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Fisheries Assessment, Monitoring and Ecology (FAME) Unit

Mission Statement

The goal of the Protected Resources and Biodiversity Division's Fisheries Assessment, Monitoring and Ecology (FAME) Unit is to conduct research to better understand, monitor, and manage marine ecosystems. Coastal ecosystems are increasingly being altered by anthropogenic impacts such as overfishing and habitat loss and degradation. From a fisheries standpoint, research is needed to increase our understanding of how natural (biological and physical) and anthropogenic factors affect populations of marine fish species. Additionally, research is needed to determine how fisheries management efforts (e.g., establishment of marine reserves) affect (1) specific species targeted by those efforts and (2) ecosystem structure and function. Working collaboratively with other federal and state agencies, we collect and utilize fishery independent and fishery dependent data from coral reef and adjacent ecosystems to assess current ecological conditions and ecosystem responses to natural and anthropogenic impacts. Our ongoing research includes extensive field studies, large-scale data analyses, modelling efforts, and novel gear development and application.

The Southeast Fisheries Science Center (SEFSC) conducts research in support of federal laws and international agreements relating to living marine resources in waters adjacent to the southeastern United States, as well as Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.  The Center's mission is to contribute to the conservation and management of these important marine resources by conducting biological, environmental, economic, and social research on the fisheries and protected species of the region. This information is used to provide scientific and technical advice to local, state and federal management organizations in the region, including Fishery Management Councils and the National Marine Sanctuary Program.

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