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Daily Treasury Statement

(SuDocs Class: T 63.113/2-2:)

From the U.S. Department of the Treasury, the Daily Treasury Statement (DTS) is part of a triad of Treasury financial reports. The DTS summarizes data on the cash and debt operations of the Treasury based on reporting of the Treasury account balances of the Federal Reserve banks.

More complete listing of back issues are available on the World Wide Web at Federal Depository Library Information Exit the FMS Web site (maintained by Library Program Services Division of GPO).

Daily Treasury Statements Comprehensive Listing for Fiscal Years:

Daily Treasury Statements
Comprehensive Listing for Fiscal Years:


Note: 2-3 Day Delay Between the Production of the Printed Paper
Version of the Daily Treasury Statement and posting of the
electronic version on this site.

Last Updated: Wednesday, January 14, 2009

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