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Help: Reporting Errors on GPO Access

If you are experiencing errors when searching or browsing on GPO Access, please complete all of the applicable fields below, and click the submit button at the bottom of the form. A representative from GPO’s Customer Contact Center will contact you within 24 hours to report back on your problem. Fields denoted with a red asterisk ( * ) are required.

Type of Error *

Please select one:

"0" results returned, 404 error, or other type error message displayed

Can't open a specific document in a search result or browse table

Link retrieves an incorrect document

Broken Link

Known document appears to be missing (e.g. inconsistency between what is known to be
available and the files that are displayed as being available)

Incomplete Files (e.g. data missing from a document)

Corrupt Files (e.g. files not displaying correctly)

Other, please specify:


Date & Time of Error *


Database Name & Location *

Select the Year / Congress and name of the database you were using:
or and

Or type / paste in the database name and year / Congress:

Please provide the web address of page where you encountered the error:


Error Replication Process *

(e.g.) visited Public Papers main page, searched the main search box for "proclamations," clicked submit, etc.):


Error Description *

(the outcome of the search - e.g. the page wouldn't open, the link is broken, etc.):


Exact Wording of Error Message Received *


Customer Contact

Name: *

Email: *
