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Female Health Systems

Female Health Systems ‹ MCH Coordinators

Aberdeen Maternal Child Health Coordinator: Willeen Druley

More About Willeen Druley, RN, MS

Under the Women’s Health Program is the Mobile Digital Teleradiology (MDT) program which is a mammogram unit that goes to I/T/U facilities in the Aberdeen Area providing mammograms to all women in the Aberdeen Area.  The MDT unit is operational from March to October; during the unit’s down time it is maintained and/or remodeled for the following year.

The Maternal and Child Health Program works closely with Healthy Start and the State of South Dakota to decrease Perinatal and Infant mortality.  The MCH program also chairs the annual Perinatal and Infant Mortality Review Committee.

Activities of Interest

See, Test & Treat' Breast & Cervical Cancer Prevention Program

  • The Aberdeen Area Women's Health Program has been involved with several projects and initiatives such as the first Native American 'See, Test & Treat' Breast & Cervical Cancer Prevention Program. This was a joint effort by several programs to increase women's preventive health screening efforts.
    Native American Pap Initiative: 'See and Treat' Program (Please scroll down the web page to Native American Pap Initiative: 'See and Treat' Program section)

Infant Mortality

  • Another focus is infant mortality. The American Indian Disparities initiative identified partners in American Indian communities and a plan was initiated to reduce the risk of infant mortality that reflects specific needs, strengths, and community culture. The Aberdeen Area Perinatal Infant Mortality Review committee, meets twice a year to review infant deaths, under one year, make recommendations for medical and social interventions and improve practices to reduce preventable deaths and lower infant mortality rates.
    Association of SIDS and Infant Mortality Programs

Sudden Infant Death

  • The women's health/MCH program is involved with the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development SIDS 5-Year Strategic Planning Committee to develop a third SIDS 5-year research plan.
    SIDS Alliance web site

Reduce High breast and cervical cancer rates

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