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Increased Safety

  • Conduct certification inspections of 37 Part 139 airports, and construction inspections following completion of major AIP projects.
  • Monitor and enforce all Federal regulation requirements and direct AIP funding to projects needed to meet those requirements.
  • Track progress for installation of enhanced taxiway centerlines at Part 139 airports.
  • Physically complete Runway Safety Area improvements at four airports.
  • Participate in all scheduled Runway Safety Action Team (RSAT) inspections, support AIP funding for eligible RSAT recommendations, and provide subject matter expertise in support of RSAT activities.
  • Place special emphasis on preventing runway incursions resulting from pedestrian/vehicle driver actions.
  • Coordinate implementation of Part 139 requirements at the new Branson Airport opening in 2009.

System Efficiency

Central Region, in cooperation with our four state aviation directors, has identified 11 runways for future LPV instrument approach procedures and in 2007 issued four state system plan grants to prepare surveys for each of these proposed LPV approaches during 2008.

The region has evaluated data for all NPIAS airports and determined that pavement conditions exceed the national goal of having at least 93% of these runway pavements rated as fair or better with the vast majority rated good or very good. No special action for 2008 is planned.


Environmental projects within Central Region have been aimed at reducing the number of people exposed to aircraft noise of 65 DNL. These programs have been so successful that very little work will remain after the completion of current ongoing sound insulation programs. Accordingly, we do not anticipate that any 2008 grants for noise attenuation will be needed.

We are currently working with Kansas City and St. Louis to update Part 150 studies and to determine what if any mitigation measures are needed for current noise impacts. The results of these studies will be considered for projects to begin in 2009.


Continue to support funding of those security projects required by TSA that are eligible for AIP or PFC.

Organization Excellence

Closeout of Grants

  • Assure that no more than 1% of grants outstanding as of 6/30/07 are inactive for more than 18 months.
  • Close out 95% of all grants issued prior to FY-2005.

Timely AIP Programming

  • Obligate 100% of all funds that have been released by the Secretary of Transportation by September 30, 2008.
  • Program 90% of AIP discretionary funds within 60 calendar days after the funds have been assigned to the region.
  • Issue 90% of all grants (for construction or equipment) based on bids or a negotiated purchase agreement.
  • Close 50% of PFC applications where construction is complete and collection authority expired two or more years ago.


  • In support of the egovernment initiative, implement functionality for on-line access to the “iOE/AAA” airspace system by sponsors and their consultants.
  • Continue refinement and updating of our regional website.

Model Work Environment

  • Continue initiatives to assess more accurately the levels of our customers’ satisfaction with our service thereby enabling us to improve our response to customer needs.
  • Maintain and build on the Division’s supportive culture to better sustain our model work environment.
  • Maintain a good labor/management working relationship.

Updated: 10:31 am ET September 4, 2008