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SOI Tax Stats - County Income Data


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Background Information

The County Income Data are updated annually and based on the addresses shown on the population of returns from the IRS Individual Master File system.  The data are presented by county (including state totals) and are available for Tax Years 1989 through 2006 and include the following:

  • Number of returns (which approximates the number of households)
  • Number of personal exemptions (which approximates the population)
  • Adjusted gross income 
  • Wages and salaries
  • Dividends before exclusion
  • Interest received  

Here is one county as an example of the data contained in the entire United States file for Tax Year 2006


The County Income Data are updated annually and available for purchase as follows:

  • $50 per year for the entire United States
  • $10 per year per State

Payments for SOI County Income Data

Contact Information

Contact the Statistical Information Services (SIS) Office for information on prices, sources, and ordering instructions:

Statistical Information Services
Statistics of Income Division
Internal Revenue Service
P.O. Box 2608
Washington, DC 20013-2608

SIS Email
Voice:  (202) 874-0410
Fax:     (202) 874-0964

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Page Last Reviewed or Updated: July 17, 2008