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Open Space Database
You are about to search the Recreation and Open Space Inventory (ROSI) database maintained by the Green Acres Program.

Each Local Unit (municipality or County) is required to prepare a ROSI as a condition of applying for and receiving Green Acres funding. The ROSI lists all Green Acres-funded properties ("funded parkland") as well as all other lands held for conservation and/or recreation purposes at the time the Local Unit last received funding from Green Acres ("unfunded parkland"). Lands listed on a ROSI include those owned, leased, or otherwise controlled by the Local Unit and may include land owned in fee, land leased by the Local Unit for recreation purposes, land owned by a private entity upon which the Local Unit holds a conservation easement, or any land in which the Local Unit holds a specific recreation and/or conservation interest. Please be aware that because Green Acres restrictions are contractual and statutory in nature, a property may be subject to Green Acres restrictions even if it is omitted from a ROSI.

Please also note that the ROSI is a document provided to Green Acres by a Local Unit requesting funding. Although Green Acres works with Local Units to reconcile ROSI information as part of the funding process, Green Acres relies in good faith on the accuracy of the information provided to us by the Local Unit(s) in maintaining the accuracy of our database. Because it is possible since the last submission of the ROSI that the block and lot numbers may have changed within the Local Unit, or that typographical errors may have been made and/or properties may have been erroneously listed or omitted when the ROSI was last submitted, and because it is the responsibility of the Local Unit to ensure compliance with Green Acres rules, it is strongly recommended that you confirm the following information with the appropriate Local Unit(s).

A new column has been added to the web version of the ROSI. Although we try to update the web version of the ROSI quarterly, the date of update for the information contained within the ROSI (municipality by municipality) varies. The new column shows the last time the specific ROSI information was updated. If the field is blank, the information has not been updated since 2005.

If there is question as to whether a parcel should or should not be included on the ROSI, please see the Green Acres Rules, specifically N.J.A.C. 7:36-25.3, for guidance and then contact the Local Unit. All questions concerning proposed uses of Green Acres restricted lands should first be addressed to the Local Unit and then the appropriate Green Acres County Steward, found at

Any discrepancies, whether in the form of an incorrect block/lot listing or parcels missing from the ROSI, should be brought to the attention of the Bureau of Legal Services and Stewardship at (609) 341-2054 or

I agree to these terms & conditions.

Search the Green Acres Recreation & Open Space Inventory (Updated 9/3/08)
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Copyright © State of New Jersey, 1996-2004
Department of Environmental Protection
P. O. Box 402
Trenton, NJ 08625-0402

Last Updated: September 16, 2008