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Effective 26 November 2001 the Office of Export Control Policy and Cooperation has required that the MCNP User Manual be removed from all publicly - accessible websites. Further review may allow us to re-post the manual someday.

The previous version of the manual has been corrected and updated (as of Nov. 2005) to include the new features found in MCNP Version 5 (MCNP5)- RSICC_1.40. The manual has also been split into 3 volumes:

  • Volume I: MCNP Overview and Theory
          Chapters 1,2 and Appendices G,H
  • Volume II: MCNP Users Guide
          Chapters 1,3,4,5 and Appendices A,B,I,J,K
  • Volume III: MCNP Developers Guide
          Appendices C,D,E,F

Volume I:       MCNP Overview and Theory       Chapters 1, 2 and Appendices G,H

Volume I(LA-UR-03-1987) provides an overview of the capabilities of MCNP5 and a detailed discussion of the theoretical basis for the code. The first chapter provides introductory information about MCNP5. The second chapter describes the mathematics, data, physics, and Monte Carlo simulation techniques which form the basis for MCNP5. This discussion is not meant to be exhaustive - details of some techniques and of the Monte Carlo method itself are covered by references to the literature.

Volume II:      MCNP User's Guide       Chapters 1, 3, 4, 5 and Appendices A, B, I, J, K

Volume II(LA-CP-03-0245) provides detailed specifications for MCNP5 input and options, numerous example problems, and a discussion of the output generated by MCNP5. The first chapter is a primer on basic MCNP5 use. The third chapter shows the user how to prepare input for the code. The fourth chapter contains several examples, and the fifth chapter explains the output. The appendices provide information on the available data libraries for MCNP, the format for several input/output files, and plotting the geometry, tallies, and cross-sections.

Volume III:      MCNP Developer's Guide       Appendices C, D, E, F

Volume III(LA-CP-03-0284) provides details on how to install MCNP on various computer systems, how to modify the code, the meaning of some of the code variables, and data layouts for certain arrays.

The Monte Carlo method for solving transport problems emerged from work done at Los Alamos during World War II. The method is generally attributed to Fermi, von Neumann, Ulam, Metropolis, and Richtmyer. MCNP, first relseased in 1977, is the successor to their work and has been under continuous development for the past 25 years. Neither the code nor the manual is static. The code is changed as needs arise, and the manual is changed to reflect the latest version of the code. This particular manual refers to Version 5.

MCNP5 and this manual are the product of the combined effort of many people in the Code Development Group (X-3) in the Applied Physics Division (X Division) at the Los Alamos National Laboratory:

X-3 Monte Carlo Team
Marsha Boggs Tim Goorley Cheryl Royer
Thomas E. Booth H. Grady Hughes Avneet Sood
Forrest B. Brown Stehpan Mashnick Jeremy E. Sweezy
Jeffrey S. Bull Samuela Pollack Anthony Zukaitis
R. Arthur Forster Richard E. Prael

X-5 Data Team
Stephanie C. Frankle Robert C. Little Morgan C. White

Technical Editors
Shelia M. Girard

The code and manual can be obtained from the Radiation Safety Information Computational Center (RSICC), P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN, 37831-6362.

Jeremy Sweezy
MCNP Team Leader
MCNP - A General Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport Code Version 5

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