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Grand Teton National Park First PAD Agency Converted to

By JoDee DeVillier, General Revenue Collection Group

On September 9, the Grand Teton National Park became the first of 25 agencies and 33 applications moving from PAD (Pre-Authorized Debit) to for processing. The PAD Program has been operating successfully for a number of years by FMS's Kansas City Regional Financial Center . PAD is being decommissioned as part of the Collection and Cash Management and Modernization (CCMM) initiative.

Grand Teton National Park completed the process in a record breaking 3 weeks from their initial kick off call. The park processed 9 PAD transactions on their first day of being fully operational on; and through November 19 they have processed a total of 23 transactions for $92,254.44. When asked about Grand Teton 's transition to, Terry Roper, who led the transition team, said “It was great! We really like all the new features we have processing through I only wish we had done this sooner!”

An aggressive end of calendar year 2009 date has been set to have all of the agencies currently processing on PAD transition to In addition, is also scheduled for a new release in February 2009. This release will reflect enhancements for previous PAD agencies, which were identified as being beneficial to their collection process. An important enhancement to note will be the addition of a Payer Profile in the Collection Control Panel (CCP). This addition will allow agencies to store a payer's information in order that they will not have to re-key the data for each payment.

Once the PAD conversion is completed, will be processing an additional estimated 10,272,808 transactions for an approximate value of $3,501,937,841. While Grand Teton National Park was the first agency to transition from PAD, General Services Administration (GSA) has now transitioned one of their 3 cash flows over to and, as of November 19, 5 other PAD applications are scheduled to go live before December 1st.

For more information on, please contact JoDee DeVillier at 202-874-6920 or visit .

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   Last Updated:  Thursday December 04, 2008

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