Action List for Fat

Did you know there are at least four great reasons to eat less fat?

It can assist in weight loss or weight maintenance because you'll be eating fewer calories.

It can help reduce your risk of heart disease by reducing saturated fat, which will help lower blood cholesterol levels.

It may help reduce your risk of cancer.

Eating fewer high-fat foods means more room for fruits, vegetables, grains, and beans.
Here are some actions to get you started and keep you going. Try two or three actions now and try more later.

{short description of image}  Use reduced-fat or nonfat salad dressings.

{short description of image}  Use nonfat or lower fat spreads, such as jelly or jam, fruit spread, apple butter, nonfat or reduced-calorie mayonnaise, nonfat margarine, or mustard.

{short description of image}  Use high-fat foods only sometimes; choose more low-fat and nonfat foods.

{short description of image}  To top baked potatoes, use plain nonfat or low-fat yogurt, nonfat or reduced-fat sour cream, nonfat or low-fat cottage cheese, nonfat margarine, nonfat hard cheese, salsa or vinegar.

{short description of image}  Use a little lemon juice, dried herbs, thinly sliced green onions, or a little salsa as a nonfat topping for vegetables or salads.

{short description of image}  Use small amounts of high-fat toppings. For example, use only 1 tsp butter or mayonnaise; 1 tbsp sour cream; 1 tbsp regular salad dressing.

{short description of image}  Switch to 1 percent or skim milk and other nonfat or lower fat dairy products (low-fat or nonfat yogurt, nonfat or reduced-fat sour cream).

{short description of image}  Cut back on cheese by using small (1 oz) amounts on sandwiches and in cooking or use lower fat and fat-free cheeses (part-skim mozzarella, 1 percent cottage cheese, or nonfat hard cheese).

{short description of image}  Try small amounts of these low-fat treats: fig bars, vanilla wafers, ginger snaps, angel food cake, jelly beans,, gum drops, hard candy, puddings made with low-fat (1 percent) skim milk, nonfat frozen yogurt with a fruit topping, or fruit popsicles. Try pretzels or popcorn without butter or oil for an unsweetened treat

{short description of image}  Save french fries and other fried foods for special occasions; have a small serving; share with a friend.

{short description of image}  Save high-fat desserts (ice cream, pastries) for special occasions; have small amounts; share a serving with a friend.

{short description of image}  Choose small portions of lean meat, fish, and poultry; use low-fat cooking methods (baking, poaching, broiling); trim off all fat from meat and remove skin from poultry

{short description of image}  Choose lower fat luncheon meats, such as sliced turkey or chicken breast, lean ham, lean sliced beef.

 What's a recommended serving size for meat? Experts suggest 3 oz of cooked meat which is the size of: a deck of cards; a hamburger bun

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