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Archive of Prominent Section 106 Cases:

Introduction to 1986-1996 Cases

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Selected Section 106 Cases, 1986-1996: North-Central

Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota

Beehive rehabilitation, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, U.S. Army, 1990. The Army proposed to reuse a vacant historic building known as the Beehive, a sometime-barracks constructed circa 1882 and located within the Fort Leavenworth National Historic Landmark District. The building, prominently located near the center of the installation, served as post headquarters until 1890. After being remodeled in 1921 to house married officers, the building became known as "the Beehive," since it was always "swarming" with children. Plans called for rehabilitating the structure's distinctive exterior and gutting the already damaged interior for reuse as the National Simulation Center of the Battle Command Evaluation Facility. The project had both high-ranking Army and congressional support. Under an agreement reached with the Council and the Kansas SHPO, the Army included specialized seismic stabilization, security measures, sophisticated electrical, mechanical, and computer services, and retention of exterior windows within the project. The parties worked closely to refine construction plans and details, and the result was an excellent adaptive use of an important historic structure for modern military purposes that avoided the need for new construction.

Statewide Bridge Replacement Program, Nebraska, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), 1991. Under the Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1979, the Nebraska Department of Roads agreed to work with FHWA to complete a statewide inventory of historic bridges and develop a Historic Bridge Management Plan. The plan would establish priorities for management, repair, rehabilitation, continued use, as well as the disposal of certain bridges for relocation and reuse outside the State highway system. The agreement reached among the highway agencies, the Council, and the Nebraska SHPO included useful guidelines on the content of the plan, including such issues as synthesis and use of inventory data, rehabilitation, and other treatments for different bridge types and circumstances, dealing with structural and geometric standards, and public involvement on individual bridge plans and decisions.

Lincoln Center Redevelopment Project, Lincoln, Nebraska, City of Lincoln-Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), 1991. The City of Lincoln, Nebraska had an excellent historic preservation program and a good working relationship with both the Council and the Nebraska SHPO. Thus, when the City notified the Council that it wanted to enter into an agreement for dealing with historic properties within a major downtown redevelopment area using Community Development Block Grant funds, it seemed like an excellent opportunity to re-examine ways to streamline and simplify review of such programs. The subsequent agreement delegated much of the review and decision authority to the City and the Nebraska SHPO, and only called for Council involvement in monitoring the effectiveness of the program and in helping to resolve any disputes that might arise.

Mid-Dakota, Mni Wiconi, and Missouri-Souris Water Projects, North and South Dakota, Bureau of Reclamation (BoR), 1993-1994. In 1993 and 1994, the Council concluded consultation with the BoR and the North and South Dakota SHPOs, respectively, for three agreements covering numerous individual flood control and water supply projects along the Missouri River and the Souris River systems. The agreements establish accepted baseline standards for early planning and field inventories and evaluation of identified historic properties and recommended treatments in those cases where significant properties would be affected. Also included are activities exempt from further review, agreed-upon levels of recordation for certain classes of typically encountered rural historic features, and provisions for dealing with human remains or related grave-associated artifacts. Program-specific stipulations are laid out for Reclamation operations and maintenance (including recreation projects) on lands and projects managed by BoR; wildlife development lands; related State water commission projects; and local water projects receiving BoR assistance. Consultation with affected Indian tribes was included, and in the case of the Mni Wiconi Water Supply Project, the Oglala Sioux Tribe signed the agreement as a concurring party.

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