The Office of the Secretary, under Krisri Izzo's leadership, is responsible for coordinating all aspects of the Board's regularly scheduled bi-weekly meetings and any special meetings. The office maintains the Board's formal case files and handles general requests for information as well as those filed under the Open Public Records Act.
The Secretary of the Board of Public Utilities is statutorily charged with the duty to "keep full correct minutes of all transactions and proceedings of the Board" and to be "the official reporter of said proceedings," which entails maintaining an accurate record of the agenda meetings. The Office of the Secretary is also responsible for requests for public documents submitted under the Open Public Records Act.
Bureau of Case Management/Agenda Control
The Bureau of Case Management, within the Office of the Secretary, serves as the Board's official record keeper. Among its responsibilities, the Bureau: assigns all BPU docket numbers to matters filed with the Board; maintains the computerized BPU Case Management System and the Board's physical case files; records the receipt of every official document received and every order issued by the Board in the Case Management System; administers the BPU's document retention guidelines; maintains the Board's Hearing Room schedule; and serves as point of contact for members of the public wishing to review materials maintained in the Board's files.
In addition, the Bureau of Case Management manages the Board's subscription services for:
  1. Newly docketed matters and hearing schedules
  2. Agendas
  3. Board Orders
  4. Board Agenda Minutes
  5. Telecommunication Petitions
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