FASAB Email Service
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FASAB Email Service

The FASAB mailing list is a 'send only' list used to distribute information about Board activities to interested parties. Messages will be sent to provide Board meeting agendas, distribute newsletters, announce publications, and make other Board news available on a timely basis. We also may announce financial management training events periodically as a service to the community. The mailing list is sponsored by the Government Accountability Office and will include "GAO" in the address.

You may subscribe to the list as follows:

Send an email message to listserv@listserv.gao.gov. In the body (not the subject line) of your message, type "subscribe fasab" without the quotes.

If you are already on the list you may unsubscribe by, sending an email to listserv@listserv.gao.gov. In the body (not the subject line) of your message type "unsubscribe fasab" without the quotes.

If you have difficulty subscribing or unsubscribing, please send a message to fasab@fasab.gov and we will try to help you as soon as possible.

Illustration of North America