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The Emergency Contraception Website - Your website for the "Morning After"

Copper-T IUD as Emergency Contraception

The Copper-T is an intrauterine device (IUD) that some women use for regular birth control, but you can also have a doctor or other trained clinician insert it up to five days after sex to prevent pregnancy. As emergency contraception, the Copper-T IUD is much more effective than either type of emergency contraceptive pill (or “morning after pill”) because it reduces your risk of getting pregnant by more than 99%. Another advantage to the Copper-T IUD is that you can keep it in place to prevent pregnancy for up to ten years.

An IUD might not be the best birth control for you if you could be at risk of sexually transmitted infections (STDs). If you aren’t absolutely sure you and your partner are both STD free – or if one of you might have sex with someone else – that increases your chances of being exposed to common STDs like chlamydia or gonorrhea (and since these STDs often show no symptoms, getting tested may be the only way to know if you’ve been infected). Being forced to have sex can also expose you to STDs. In rare cases, these STDs can cause a pelvic infection at the time the IUD is inserted or soon afterwards. Untreated pelvic infection can make you infertile (unable to have a baby).

For a more detailed academic review of the medical and social science literature about emergency contraception, click here .


This website is operated by the Office of Population Research at Princeton University and by the Association of Reproductive Health Professionals and has no connection with any pharmaceutical company or for-profit organization. This website is peer reviewed by a panel of independent experts.

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