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Home arrow Working with Section 106 arrow ACHP Case Digest arrow Winter 2003 arrow California: Geothermal Development at Medicine Lake Highlands
Closed case update:
California: Geothermal Development at Medicine Lake Highlands

Agencies: Bureau of Land Management and U.S. Forest Service
As reported in recent Case Digests, a 48-megawatt power plant and associated wells, pipelines, and power lines are proposed to be constructed at a site called Telephone Flat, near Medicine Lake in Northern California.

The project would substantially affect the traditional cultural values associated with the Medicine Lake Traditional Cultural Property District. The ACHP hosted a public meeting to hear citizens’ views on the proposed project, and submitted comments opposing the project to the Secretaries of the Interior and Agriculture.

In November 2002, the Bureau of Land Management and the U.S. Forest Service informed the ACHP that they approved the construction of the power plant at Telephone Flat, despite the ACHP’s objections to the project.

View of the Medicine Lake Highlands, California




View of the Medicine Lake Highlands, CA (staff photo)



The agencies set some conditions to minimize the project’s adverse effects on the surrounding Medicine Lake Highlands traditional cultural property, including relocating the future power plant’s transmission line.

For background information on this case, see the Fall 2002 Case Digest (use your browser's back button to return to this issue).

Staff contact: Carol Gleichman

Posted May 6, 2003

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