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DARRICK MOE--biographical sketch

Portrait of Darrick MoeDarrick Moe's selection as Western Area Power Administration's Desert Southwest Regional Manager was announced on Dec. 22, 2008. His official appointment starts Jan. 4. Moe started his career with Western in 1988 in the Upper Great Plains Region, and he currently serves as the Deputy Assistant Administrator for the Power Marketing Liaison Office in Washington, D.C., and as a senior manager for Southwestern and Southeastern power marketing administrations.

He has extensive technical and leadership experience, and a successful track record in marketing Federal power and transmission, gained over the course of 20 years working for Western, Southwestern and Southeastern power marketing administrations. In addition to developing strategies for marketing Federal power and transmission assets, Moe also knows the policies and rate setting methodologies governing the PMAs and has extensive experience negotiating contracts to fulfill the PMA mission.

Moe is also recognized as an expert in power system operations and transmission system policy. He managed Western’s Open Access Transmission Tariff revision filing in 2005 and has been an influential member of a variety of NERC-related committees that develop power system reliability standards. He has acquired a global awareness of the industry through his experience working in Washington, D.C., where he has demonstrated the ability to work with diverse customer groups on a wide range of issues and honed his understanding of the budgetary and political process as they relate to the PMAs.  He also served on a four-month detail as a legislative staff member for the Water and Power Subcommittee of the U.S. House of Representatives in 2001.

Moe has demonstrated executive and management excellence, and has served in progressively responsible managerial positions, such as Western’s Electric Power Training Center Manager in Golden, Colo; UGP's Operations Manager, in Watertown, S.D., and Deputy Assistant Administrator for Southwestern Power, in Washington, D.C.

Moe holds masters degrees in electrical engineering and humanities, and is a 2003 graduate from Western’s Management Succession Program, an intensive three-year program of broadening assignments.

Read the Dec. 22, 2008 news release