/* FILE ARCHIVED ON 19:48:15 Jan 14, 2009 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE AN OPENWAYBACK INSTANCE ON 20:55:16 Jul 28, 2024. JAVASCRIPT APPENDED BY OPENWAYBACK, COPYRIGHT INTERNET ARCHIVE. ALL OTHER CONTENT MAY ALSO BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT (17 U.S.C. SECTION 108(a)(3)). */ // ============================================================================== // WhosOn LiveStats & Chat Gateway script https://webarchive.library.unt.edu/eot2008/20090114194815/http://www.whoson.com // ============================================================================== // This script should be placed in the root directory of your web site. It should // be included in each page you want to track. // Place the Include on your page at the place where you want the Click-To-Chat // graphic to appear. // =============================================================================== var sWOGateway = "gateway5.whoson.com"; // specify the external address:port of the WhosOn Gateway server var sWOGatewaySSL = "gateway5.whoson.com"; // specify the external address:port of the WhosOn Gateway server SSL interface var sWODomain = "www.retirementjobs.com"; // the domain you are monitoring var sWODepartment = ""; // optional department var sWOChatstart = "https://webarchive.library.unt.edu/eot2008/20090114194815/https://hosted5.whoson.com/chat/chatstart.htm"; // url to the chatstart.htm page var sWOLanguage = ""; // language for the chat window var sWOBackgroundURL = ""; // optional custom background url var sWOResponse = ""; // set to a blank string if you do NOT want a visible chat link var sWOInvite = "Y"; // set to a blank string if you do NOT want invite requests to be polled var sWOPreselect = ""; // set to D to pre-select Department before starting chat, O to pre-select Operator var sWOSession; var sWOUrl; var sWOUser=""; var sWOPage=""; var sWOProtocol=window.location.protocol; // specify a user name here if you want a specific user name instead of a session cookie // sWOUser="my user"; // specify a page name here if you want a specific page name shown in WhosOn instead of the window.location // sWOPage="my page"; var sWOCost=0; // specify a visit cost var sWORevenue=0; // specify the revenue generated by the visitor // optional contact information. Specify values for these variables if you want contact info for the visitor passed to WhosOn var sWOName=""; var sWOCompany=""; var sWOEmail=""; var sWOTelephone=""; if(sWOUser==""){ // create a unique session cookie for the visitor var dt=new Date(); var sWOCookie=document.cookie.toString(); if(sWOCookie.indexOf("WhosOn")==-1){ sWOSession=parseInt(Math.random()*1000)+"-"+dt.getTime(); document.cookie="WhosOn="+sWOSession+";expires=Fri, 31-Dec-2010 00:00:00 GMT;"; } sWOCookie=document.cookie.toString(); if(sWOCookie.indexOf('WhosOn')==-1){ sWOSession=""; } else { var s=sWOCookie.indexOf("WhosOn=")+7; var e=sWOCookie.indexOf(";",s); if(e==-1)e=sWOCookie.length; sWOSession=sWOCookie.substring(s,e); } } if(sWOProtocol=="https:")sWOGateway=sWOGatewaySSL; if(sWOUser!="")sWOSession=sWOUser; if(sWOPage=="")sWOPage=escape(window.location); if(sWOProtocol=="file:")sWOProtocol="http:"; sWOUrl=sWOProtocol+"//"+sWOGateway+"/stat.gif?u="+sWOSession+"&d="+sWODomain; if(sWODepartment.length>0)sWOUrl+="&t="+escape(sWODepartment); sWOUrl+="&p='"+sWOPage+"'&r='"+escape(document.referrer)+"'"; if(sWOCost!=0)sWOUrl+="&c="+sWOCost; if(sWORevenue!=0)sWOUrl+="&v="+sWORevenue; if(sWOName!="" || sWOCompany!="" || sWOEmail!="" || sWOTelephone!="")sWOUrl+="&n="+sWOName+"|"+sWOCompany+"|"+sWOEmail+"|"+sWOTelephone; if(sWOResponse==""){ if(document.layers)document.write("<\/layer>"); else document.write("