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SOI Tax Stats - Corporation Research Credit


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Form 6765 - Credit for Increasing Research Activities:

This section provides data on the number of returns filing Form 6765, number of returns claiming the regular credit and alternative credit, as well as amounts reported for most line items of the tax form. The tables listed below show the data grouped by both industrial sectors and manufacturing subsectors. All tables show returns of active corporations, other than Forms 1120S, 1120-REIT and 1120-RIC.

For futher information on the data, table names, or the research credit itself, please refer to the Summer 2008 SOI Bulletin Article:
The Credit for Increasing Research Activities: Statistics from Tax Years 2004-2005

The tables are available as Microsoft Excel® files. A free Excel viewer is available for download, if needed.

Table 1: Corporations Claiming a Credit, by Industrial Sector
Tax Years:

2005  2004  2003 

Table 1a: Corporations Claiming a Regular Credit
Tax Years: 2005  2004
Table 1b: Corporations Claiming an Alternative Incremental Credit
Tax Years:

2005  2004

Table 2: Corporations Claiming a Credit, by Manufacturing Subsector
Tax Years: 2005  2004  2003
Table 2a: Corporations Claiming a Regular Credit
Tax Years: 2005  2004
Table 2b: Corporations Claiming an Alternative Incremental Credit
Tax Years: 2005  2004

Table 3: Returns Claiming a Regular Credit and Subject to Excess Base Limitation
(Excess Base was Less Than the 50% Limitation for Research Expenses)

Tax Years: 2005  2004  2003

Table 4: Returns Claiming a Section A - Regular Credit and Subject to 50% Limitation
(50% Limitation for Research Expenses was Less Than the Excess Base)
Tax Years: 2005  2004  2003

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Page Last Reviewed or Updated: September 16, 2008