

Database Name: National Park Service Libraries
  Guided Search   
   Basic Search    
 Search for:    Search Type:
  AND   OR   NOT
 Search for:    Search Type:
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1st Search Box Search Terms

Enter one or more terms and select <any of these> in the search box pick list to find all records containing Term1 OR Term2 (OR Term3), etc.

Enter two or more terms and select <all of these> in search box pick list
to find all records containing Term1 AND Term2 (AND Term3), etc. -- the terms do not have to be next to one another in the record

Using a question mark (i.e., '?') at the end of a search term widens the search:
e.g., <yellow?> retrieves yellow, yellows, yellowing, Yellowstone ...

Enter partial or whole title or subject phrase and select <as a phrase> in the search box pick list to find all records containing the exact phrase (except that capitalization is ignored) -- do not use truncation symbol (?) with phrases


1st Search Box Search Types

Recommend using the default <Keyword Any Field> for most searches.

For limiting search results to records containing terms or phrases found
in Library of Congress Subject Headings, pick <Subject Heading Keyword>

For Author search, use last name of author and pick <Author Keyword>

For Title search, use beginning part of title or term(s) or phrase appearing within title and pick <Title Keyword>


2nd Search Box Search Terms

Do not unclick <AND> between the two search boxes -- enter the official four character alpha code for an NPS park/office to limit search results to titles by the particular NPS library (note: titles may be owned by other NPS libraries as well), e.g., YELL (for Yellowstone) -- select <any of these> in the pick list

When collection codes appearing at the head of call numbers for a particular NPS library are known, enter any of these after the park/office location code, e.g., MIMA FrColl (for Minuteman French Collection) to limit search results to titles from the specified collection -- select <all of these> in the pick list

If limiting to a particular library location is not required, leave 2nd search box empty and leave the default Search Type setting as is. Alternatively, enter other search terms to 2nd search box (in addition to those entered to 1st search box) and select one of the other search types, as appropriate, to do a complex Boolean search (for skilled searchers only)


2nd Search Box Search Types

Use default <Library Location Keyword> with park/office official four character alpha code to limit search to a particular NPS library location (see Search Box Search Terms guidance, above)

NPS org codes are well-known to staff; others may determine them by visiting www.nps.gov and going to the park homepage. The final element of the homepage URL is the org code, e.g., www.nps.gov/grca , www.nps.gov/yell (GRCA is the org code for Grand Canyon and YELL is the org code for Yellowstone)

Alternatively, view a complete <Location> list of participating NPS libraries by clicking the <SET SEARCH LIMITS> button on the far right.  After selecting the library, click the <SET LIMITS> button to return to this search page.  To deselect the library and search the entire database, click the <CLEAR LIMITS> button on the far right

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