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Condition Critical

Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international medical humanitarian organization working in more than 60 countries to assist people whose survival is threatened by violence, neglect, or catastrophe.

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Press Release

Gaza: Medical Personnel Unable to Enter

Daily Pause in Violence Insufficient; Other Crossing Points Blocked and Civilians Remain Trapped

© Mustafa Hassona

Despite statements by Israeli authorities, the worsening security situation in the Gaza Strip is severely limiting international humanitarian assistance in support of Palestinian emergency medical services, which are trying to cope with thousands of wounded patients. Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) calls on the parties to the conflict to allow medical personnel to enter and operate safely in the Gaza Strip to reach trapped civilians

Somalia 2006 © Otavio Omati/MSF

Press Release

Somalia: Surge of Fighting in Galgaduud Region Displaces Thousands

The fighting has led to many casualties and forced thousands to flee. On January 11, Somali MSF medical teams treated 46 patients at Istarlin hospital in Guri El.

Democratic Republic of Congo © Sven Torfinn

Special Report

"Top Ten" Humanitarian Crises of 2008

Massive forced civilian displacements, violence, and unmet medical needs in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Somalia, Iraq, Sudan, and Pakistan, along with neglected medical emergencies in Myanmar and Zimbabwe, are some of the worst humanitarian emergencies in the world.

Joanna Stavropoulou / MSF

Field News

Zimbabwe: Less Cholera Cases Seen at MSF Projects

Currently, MSF teams are seeing an overall decrease in the number of cholera cases at the projects where they are working. However, the UN has reported a major spike in cases around the country.

December 2008 © Michael Goldfarb/MSF

Field News

Some 533 Refugees Arrive on Southern Yemen Coast in One Week

Human smugglers from northern Somalia forced 114 people from a small fishing boat off the southern coast of Yemen early Friday morning. The passengers were Somali refugees; ten were children, including babies.

Multimedia initiative

Voices From the War in Eastern Congo

Condition:Critical is a multi-media initiative launched by MSF aiming to bring global attention to the humanitarian consequences of the intensifying war in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.

Through testimonies, photos, and video, Condition: Critical goes beyond headlines and news reports to document how civilians are struggling to survive in Congo's North and South Kivu provinces, Ituri province, and the Haut-Uélé region - where violence, displacement, and sexual violence are mainstays of daily life.

Related Media

© Sven Torfinn

Field News

Beyond Media Spotlight Renewed Fighting in North Kivu Forces Thousands on the Run

There was no major fighting reported in North Kivu this past week, but sporadic skirmishes between armed groups continued to drive civilians out of their homes and into the forests for days or during the nights, where they hoped to avoid being harassed.

Multimedia Report

BBC News: Lesotho AIDS Diary

Over the next six months, the BBC, in conjunction with MSF, will follow the lives of seven people from Lesotho as they struggle to live with the HIV crisis.