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University of Hawaii at Mānoa Asian and Pacific Islander Youth Violence Prevention Center

University of Hawai‘i, Mānoa
Earl Hishinuma, PhD – Principal Investigator
John A Burns School of Medicine
1356 Lusitana St., 4th Floor
Honolulu, HI 96813
Center website

There are significant disparities among Asian/Pacific Islanders (APIs) regarding interpersonal youth violence (IYV). A comprehensive approach will be taken to build upon the accomplishments of the Asian/Pacific Islanders’ Interpersonal Youth Violence Prevention Center (APIYVPC). The APIYVPC's mission is to reduce and prevent API interpersonal youth violence by developing an effective, public health, and culturally-competent model for one of its communities (i.e., Kailua-Waimānalo) to serve as a national prototype.

The six specific aims are: 1) to build upon the APIYVPC's administrative, community, and scientific infrastructure, develop the comprehensive model, manage and increase resources, and to coordinate/collaborate with other stakeholders and injury-violence prevention centers; 2) to build upon current community relations, develop a strong, comprehensive, community-university partnership, and to mobilize/empower the Kailua-Waimānalo community; 3) to conduct innovative, scientifically-rigorous, and culturally-responsive research that builds upon prior studies and that fulfills the community-based participatory research agenda through planning/coordinating surveillance, epidemiology, prevention-intervention development, evaluation, and translational projects; 4) to train stakeholders on API community mobilization, research, dissemination, intervention, evaluation, and grant preparation; 5) to communicate and disseminate, in collaboration with the Kailua-Waimānalo community, relevant information to community, state, national, and international audiences for other API and minority communities; and 6) to evaluate the APIYVPC's progress through an adapted national logic model and to contribute to the national framework through the knowledge gained by the evaluation.











Content Source: National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Division of Violence Protection
Page last modified: May 17, 2007