NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service Southwest Regional Office

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Protected Resources Division

Recovery of Salmon & Steelhead in California and Southern Oregon

Southwest Fisheries Science Center

Home Recovery Program & Policies Salmon & Steelhead Recovery Domains What's Happening Links Contacts

South-Central/Southern California Domain


Regional Office Contact:

Mark Capelli

Recovery Coordinator


National Marine Fisheries Service

735 State Street, Suite 616,

Santa Barbara, CA 93101 – 3351

PHONE: (805) 963-6478 x14


Map of Area:

Click on image for a detailed pdf. version.


For an interactive map 


The South-Central/Southern California Coast Recovery Domain extends from the Pajaro River to the Tijuana River at the U.S-Mexican border.


Specific threats to steelhead populations include:

  • Blockage of access to 90 percent of historic spawning and rearing habitat above dams 1.

  • Dewatering of streams by dams and diversions

  • Loss of riparian vegetation from agricultural, residential, and commercial development, and related flood control activities

  • Filling and degradation of estuarine habitat

  • Introduction of non-native, exotic fish and amphibians

  • Point and non-point pollution from up-slope land use practices

Priority recovery actions include:

  • Establishing access above impassible barriers (road crossings, dams, debris basins)

  • Restoring flow regimes for migration and over-summering habitat

  • Reducing point and non-point pollution sources

  • Developing and implementing a comprehensive habitat monitoring and stock assessment program

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FINAL 2007 Recovery Outline for the DPS of South-Central Califoria Coast Steelhead 091407


FINAL 2007 Recovery Outline for the DPS of Southern California Coast Steelhead 091407 


UPDATED - Public Involvement and  Meeting information.


Technical Recovery Team

Technical Memoranda



South-Central Coast Steelhead (threatened)


Southern California Coast Steelhead (endangered).

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