Older Americans Act Program Results and Program Evaluation
AoA has developed a strong focus on measurement of program results, including: implementing and strengthening OAA program information reporting from the states, development of new and well-tested performance outcomes measures, national surveys of OAA participants which assess OAA services, a series of past, current, and planned program evaluations and related studies, and compilations of relevant aging population statistics. AoA's success in these activities has been recognized by its Program Assessment Reporting Tool (PART) assessment by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and its success in achieving documented OAA program results. These activities are implemented by AoA's Office of Evaluation and other program offices. [OE Status Report (PDF) (TXT)]
OAA Performance Information: Reporting and Data Collection
AoA Program Evaluations and Related Reports
- Final Report: Title III-B Supportive Services Evaluation (DOC) (PDF)

Data Collection: National Surveys of OAA Participants
- Third National Survey of OAA Participants - 2005 full report of results (DOC) (PDF)

AoA Compiled Statistics on the Older Population
AGing Integrated Database
OAA Performance Information: Data Collection and Reporting
AoA collects and reports on the performance of Older Americans Act programs through the several data collection systems under its National Aging Program Information System (NAPIS), its national surveys of OAA participants, and its evaluation studies. AoA reports in detail on this performance its in the Program Performance Analysis section of the AoA "Congressional Justification" which accompanies the President's budget each year, as well as through several other mechanisms.
Reporting AoA Program Results and Accomplishments:
Data Collection: National Aging Program Information System (NAPIS)
State Program Reports (SPR) on the Home and Community Based and Nutrition Services and Elder Rights (Titles III and VII)
The State Program Reports are the primary information system for states to report on the Older Americans Act programs of supportive services, nutrition, caregiver support, etc. which they provide. It includes information about who the OAA participants are, what services they receive, and what funding is expended for this program. SPR reports also serve an a critical data source for measures of the performance of OAA programs. AoA has made significant efforts to improve the SPR in recently years. SPR results may be found in:
- US Profile - latest national information on who is served and how much is expended.
- State Profiles – latest information on who is served and how much is expended in each state
- Additional detailed national tables
- Reports from the National Family Caregiver Support Program (NFCSP) - Performance Information from the NFCSP through 2004 are below. Future reports, starting with the 2005 data, will be part of the SPR above.
National Long Term Care Ombudsman Program Performance Data:
Performance Data on the Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP):
Data Collection: Performance Outcomes Measurement Projects (POMP)
Data Collection: National Surveys of OAA Participants
AoA Program Evaluations and Related Reports
AoA program evaluations insure that: the most relevant data are available to policy makers; programs demonstrate value to the taxpayer; and programs have a track record of results. AoA strives to evaluate programs in an integrated manner combining process, outcome, impact and cost-benefit analysis of evaluation activities. This site provides links to reports and results from these evaluation efforts.
AoA Compiled Statistics on the Older Population
In order to provide accurate measurement of programs for the aging and as a resource to those interested in the aging, AoA's Office of Evaluation compiles the latest demographic, health, and other statistical information on the aging.
These are available on the AoA web site, including:
AGing Integrated Database
AGID is an online query system providing dynamic access to aging population statistics, program performance reports, and surveys of OAA program participants.