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SOI Tax Stats - SOI Bulletin Articles: Index by Topic


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Business Tax StatisticsCharitable & Exempt Organization Statistics
Estate, Gift, & Trust StatisticsIndividual Tax Statistics

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Domestic-Owned Business Statistics

Subject Area

Years Covered, SOI Bulletin Issue

Corporate Income Tax Returns

2002, Summer 2005
2001, Summer 2004
2000, Summer 2003
1999, Summer 2002
1998, Summer 2001

The Development of Taxable REIT Subsidiaries, 2001-2004, Spring 2008

Celebrating Ninety Years of SOI: Selected Corporate Data, 1916-2004, Fall 2007

An Analysis of Select Large Nonfinancial Corporations with Total Assets Greater Than $2.5 Billion, Tax Years 1998-2002, Fall 2005

Reconciling Book and Tax Net Income, 1996-1998, Summer 2001

Reconciling Corporation Book and Tax Net Income, Tax Years 1995-2001, Winter 2004-2005

Taxable REIT Subsidiaries: Analysis of the First Year's Returns, Tax Year 2001, Spring 2005

Corporation Income Tax Brackets and Rates

1909 - 2002, Fall 2003

1909 - 2004, Fall 2005 (Appendix, Table B)

Empowerment Zone Employment Credit 1997, Spring 2004
1996, Summer 2000
Excise Taxes

Federal Excise Taxes, Summer 1999
Airport and Airway Trust Fund, 1970-2002, Winter 2003-2004
Gasoline Excise Tax, 1933-2000, Winter 2000-2001
Telephone Excise Tax, 1999, Spring 2000

What’s New in Federal Excise Taxation, Fiscal Years 1992-2006, Summer 2007


2006, Fall 2008
2005, Fall 2007
2004, Fall 2006
2003, Fall 2005
2002, Fall 2004
2001, Fall 2003
2000, Fall 2002
1999, Fall 2001
1998, Fall 2000
1997, Fall 1999
1996, Fall 1998

S Corporation Returns

2003, Spring 2006
2002, Spring 2005
2001, Spring 2004
2000, Spring 2003
1999, Spring 2002
1998, Spring 2001

Wholesale and Retail Trade Division Dominates S Corporations Since 1959, Spring 2007

Sole Proprietorships (See Individual Tax Statistics)
U.S. Possessions Corporation Returns

2003, Summer 2006

2001, Fall 2005
1997 and 1999, Summer 2003
1995, Summer 1999

Other Integrated Business Data, 2003, Fall 2006
International Business Statistics
Foreign-Controlled Domestic Corporations

2002, Summer 2005
2001, Summer 2004
2000, Summer 2003
1999, Summer 2002
1998, Summer 2001
1997, Summer 2000
1996, Fall 1999
1995, Fall 1998

Foreign-Controlled Domestic Corporations, 2004, Summer 2007

Foreign Corporations with U.S. Business Operations

1995, Spring 2001

Foreign-Owned Domestic Corporations

2003, Summer 2006
2002, Winter 2005-2006
2000, Fall 2003
1998, Fall 2001
1996, Fall 1999
1994, Winter 1997-1998
1994 Revision

Foreign Sales Corporations

2000, Winter 2003-2004
1996, Spring 2000

Foreign Tax Credit (Corporate)

2003, Fall 2007
2002, Fall 2006
2001, Fall 2005
2000, Fall 2004
1999, Fall 2003
1998, Fall 2002
1997, Winter 2001-2002
1996, Summer 2000
1995, Fall 1999
1994, Fall 1998

A History of Controlled Foreign Corporations and the Foreign Tax Credit, Summer 2007

Foreign Trusts

2002, Summer 2005
1998, Fall 2001

Interest-Charge Domestic International Sales Corporations (IC-DISC's)

2000, Spring 2004
1996, Fall 2000

International Boycotts

2001-2002, Spring 2005
1999-2000, Winter 2002-2003
1997-1998, Winter 2000-2001
1997-1998 Revision
1995, Winter 1997-1998

U.S. Controlled Foreign Corporations

2002, Spring 2006
2000, Summer 2004
1998, Winter 2002-2003
1996, Spring 2001
1994, Summer 1998

A History of Controlled Foreign Corporations and the Foreign Tax Credit, Summer 2007

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Subject Area

Years Covered, SOI Bulletin Issue

Charitable Bequests (See Estate, Gift, and Trust Statistics)
Charities & Other Tax-Exempt Organizations

2004, Fall 2007
2003, Fall 2006
2002, Fall 2005
2001, Fall 2004
2000, Fall 2003
1999, Fall 2002
1998, Fall 2001
1997, Fall 2000
1996, Winter 1999-2000
1995, Winter 1998-1999
1975-1995, Fall 1998
1994, Spring 1998

Exempt Organizations' Unrelated Business Income Tax

2004, Winter 2008
2003, Winter 2006-2007
2002, Winter 2005-2006
2001, Winter 2004-2005
2000, Spring 2004
1999, Spring 2003
1998, Spring 2002
1997, Spring 2001
1996, Spring 2000
1995, Spring 1999
1994, Spring 1998

Private Foundations & Charitable Trusts

2004, Fall 2007
2003, Fall 2006
1993-2002, Fall 2005
2001, Fall 2004
2000, Fall 2003
1999, Fall 2002
1998, Winter 2001-2002
1985-1997, Panel Study, Summer 2001
1996-1997, Fall 2000
1996, Fall 1999
1995, Winter 1998-1999

Split-Interest Trusts

2006, Winter 2008
2005, Winter 2006-2007
2004, Spring 2006
2002, Winter 2004-2005
2001, Winter 2003-2004
2000, Spring 2003
1999, Summer 2002
1998, Winter 2000-2001

Tax-Exempt Bonds

2005, Fall 2007
Tax-Exempt Bonds, 2003-2004, Fall 2006
Tax-Exempt Bonds, 1996-2002, Summer 2005
Governmental Bonds, 1991-1995, Fall 2000
Private-Activity Bonds, 1988-1995, Summer 1999

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Subject Area

Years Covered, SOI Bulletin Issue

Charitable Bequests 1995, Spring 2001
Estate Tax

2004-2006, Spring 2008
1998-2000, Spring 2002
1995-1997, Summer 1999

Which Estates Are Affected by the Federal Estate Tax?: An Examination of the Filing Population for Year-of-Death 2001, Summer 2005 (Article updated to reflect data released in October 2007).

The Estate Tax: Ninety Years and Counting, Summer 2007

Recent Changes in the Estate Tax Exemption Level and Filing Population, Summer 2007

Gift Tax 1997, Spring 2001
Income from Trusts and Estates 2003-2004, Fall 2005
1997, Winter 2000-2001
Nonresident Alien Estate Tax Returns

2003, 2004, and 2005, Summer 2006

2001-2002, Summer 2004
1999-2000, Summer 2002
1997-1998, Summer 2000
1995-1996, Winter 1997-1998

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U.S. Citizens or Resident Aliens

Subject Area

Years Covered, SOI Bulletin Issue

High Income Tax Returns 2005, Spring 2008
2004, Spring 2007
2003, Spring 2006
2002, Spring 2005
2001, Summer 2004
2000, Spring 2003
1999, Spring 2002
1998, Winter 2000-2001
1997, Winter 1999-2000
1996, Winter 1998-1999
1995, Summer 1998
1994, Winter 1997-1998
1993, Winter 1996-1997
Individual Income Tax Returns

2006, Fall 2008
2005, Fall 2007
2004, Fall 2006
2003, Fall 2005
2002, Fall 2004
2001, Fall 2003
2000, Fall 2002
1999, Fall 2001
1998, Fall 2000
1997, Fall 1999
1996, Fall 1998
1995, Fall 1997

Accumulation and Distribution of Individual Retirement Arrangements:
2004, Spring 2008
2001-2002, Spring 2006
2000, Spring 2004

Comparing Salaries and Wages by Gender, 1969-1999, Fall 2003

Family Cross-Section File, 1993, Fall 1998

Income by Gender and Age from Information Returns,1998, Winter 2001-2002

Individual Noncash Charitable Contributions
2005, Spring 2008
2004, Spring 2007
2003, Spring 2006

Personal Exemptions and Tax Rates, 1913-2002, Spring 2002

Selected Income and Tax Items, 1990-2001, Spring 2004

Selected Itemized Deductions, 1990-2001, Winter 2003-2004

Top 400 Individual Income Tax Returns, 1992-2000, Spring 2003

Farm Proprietorships, 1998-2004, Spring 2007

Individual Income Tax Returns, Preliminary Data, 2005, Winter 2006-2007

Selected Income and Tax Items from Inflation-Indexed Individual Tax Returns, 1990-2004, Spring 2007

Ninety Years of Individual Income and Tax Statistics, 1916-2005, Winter 2008

Individual Income Tax Rates and Tax Shares

2005, Winter 2007-2008
2004, Winter 2006-2007
2003, Winter 2005-2006
2002, Winter 2004-2005
2001, Spring 2004
2000, Winter 2002-2003
1999, Winter 2001-2002
1998, Spring 2001
1997, Spring 2000
1996, Spring 1999
1995, Spring 1998

Personal Wealth 2001, Winter 2005-2006
1998, Winter 2002-2003
1995, Winter 1999-2000
1992-1995, Winter 1997-1998
Sales of Capital Assets 1999, Summer 2003
1998-1997, Summer 2002
1997, Summer 2001
1985, Spring 1999
Sole Proprietorships (Nonfarm)

2006, Fall 2008
2005, Summer 2007
2004, Summer 2006
2003, Summer 2005
2002, Summer 2004
2001, Summer 2003
2000, Summer 2002
1999, Summer 2001
1998, Summer 2000
1997, Summer 1999
1996, Summer 1998

U.S. Sole Proprietorships: A Gender Comparison,1985-2000, Spring 2005

International Individual Statistics
Foreign Recipients of U.S. Income

2000, Summer 2003
1998-1999, Summer 2002
1996-1997, Winter 1999-2000
1995, Summer 1998

Foreign Trusts

1998, Fall 2001

Individual Foreign-Earned Income / Foreign Tax Credit

2001, Spring 2004
1996, Summer 1999

International Boycotts

2001-2002, Spring 2005
1999-2000, Winter 2002-2003
1997-1998, Winter 2000-2001
1997-1998 Revision
1995, Winter 1997-1998

International Boycott Reports, 2003-2004, Spring, 2007

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Page Last Reviewed or Updated: December 12, 2008