(Sept. 17, 2008) -- The crisis on Wall Street will leave the next U.S. president facing tough choices about how best to regulate the financial system, and although neither Barack Obama nor John McCain has yet offered a detailed plan, their records and the principles they have set out so far suggest they could come at the issue in very different ways.

On the campaign trail on Monday, McCain, the Republican presidential nominee, struck a populist tone. Speaking in Florida, he said that the economy's underlying fundamentals remained strong but were being threatened "because of the greed by some based in Wall Street, and we have got to fix it."

Latest Election News

Biden Hits McCain Hard in Michigan Stops

FLAT ROCK, Mich. (Sept. 16, 2008) -- U.S. Sen. Joe Biden came out swinging in his first solo appearances on the campaign trail in Michigan yesterday.

The Outsiders - Barr Invites Paul to be Running Mate

(Sept. 15, 2008) - Libertarian presidential nominee Bob Barr has invited Ron Paul to be his running mate after the former Republican presidential candidate declared the two-party system broken and urged Americans to vote for a third-party candidate in November.

McCain, Obama Find Common Ground at Columbia Forum

(Sept. 11, 2008) - In a brief and uneven truce in an otherwise rough few days of political warfare, presidential nominees John McCain and Barack Obama agreed last night on the need to expand the U.S. military, and said they would have done more to tap the nation's outpouring of patriotism if they had been in the White House when the World Trade Center was attacked.

See also...

Candidates Halt Campaigns to Mark Sept. 11 Attacks

Ron Paul: Reject GOP, Dems - Go for Third Party

Biden Hits McCain, Palin as Agents of Change

Issues Affecting Veterans and Military Families

Cash Benefits for Veterans, Retirees, and Survivors

"The VA has a variety of cash benefit programs for veterans and retirees; however, the rules for these can be complex, the payments can be low, and more often than not, receipt of one payment can preclude receipt of another."

Heath Care for Retirees and Veterans

"From TRICARE fee increases for retirees and free medical care promises, to VA mental health care services and VA claims processing, there are many issues currently facing military health care. Find out what you can do."

Care for Returning Wounded Warriors

"As of January 8, 2008, the DoD has reported 28,870 servicemembers wounded in action and 30,537 servicemembers wounded in "non-hostile" related incidents. So far, 17 percent have been diagnosed with PTSD."

Who Will Be Your Next Commander-in-Chief?

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Military.com has joined with the American Legion to create a "virtual presidential debate." Here are the questions from members — with answers from the two candidates.

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