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Behind Every Name A Story

Heinz Raphael
“...I am asking you to leave as soon as possible... Ask your friends to see to the packing and the despatch of your belongings, but you yourselves should leave at once... Do not hesitate to travel even on the Shabbat!...”
Read Heinz Raphael's story

Mara Ginic
“My throat was parched, the wind blew my hair in my face and obstructed my vision. My knees buckled and the glacier never seemed to end.”
Read Mara Ginic's story

Manya Friedman
“I had little confidence when I started. My hands were so shaky I could barely read my own writing. As I started writing, I was given confidence, support, and encouragement. If I can do this, then you can too.”
Read Manya Friedman's story
Read Manya Friedman's Memory Project
Read Manya Friedman's biography

Miriam (Rot) EshelThe man photographed us and after a few days he brought the picture ... My mother said to us: "We will bury the picture..." Miriam recovered the photograph and sent a copy to the Survivors Registry together with her registration form...
Read Miriam (Rot) Eshel's story

The Museum's Registry of Holocaust Survivors seeks survivors to participate in the Behind Every Name A Story (BENAS) web project.

The BENAS web project consists of essays describing survivors’ experiences during the Holocaust. The Museum will select essays to be posted on its web site. We encourage all survivors to share their unique experiences to ensure their recognition and preservation for future generations. This is another way the Museum helps survivors to add significantly to Holocaust remembrance. Please see our selection criteria below.

The Museum honors as survivors any persons, Jewish or non-Jewish, who were displaced, persecuted, or discriminated against due to the racial, religious, ethnic, social, and political policies of the Nazis and their collaborators between 1933 and 1945. In addition to former inmates of concentration camps, ghettos, and prisons, this definition includes, among others, people who were refugees or were in hiding.

The essays, accompanying photographs, and other materials (including submissions that we are unable to feature on our Web site) will become a permanent part of the Museum’s records.

Essays should be submitted using this online form. Survivors’ relatives can submit entries on their behalf.

Selection Criteria:
If you would like to participate in this project, please follow the steps below before submitting your entry. The Registry staff will follow these criteria when processing all entries.

  • If you are not already registered, you must register as a survivor with the Registry of Holocaust Survivors at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

    To request a registration form please contact:
    Registry of Holocaust Survivors
    United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    100 Raoul Wallenberg Place, SW
    Washington, DC 20024-2126
    Tel.: (202) 488-6130
    Fax: (202) 314-7820

    Registration Forms can also be downloaded from our Web site:

  • Entries should be limited to an essay-length piece (1-5 pages). Entries might be edited for length and reviewed for historical accuracy.

  • Entries should focus on your experiences during the Holocaust and/or focus on one or two specific events, if desired. You can also include some information about your prewar and postwar experiences.

  • We encourage you to submit photographs taken before, during, or immediately after the war, as well as a present-day photograph. You may also wish to include images in electronic format of other documents or artifacts, as well as audio clips (WAV file, or CD) that would help to illustrate your story.

Remember that the essays, accompanying photographs, and other materials (including submissions that we are unable to feature on our Web site) will become a permanent part of the Museum’s records.

For additional information please contact:

Registry of Holocaust Survivors
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
100 Raoul Wallenberg Place, SW
Washington, DC 20024-2126
Tel.: (202) 488-6130