PR-16-01 05-2005

Chairman Hogen to Clarify Classification Standards Documents


Washington DC, May 12, 2005 - Chairman Phil Hogen and the National Indian

Gaming Commission announce the release of the Fifth Draft of proposed

classification standards for Class I1 games played with electronic or technologic aids.  Chairman Hogen pointed to significant changes from the Fourth Draft to include the removal of standards regarding bingo minders, and the addition of a requirement for a label or master list identifying a game as Class I1 and approved by the Tribal gaming regulatory authority.


In its letter to Tribes and the industry, the Commission invited comments on the

Fifth Draft, setting Friday, May 27, as a deadline for receipt. Comments should be made in writing and addressed to Penny Coleman, Acting General Counsel, 1441 L. St., N. W., Suite 9 100, Washington D.C. 20005.


Coming while Chairman Hogen was away from Washington on travel instead of

after his return, the release caught the Chairman by surprise in an address to the

California Nations Indian Gaming Association yesterday. The Chairman and the

Commission apologize for any confusion that may have resulted.


The National Indian Gaming Commission is an independent regulatory agency established within the Department of the Interior pursuant to the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act of 1988.



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