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The Museum has issued a Genocide Watch for Chechnya.


March 2004: The 60th Annniversary of the 1944 Chechen and Ingush Deportation: History, Legacies, Current Crisis
In 1944 the entire Chechen population was deported. A panel discusses the history of the deportations and how they continue to affect Russian-Chechen conflict.
September 2003: Greetings from Grozny
Film documenting the human consequences of the conflict in the breakaway Russian province of Chechnya followed by panel on the current situation, with Lord Frank Judd, Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe; Patrice Pagé, Doctors Without Borders; Paul Mitchell, Director, Greetings from Grozny.
April 2003: Chechnya: the Forgotten War
Although the Russian government gives the impression that Chechnya is returning to normal, atrocities continue. The following speakers address the current situation: Eliza Moussaeva, Memorial Human Rights Center; Bela Tsugaeva, World Vision, based in Nazran, Ingushetia; Maureen Greenwood, Amnesty International USA. Elisa Munoz, Crimes of War Education Project, unveils the new issue of the Crimes of War online Magazine.
October 2002: Briefing on Chechnya with Satsita Muradova
Satsita Muradova, formerly a lawyer with the Russian human rights organization Memorial in its Ingushetia office, addresses human rights abuses in Chechnya.


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