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December 6 — 7, 2007 Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes

Review of Committee Assignment and Meeting Process

CAPT Troiano reiterated the Committee operates within the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA). FACA guidelines insure independent review in an open and public manner with opportunity for public participation. All communication to the Committee must go through the Committee's Executive Secretary (CAPT Troiano) and designated staff to insure that all correspondence is given to the full Committee.

On Friday, December 7, time has been allocated during the meeting for public comments. A written copy of oral comments should be submitted in advance so that comments may be preserved for the public record. During the life-cycle of the Committee comments may be sent to the Executive Secretary.

CAPT Troiano reminded Committee members they should refer all individuals that contact them to Committee staff. Staff will then arrange to disseminate information to the full Committee.

Finally, CAPT Troiano reviewed the charge to the Committee. Members are to evaluate the science and evidence in relation to physical activity and benefits to health and compile recommendations to the Secretary. DHHS is then responsible for writing guidelines based on the Committee's evaluation of the science. Similar to the 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans a document will be created for policy makers and health professionals while separate materials will be developed for consumers.

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This page last updated on: 10/7/2008

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Office of Disease Prevention & Health Promotion, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.