2-1,,,,, Transportation Fatalities by Mode,,,,, Mode,1980,1990,2000,2005, Air,,,,, Large U.S. air carriera,1,39,92,P22, Commuter air carriera,37,6,5,P0, On-demand air taxia,105,51,71,P18, General aviationa,"1,239",770,596,P562, Highwayb,"51,091","44,599","41,945","43,443", "Pipeline, gas and hazardous liquid ",19,9,38,19, Railroadc,584,599,512,535, Transitd,N,339,295,183, Waterborne Commercial vessel,,,,, "Vessel-related, commercial ship ",206,85,53,U, "Nonvessel-relatede, commercial ship ",281,101,134,U, Recreational boating,"1,360",865,701,697, "a Includes people on planes and on the ground. b Includes motor vehicle occupants, nonoccupants, and fatalities at railroad crossings. c Includes fatalities from nontrain incidents as well as train incidents and accidents. Also includes train occupants and nonoccupants except motor vehicle occupants at grade crossings. d Fatalities resulting from all reportable incidents, not just accidents. Includes commuter rail, heavy rail, light rail, motorbus, demand response, van pool, and automated guideway. e Fatalities unrelated to vessel accidents, e.g., individual falling overboard and drowning.",,,,, Key: N = data are nonexistent or not cited because of reporting changes; P = preliminary; U = unavailable.,,,,, "Sources: Various sources, as cited in USDOT, RITA, BTS, National Transportation Statistics, table 2-1, available at http://www.bts.gov, as of September 2006. 2005—Highway: USDOT, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, National Center for Statistics and Analysis, personal communication, October 2006; Transit: USDOT, Volpe Center, personal communication, October 2006; Recreational boating: U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Coast Guard, Boating Statistics 2005, available at http://www.uscgboating.org/statistics/stats.htm, as of September 2006.",,,,,