security Administrator being newly designated. o In conjunction with FMS Form 210, 210DEO, or 210S to notify FMS of any changes regarding ECS Certifying Officers, Data Entry Operators or Security Administrators, who have already been designated (such as addition or deletion of authorized ALCs, CO or SA type changes, addition or deletion of authorized Disbursing offices, name changes, etc.). o Used alone to notify FMS of ECS Personnel Type changes for ECS Certifying Officers and Security Administrators that have been previously designated (such as from SA to TSA, TSA to MSA, CO to MCO, etc.). o Used alone to notify FMS of revocation of designated authority for ECS Security Administrators or ECS Data Entry Operators. (MAY NOT be used to revoke certification authority of Certifying Officers.) o Used alone to notify FMS of changes in the Disbursing Office Locations for an existing ECS Certifying Officer, Data Entry Operator, or Security Administrator. o Used alone to notify FMS of changes (additions or deletions) to ALCs that an ECS Certifying Officer, Data Entry Operator, or Security Administrator may exercise authority for. 1180.10 - FMS Form 210ECS used, in conjunction with an FMS Form 210, 210DEO, or 210S, as a request for issuance of ECS token, PIN and ID for individuals being designated as Certifying Officers with ECS certification authority, Data Entry Operator, or Security Administrator All new Certifying Officer designations submitted to FMS, on FMS Form 210, must be accompanied by an FMS Form 210ECS, with Section I completed, whenever the designation includes authority to certify payment schedules using the Treasury Electronic Certification System (ECS). All new ECS Data Entry Operator and ECS Security Officer designations submitted to FMS, on FMS Form 210DEO and 210S, must be accompanied by an FMS Form 210 ECS, with Section I completed. For Certifying Officers, date the top of the form and complete the following elements in Section I of the FMS Form 210ECS: Authorized ALCs; Agency MSA name and ECS system address; check for new or existing ECS Site (as appropriate), if existing site, enter FPA-ID and PC-ID; check New Designation; list reason(s) for action in comments; check Certifying Officer block under ECS Personnel Type, and check proper sub-type (MCO, TCO or CO); enter name, phone, and title of the CO designee; the effective date of the designation; the Primary FMS Regional Financial Center (RFC) providing service to the agency (this is the RFC with which the agency has its primary 'business' arrangement); and any other RFCs that will be used by the agency. Enter the name, title, agency, Bureau, and Division for the Designating Official (must have an FMS Form 2958 on file with FMS, providing designation authority for Certifying Officers). The Designating Official must sign in the Designator Signature Block, using black, non-erasable ink. The signature should be constrained within the box provided, and be the official signature of the signer. For ECS Data Entry Operators, date the top of the form and complete the following elements in Section I of the FMS Form 210ECS: Authorized ALCs; Agency MSA name and ECS system address; check for new or existing ECS Site (as appropriate), if existing site, enter FPA-ID and PC-ID; check New Designation; list reason(s) for action in comments; check Data Entry Operator block under ECS Personnel Type; enter name, phone, and title of the DEO designee; the effective date of the designation; the Primary FMS Regional Financial Center (RFC) providing service to the agency (this is the RFC with which the agency has its primary 'business' arrangement); and any other RFCs that will be used by the agency. Enter the name, title, agency, Bureau, and Division for the Designating Official (must have an FMS Form 2958 on file with FMS, providing designation authority for ECS Security Administrators). The Designating Official must sign in the Designator Signature Block, using black, non-erasable ink. The signature should be constrained within the box provided, and be the official signature of the signer. For Security Administrators, date the top of the form and complete the following elements in Section I of the FMS Form 210ECS: Authorized ALCs; Agency MSA name and ECS system address; check for new or existing ECS Site (as appropriate), if existing site, enter FPA-ID and PC-ID; check New Designation; list reason(s) for action in comments; check Security Administrator block under ECS Personnel Type, and check proper sub-type (MSA, TSA or SA); enter name, phone, and title of the SA designee; the effective date of the designation; the Primary FMS Regional Financial Center (RFC) providing service to the agency (this is the RFC with which the agency has its primary 'business' arrangement); and any other RFCs that will be used by the agency. Enter the name, title, agency, Bureau, and Division for the Designating Official (must have an FMS Form 2958 on file with FMS, providing designation authority for ECS Security Administrators). The Designating Official must sign in the Designator Signature Block, using black, non-erasable ink. The signature should be constrained within the box provided, and be the official signature of the signer. Retain copy 3 of the FMS Form 210ECS, and forward copies 1 & 2 to FMS, with the corresponding FMS Form 210, 210DEO, or 210S. (Address is provided on the top of the form.) All re-designations of Certifying Officer submitted to FMS, on FMS Form 210, must be accompanied by an FMS Form 210ECS, with Section I completed, whenever the designation includes authority to certify payment schedules using the Treasury Electronic Certification System (ECS). All re-designations of ECS Data Entry Operator and ECS Security Officer designations submitted to FMS, on FMS Form 210DEO and 210S, must be accompanied by an FMS Form 210 ECS, with Section I completed. Complete FMS Form 210ECS Section I in the same manner as for new designations, above, with the following exceptions: under ECS User Site, check Existing ECS Site and enter FPA-ID and PC-ID; and under Designation Action, check Re-Designation and enter the existing User-ID of the designee. 1180.20 - FMS Form 210ECS used, in conjunction with an FMS Form 210, 210DEO, or 210S, to request changes (including revocation) regarding ECS Certifying Officers, Data Entry Operators, or Security Administrators, who were previously designated All changes (ALCs, certification authority, name changes, revocation, etc) regarding Certifying Officer designations submitted to FMS, on FMS Form 210, must be accompanied by an FMS Form 210ECS, with Section I completed, whenever the designation includes authority to certify payment schedules using the Treasury Electronic Certification System (ECS). All changes (ALCs, authority, name changes, revocation, etc) regarding ECS Data Entry Operator and ECS Security Officer designations submitted to FMS, on FMS Form 210DEO and 210S, must be accompanied by an FMS Form 210 ECS, with Section I completed. For Certifying Officers, date the top of the form and complete the following elements in Section I of the FMS Form 210ECS: Authorized ALCs; Agency MSA name and ECS system address; check for existing ECS Site, enter FPA-ID and PC-ID; check Re-Designation or Revocation, as appropriate and enter User-ID; list reason(s) for action in comments; check Certifying Officer block under ECS Personnel Type, and check proper sub-type (MCO, TCO or CO); enter name, phone, and title of the CO designee; the effective date of the change being documented; the Primary FMS Regional Financial Center (RFC) providing service to the agency (this is the RFC with which the agency has its primary 'business' arrangement); and any other RFCs that will be used by the agency. Enter the name, title, agency, Bureau, and Division for the Designating Official (must have an FMS Form 2958 on file with FMS, providing designation authority for Certifying Officers). The Designating Official must sign in the Designator Signature Block, using black, non-erasable ink. The signature should be constrained within the box provided, and be the official signature of the signer. For ECS Data Entry Operators, date the top of the form and complete the following elements in Section I of the FMS Form 210ECS: Authorized ALCs; Agency MSA name and ECS system address; check for existing ECS Site, enter FPA-ID and PC-ID; check Re- Designation or Revocation, as appropriate and enter User-ID; list reason(s) for action in comments; check Data Entry Operator block under ECS Personnel Type; enter name, phone, and title of the DEO designee; the effective date of the change; the Primary FMS Regional Financial Center (RFC) providing service to the agency (this is the RFC with which the agency has its primary 'business' arrangement); and any other RFCs that will be used by the agency. Enter the name, title, agency, Bureau, and Division for the Designating Official (must have an FMS Form 2958 on file with FMS, providing designation authority for Certifying Officers). The Designating Official must sign in the Designator Signature Block, using black, non-erasable ink. The signature should be constrained within the box provided, and be the official signature of the signer. For Security Administrators, date the top of the form and complete the following elements in Section I of the FMS Form 210ECS: Authorized ALCs; Agency MSA name and ECS system address; check for existing ECS Site, enter FPA-ID and PC-ID; check Re- Designation or Revocation, as appropriate and enter User-ID; list reason(s) for action in comments; check Security Administrator block under ECS Personnel Type, and check proper sub-type (MSA, TSA or SA); enter name, phone, and title of the SA designee; the effective date of the change; the Primary FMS Regional Financial Center (RFC) providing service to the agency (this is the RFC with which the agency has its primary 'business' arrangement); and any other RFCs that will be used by the agency. Enter the name, title, agency, Bureau, and Division for the Designating Official (must have an FMS Form 2958 on file with FMS, providing designation authority for Security Administrators). The Designating Official must sign in the Designator Signature Block, using black, non-erasable ink. The signature should be constrained within the box provided, and be the official signature of the signer. Retain copy 3 of the FMS Form 210ECS, and forward copies 1 & 2 to FMS, with the corresponding FMS Form 210, 210DEO, or 210S. (Address is provided on the top of the form.) 1180.30 - FMS Form 210ECS used to request Personnel Type changes for previously designated ECS Certifying Officers and Security Administrators When an agency determines that it is necessary to change the ECS Personnel Type of an ECS Certifying Officer or Security Administrator, the change may be documented to FMS using an FMS Form 210 ECS, with Section I completed. For Certifying Officers, date the top of the form and complete the following elements in Section I of the FMS Form 210ECS: Authorized ALCs; Agency MSA name and ECS system address; check for existing ECS Site, enter FPA-ID and PC-ID; check Re-Designation and enter User-ID; list reason(s) for action in comments (such as - "Change type of CO designation from xxx to xxx"); check Certifying Officer block under ECS Personnel Type, and check the desired new type (MCO, TCO or CO); enter name, phone, and title of the CO designee; the effective date of the change being documented; the Primary FMS Regional Financial Center (RFC) providing service to the agency (this is the RFC with which the agency has its primary 'business' arrangement); and any other RFCs that will be used by the agency. Enter the name, title, agency, Bureau, and Division for the Designating Official (must have an FMS Form 2958 on file with FMS, providing designation authority for Certifying Officers). The Designating Official must sign in the Designator Signature Block, using black, non-erasable ink. The signature should be constrained within the box provided, and be the official signature of the signer. For Security Administrators, date the top of the form and complete the following elements in Section I of the FMS Form 210ECS: Authorized ALCs; Agency MSA name and ECS system address; check for existing ECS Site, enter FPA-ID and PC-ID; check Re-Designation and enter User-ID; list reason(s) for action in comments (such as - "Change type of SA designation from xxx to xxx"); check Security Administrator block under ECS Personnel Type, and check the desired new type (MSA, TSA or SA); enter name, phone, and title of the SA designee; the effective date of the change; the Primary FMS Regional Financial Center (RFC) providing service to the agency (this is the RFC with which the agency has its primary 'business' arrangement); and any other RFCs that will be used by the agency. Enter the name, title, agency, Bureau, and Division for the Designating Official (must have an FMS Form 2958 on file with FMS, providing designation authority for Security Administrators). The Designating Official must sign in the Designator Signature Block, using black, non-erasable ink. The signature should be constrained within the box provided, and be the official signature of the signer. Retain copy 3 of the FMS Form 210ECS, and forward copies 1 & 2 to FMS, with the corresponding FMS Form 210 or 210S. (Address is provided on the top of the form.) 1180.40 - FMS Form 210ECS used to request revocation of designated authority for ECS Security Administrators and/or ECS Data Entry Operators (MAY NOT be used to revoke certification authority of Certifying Officers) The designation of an individual as an ECS Security Administrator or Data Entry Operator may be revoked using an FMS Form 210 ECS, with Section I completed. The certification authority of a Certifying Officer MAY NOT be revoked using an FMS Form 210ECS, FMS Form 210 MUST BE used to revoke Certifying Officer authority. For Security Administrators, date the top of the form and complete the following elements in Section I of the FMS Form 210ECS: Authorized ALCs authority is being revoked for; Agency MSA name and ECS system address; check for existing ECS Site, enter FPA-ID and PC-ID; check Revocation, and enter User-ID; list reason(s) for action in comments (such as - "Revoke SA designation"); check Security Administrator block under ECS Personnel Type, and check proper sub-type (MSA, TSA or SA); enter name, phone, and title of the SA designee; the effective date of the revocation; the Primary FMS Regional Financial Center (RFC) providing service to the agency (this is the RFC with which the agency has its primary 'business' arrangement); and any other RFCs that will be used by the agency. Enter the name, title, agency, Bureau, and Division for the Designating Official (must have an FMS Form 2958 on file with FMS, providing designation authority for Security Administrators). The Designating Official must sign in the Designator Signature Block, using black, non-erasable ink. The signature should be constrained within the box provided, and be the official signature of the signer. For ECS Data Entry Operators, date the top of the form and complete the following elements in Section I of the FMS Form 210ECS: Authorized ALCs that authority is being revoked for; Agency MSA name and ECS system address; check for existing ECS Site, enter FPA-ID and PC-ID; check Revocation, and enter User-ID; list reason(s) for action in comments (such as - "Revoke DEO designation"); check Data Entry Operator block under ECS Personnel Type; enter name, phone, and title of the DEO designee; the effective date of the revocation; the Primary FMS Regional Financial Center (RFC) providing service to the agency (this is the RFC with which the agency has its primary 'business' arrangement); and any other RFCs that will be used by the agency. Enter the name, title, agency, Bureau, and Division for the Designating Official (must have an FMS Form 2958 on file with FMS, providing designation authority for Certifying Officers). The Designating Official must sign in the Designator Signature Block, using black, non-erasable ink. The signature should be constrained within the box provided, and be the official signature of the signer. Retain copy 3 of the FMS Form 210ECS, and forward copies 1 & 2 to FMS, with the corresponding FMS Form 210S or 210DEO. (Address is provided on the top of the form.) 1180.50 - FMS Form 210ECS used to request changes in the Disbursing Office Locations for an existing ECS Certifying Officer, Data Entry Operator, or Security Administrator The Disbursing Office Location(s) for which a Certifying Officer, ECS Security Administrator or Data Entry Operator designation was originally made, may be changed (deleted or added) using an FMS Form 210 ECS, with Section I completed. For Certifying Officers, date the top of the form and complete the following elements in Section I of the FMS Form 210ECS: Authorized ALCs; Agency MSA name and ECS system address; check for existing ECS Site, enter FPA-ID and PC-ID; check Re-Designation, and enter User-ID; list reason(s) for action in comments (such as - "Delete Disbursing Office Locations." or "Add Disbursing Office Locations."); check Certifying Officer block under ECS Personnel Type, and check proper sub-type (MCO, TCO or CO); enter name, phone, and title of the CO designee; the effective date of the change being documented; the new (or old if not changed) Primary FMS Regional Financial Center (RFC) providing service to the agency (this is the RFC with which the agency has its primary 'business' arrangement); and any other RFCs (include only RFCs that are currently desired) that will be used by the agency. Enter the name, title, agency, Bureau, and Division for the Designating Official (must have an FMS Form 2958 on file with FMS, providing designation authority for Certifying Officers). The Designating Official must sign in the Designator Signature Block, using black, non-erasable ink. The signature should be constrained within the box provided, and be the official signature of the signer. For ECS Data Entry Operators, date the top of the form and complete the following elements in Section I of the FMS Form 210ECS: Authorized ALCs; Agency MSA name and ECS system address; check for existing ECS Site, enter FPA-ID and PC-ID; check Re-Designation, and enter User-ID; list reason(s) for action in comments (such as - "Delete Disbursing Office Locations." or "Add Disbursing Office Locations."); check Data Entry Operator block under ECS Personnel Type; enter name, phone, and title of the DEO designee; the effective date of the change; the new (or old if not changed) Primary FMS Regional Financial Center (RFC) providing service to the agency (this is the RFC with which the agency has its primary 'business' arrangement); and any other RFCs (include only RFCs that are currently desired) that will be used by the agency. Enter the name, title, agency, Bureau, and Division for the Designating Official (must have an FMS Form 2958 on file with FMS, providing designation authority for Certifying Officers). The Designating Official must sign in the Designator Signature Block, using black, non-erasable ink. The signature should be constrained within the box provided, and be the official signature of the signer. For Security Administrators, date the top of the form and complete the following elements in Section I of the FMS Form 210ECS: Authorized ALCs; Agency MSA name and ECS system address; check for existing ECS Site, enter FPA-ID and PC-ID; check Re-Designation, and enter User-ID; list reason(s) for action in comments (such as - "Delete Disbursing Office Locations." or "Add Disbursing Office Locations."); check Security Administrator block under ECS Personnel Type, and check proper sub-type (MSA, TSA or SA); enter name, phone, and title of the SA designee; the effective date of the change; the new (or old if not changed) Primary FMS Regional Financial Center (RFC) providing service to the agency (this is the RFC with which the agency has its primary 'business' arrangement); and any other RFCs (include only RFCs that are currently desired) that will be used by the agency. Enter the name, title, agency, Bureau, and Division for the Designating Official (must have an FMS Form 2958 on file with FMS, providing designation authority for Security Administrators). The Designating Official must sign in the Designator Signature Block, using black, non-erasable ink. The signature should be constrained within the box provided, and be the official signature of the signer. Retain copy 3 of the FMS Form 210ECS, and forward copies 1 & 2 to FMS, with the corresponding FMS Form 210, 210DEO, or 210S. (Address is provided on the top of the form.) 1180.60 - FMS Form 210ECS used to request changes (additions or deletions) to ALCs for which an ECS Certifying Officer, Data Entry Operator, or Security Administrator may exercise authority The Agency Location Codes(s) (ALCs) for which a Certifying Officer, ECS Security Administrator or Data Entry Operator designation was originally made, may be changed (deleted or added) using an FMS Form 210 ECS, with Section I completed. For Certifying Officers, date the top of the form and complete the following elements in Section I of the FMS Form 210ECS: Authorized ALCs (complete list of old ones that will remain in effect and any new ones); Agency MSA name and ECS system address; check for existing ECS Site, enter FPA-ID and PC-ID; check Re-Designation, and enter User-ID; list reason(s) for action in comments (such as - "Delete ALCs xxxxxxxx." or "Add ALCs xxxxxxxx."); check Certifying Officer block under ECS Personnel Type, and check proper sub-type (MCO, TCO or CO); enter name, phone, and title of the CO designee; the effective date of the change being documented; the Primary FMS Regional Financial Center (RFC) providing service to the agency (this is the RFC with which the agency has its primary 'business' arrangement); and any other RFCs that will be used by the agency. Enter the name, title, agency, Bureau, and Division for the Designating Official (must have an FMS Form 2958 on file with FMS, providing designation authority for Certifying Officers). The Designating Official must sign in the Designator Signature Block, using black, non-erasable ink. The signature should be constrained within the box provided, and be the official signature of the signer. For ECS Data Entry Operators, date the top of the form and complete the following elements in Section I of the FMS Form 210ECS: Authorized ALCs (complete list of old ones that will remain in effect and any new ones); Agency MSA name and ECS system address; check for existing ECS Site, enter FPA-ID and PC- ID; check Re-Designation, and enter User-ID; list reason(s) for action in comments (such as - "Delete ALCs xxxxxxxx." or "Add ALCs xxxxxxxx."); check Data Entry Operator block under ECS Personnel Type; enter name, phone, and title of the DEO designee; the effective date of the change; the Primary FMS Regional Financial Center (RFC) providing service to the agency (this is the RFC with which the agency has its primary 'business' arrangement); and any other RFCs that will be used by the agency. Enter the name, title, agency, Bureau, and Division for the Designating Official (must have an FMS Form 2958 on file with FMS, providing designation authority for Certifying Officers). The Designating Official must sign in the Designator Signature Block, using black, non-erasable ink. The signature should be constrained within the box provided, and be the official signature of the signer. For Security Administrators, date the top of the form and complete the following elements in Section I of the FMS Form 210ECS: Authorized ALCs (complete list of old ones that will remain in effect and any new ones); Agency MSA name and ECS system address; check for existing ECS Site, enter FPA-ID and PC-ID; check Re-Designation, and enter User-ID; list reason(s) for action in comments (such as - "Delete ALCs xxxxxxxx." or "Add ALCs xxxxxxxx."); check Security Administrator block under ECS Personnel Type, and check proper sub-type (MSA, TSA or SA); enter name, phone, and title of the SA designee; the effective date of the change; the Primary FMS Regional Financial Center (RFC) providing service to the agency (this is the RFC with which the agency has its primary 'business' arrangement); and any other RFCs that will be used by the agency. Enter the name, title, agency, Bureau, and Division for the Designating Official (must have an FMS Form 2958 on file with FMS, providing designation authority for Security Administrators). The Designating Official must sign in the Designator Signature Block, using black, non-erasable ink. The signature should be constrained within the box provided, and be the official signature of the signer. Retain copy 3 of the FMS Form 210ECS, and forward copies 1 & 2 to FMS, with the corresponding FMS Form 210, 210DEO, or 210S. (Address is provided on the top of the form.) 1180.70 - FMS Processing of FMS Form 210ECS Upon receipt, FMS will process and validate the signature of the Designating Official signing the FMS Form 210ECS. Designations, changes and revocations documented by FMS Form 210ECS will be entered into the FMS automated tracking system, a copy of copy 1 will be retained, and copies 1 & 2 will be forwarded to the FMS ECS Central Key Management System, with an acceptance label affixed to the rear of the forms. The FMS ECS Central Key Management System will be updated to reflect the additions, changes and/or deletions reflected by the FMS Form 210ECS, appropriate action will be noted in Section II, and copy 2 will be returned to the submitting agency, with any FMS Form 210RC, RD or RS that may be required to document receipt of IDs, tokens and or PINs produced as a result of the action documented by the FMS Form 210ECS. Section 1185 - Use of FMS Forms 210RC, 210RD, and 210RS As a prerequisite for use of the Treasury Electronic Certification System (ECS), a Certifying Officer or ECS Security Administrator must be issued an ECS User ID, token (smartcard) and PIN. A Data Entry Operator must be issued an ECS User ID (after October 1, 1997, DEOs will also be issued tokens (smartcards) and PINs). The ECS User ID, token (smartcard) and PIN are controlled items, and must be receipted for, prior to their activation for use of the ECS. Recipients receipt for ECS User ID, token and PIN using FMS Form 210RC (for Certifying Officer), FMS Form 210RD (for Data Entry Operator), or FMS Form 210RS (for Security Administrator). FMS Forms 210RC, 210RD and 210RS are single page forms with instructions for completion at the bottom of the form. The forms may be completed via typewriter, impact printer, or by hand. All ECS using agency locations should maintain a supply of these forms. FMS Forms 210RC, 210RD and 210RS are used as follows: o ECS authorized Certifying Officers use FMS Form 210RC to receipt for their tokens and/or PINs. The form is also used to document the addition of the CO's ECS User ID to the ECS PC CO Table. o ECS Data Entry Operators currently use FMS Form 210RD to receipt for their ECS User ID. After October 1, 1997, they will also use the form to receipt for their tokens and/or PINs. The form is also used to document the addition of the DEO's ECS User ID to the ECS PC DEO Table. o ECS Security Administrators use FMS Form 210RS to receipt for their tokens and/or PINs. The form is also used to document the addition of the SA's ECS User ID to the ECS PC SA Table. 1185.10 - FMS Form 210RC used to receipt for ECS token, PIN and ID for individuals being designated as Certifying Officers with ECS certification authority Two methods of issue are used for Certifying Officer ECS tokens (smartcards) and PINs. For Master Certifying Officers (MCO) the token and PIN are created by the ECS Central Key Management System (CKMS) Security Officer Two (SO2), and mailed to the MCO in separate tamper-evident envelopes. For all other COs (TCO and CO), the token and PIN are created by the agency's MCO, using key data downloaded from the CKMS. For MCOs, upon receipt of token and PIN, the receiving MCO completes Sections I and II, and Part 3 of Section III, of the FMS Form 210RC. The agency Master Security Administrator (MSA) completes Part 1 of Section III, and forwards the form to the ECS CKMS SO2. For all other COs (TCO and CO), upon receipt of token and PIN created via download, the receiving CO completes Section I and II, and Part 3 of Section III, of the FMS Form 210RC. The agency Master Security Administrator (MSA) completes Parts 1 and 2 of Section III, and forwards the form to the ECS CKMS SO2. 1185.20 - FMS Form 210RD used to receipt for ECS token, PIN and ID for individuals being designated as ECS Data Entry Operators ECS Data Entry Operators are currently issued an ECS ID only. After October 1, 1997, ECS Data Entry Operators will be issued an ECS User ID, plus a token and PIN. When token and PIN issue commences, it will be via the token and PIN being created by the agency's MSA, using key data downloaded from the CKMS. For current ECS ID only issue, upon receipt of ECS ID, the receiving DEO completes Sections I and II, and Part 3 of Section III, of the FMS Form 210RD. The agency Master Security Administrator (MSA) completes Part 1 of Section III, and forwards the form to the ECS CKMS SO1. For issue of ECS ID, token and PIN, upon receipt of token and PIN created via download, the receiving DEO completes Section I and II, and Part 3 of Section III, of the FMS Form 210RD. The agency Master Security Administrator (MSA) completes Parts 1 and 2 of Section III, and forwards the form to the ECS CKMS SO1. 1185.30 - FMS Form 210RS used to receipt for ECS token, PIN and ID for individuals being designated as ECS Security Administrators Two methods of issue are used for ECS Security Administrator tokens (smartcards) and PINs. For Master Security Administrators (MSA) the token and PIN are created by the ECS Central Key Management System (CKMS) Security Officer One (SO1), and mailed to the MSA in separate tamper-evident envelopes. For all other SAs (TSA and SA), the token and PIN are created by the agency's MSA, using key data downloaded from the CKMS. For MSAs, upon receipt of token and PIN, the receiving MSA completes Sections I and II, and Part 3 of Section III, of the FMS Form 210RC. The agency Master Security Administrator (MSA) completes Part 1 of Section III, and forwards the form to the ECS CKMS SO2. If the MSA is the ORIGINAL MSA for a new ECS site, the MSA completes Sections I and II, and Part 1 and 2 of Section III, and forwards the form to the ECS CKMS SO1. For all other SAs (TSA and SA), upon receipt of token and PIN created via download, the receiving SA completes Section I and II, and Part 3 of Section III, of the FMS Form 210RS. The agency Master Security Administrator (MSA) completes Parts 1 and 2 of Section III, and forwards the form to the ECS CKMS SO1. 1185.40 - FMS Processing of FMS Forms 210RC, 210RD, and 210RS Upon receipt, FMS will process and validate the signature of the receiving individual signing the FMS Form 210RC, RD, or RS (in Part 3 of Section III of the form). After validation of the receipt for both token and PIN, the record for the individual will be activated in the FMS ECS Central Key Management System. ECS CKMS records, for which a properly executed receipt (FMS Form 210RC, RD, or RS, as appropriate) is not received, will not be activated, and may not be used. CONTACTS For more information about this chapter: Department of the Treasury Financial Management Service 401 14th Street, SW. Washington, DC 20227 ATTN: Chief Disbursing Officer, Rm. 344 (Telephone 202-874-6790, 202-874-7137, or 202-874-6800) Address for submission of Delegation and Designation forms: All FMS Form 2958 and FMS 210 Series Forms must be submitted to: Department of the Treasury Financial Management Service 401 14th Street, SW. Washington, DC 20227 ATTN: Chief Disbursing Officer, Rm. 328A Submit orders for the forms described in this chapter to: Property and Supply Section Facilities Management Division Financial Management Service Department of the Treasury Ardmore East Business Center 3361-L 75th Avenue Landover, MD 20785 (Telephone: 301-344-8577) APPENDICES LISTING App. No. Form Title 1 FMS 2958 Delegation of Authority 2 FMS 2958A Delegation of Authority (ASAP) 3 FMS 210 Designation for Certifying Officer 4 FMS 210A Designation for ASAP Authorizing Official and Financial Official 5 FMS 210C Designation for Check Custodian 6 FMS 210D Designation for Agent to Receive & Deliver Checks 7 FMS 210DEO Designation for ECS Data Entry Operator 8 FMS 210E Designation for Encryption Officer 9 FMS 210ECS ECS User Designation Form 10 FMS 210S Designation for ECS Security Administrator 11 FMS 210RC Receipt for ECS Certifying Officer Token/PIN 12 FMS 210RD Receipt for ECS Data Entry Operator ID 13 FMS 210RS Receipt for ECS Security Administrator Token/PIN 14 FMS 210RX Order/Receipt for FedSelect Blank Check Stock APPENDIX NO. 1 [GRAPHIC] FMS FORM 2958 Delegation of Authority & INSTRUCTIONS APPENDIX NO. 2 [GRAPHIC] FMS FORM 2958A Delegation of Authority (ASAP) & INSTRUCTIONS APPENDIX NO. 3 [GRAPHIC] FMS FORM 210 Designation for Certifying Officer & INSTRUCTIONS APPENDIX NO. 4 [GRAPHIC] FMS FORM 210A Designation for ASAP Authorizing Official and Financial Official & INSTRUCTIONS APPENDIX NO. 5 [GRAPHIC] FMS FORM 210C Designation for Check Custodian & INSTRUCTIONS APPENDIX NO. 6 [GRAPHIC] FMS FORM 210D Designation for Agent to Receive & Deliver Checks/Bonds & INSTRUCTIONS APPENDIX NO. 7 [GRAPHIC] FMS FORM 210DEO Designation for ECS Data Entry Operator & INSTRUCTIONS APPENDIX NO. 8 [GRAPHIC] FMS FORM 210E Designation for Encryption Officer & INSTRUCTIONS APPENDIX NO. 9 [GRAPHIC] FMS FORM 210ECS ECS User Designation & INSTRUCTIONS APPENDIX NO. 10 [GRAPHIC] FMS FORM 210S Designation for ECS Security Administrator & INSTRUCTIONS APPENDIX NO. 11 [GRAPHIC] FMS FORM 210RC Receipt for ECS Certifying Officer Token/PIN APPENDIX NO. 12 [GRAPHIC] FMS FORM 210RD Receipt for ECS Data Entry Operator ID APPENDIX NO. 13 [GRAPHIC] FMS FORM 210RS Receipt for ECS Security Administrator Token/PIN APPENDIX NO. 14 [GRAPHIC] FMS FORM 210RX Order/Receipt for FedSelect Blank Check Stock & INSTRUCTIONS TRANSMITTAL LETTER NO. 573 VOLUME I TO: HEADS OF GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS, AGENCIES, AND OTHERS CONCERNED 1. PURPOSE This transmittal letter releases revisions to I TFM 4-1100, Delegations and Designations of Authority for Disbursing Functions. It provides revised procedures and forms for submission of delegations of authority and disbursing function designations to the Financial Management Serv- ice (FMS). 2. BACKGROUND To reduce the administrative burden on agencies, streamline the delegation and designation process, and enhance the integrity of the signature system underlying the disbursement process, FMS developed an automated system, known as the Digital Signature Storage and Verification (DSSV) system, to manage all delegations and designations of authority for disbursement related functions. After one year of operation under the new system, FMS determined that significant changes could be made to the forms and process, to further streamline it. This revision of I TFM 4-1100 embodies those changes. 3. EXPIRATION PERIODS Expiration periods for designations of Electronic Certification System (ECS) Security Administrator and Encryption Officer are changed from twelve (12) months from effective date of designation, to twenty-four (24) months from effective date of designation. All existing designations to Treasury for Electronic Certification System Security Admin-istrators and Encryption Officers will be extended to expire twenty-four (24) months from the effective date of designation. 4. NEW FORMS AND PROCEDURES This revision of I TFM 4-1100 makes significant changes in the procedures for designation and redesignation of positions related to the disbursement process. Several new forms are intro-duced (FMS Form 2958A, FMS Form 210A, FMS Form 210DEO, FMS Form 210RD, and FMS Form 210ECS), two forms are eliminated (FMS Form 210H and FMS Form 210RH), and minor revisions are made to the rest of the forms required by this chapter. New procedures are provided for delegations and designations of authority related to the Automated Standard Application for Payments (ASAP) program. 5. FORMS Requests for forms described in I TFM 4-1100, Appendix 1, should be submitted to: Property and Supply Section Facilities Management Division Financial Management Service Department of the Treasury Ardmore East Business Center 3361-L 75th Avenue Landover, MD 20785 (Telephone: 301-344-8577) 6. PAGE CHANGES Remove Insert Table of Contents for Table of Contents for Part 4 Part 4 I TFM 4-1100 I TFM 4-1100 7. EFFECTIVE DATE Upon receipt. 8. INQUIRIES Questions concerning this transmittal letter should be directed to: Disbursement Management Division Operations Directorate Financial Management Service Department of the Treasury 401 14th Street, SW. Washington, DC 20227 (Telephone: 202-874-6800) Commissioner Russell D. Morris Date: August 18, 1997