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Video TeleConferencing allows people to share information and participate in a multi-way discussion regardless of physical location.

VideoTeleConferencing (VTC)


Videoconferencing has many benefits; it allows experts from all over the world to communicate with and learn from each other, while sparing the high costs and scheduling problems of travel. Additionally, it allows many viewers in the same room to watch lectures, meetings and conferences with a full-screen television experience. 

NIH Radvision Videobridge

The NIH Radvision Videobridge (H.320 & H.323) went into production in July 2006. This essentially means the NIH can no longer guarantee video and audio connectivity or quality to sites using old legacy Picturetel videoconferencing units. Picturetel Concordes & Venues have been discontinued by the manufacturer and are no longer supported by Polycom, the corporation that purchased Picturetel. Because these systems are no longer supported, codecs and firmware for these units are not available, or maintained to properly interface them with modern video teleconferencing bridges. We will work with you to help you transition to new equipment.