Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 19
U.S. Domestic Freight Ton-Miles by Mode: 1980-2000

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  Ton-miles (billions) 1980-2000
1980 2000 % change Average annual growth rate
Air carrier 5 15 230.9 6.2
Intercity truck 555 a1,142 105.8 3.7
Class I rail 919 1,466 59.5 2.4
Water transportation 922 646 -29.9 -1.8
Oil pipeline 588 a627 4.9 0.2
Total 2,988 3,896 30.4 1.3

a Intercity truck and pipeline ton-miles data for 2000 are estimates based on their respective average annual growth rate from 1990 to 1999.

Note: Ton-miles are based on short tons.

Sources: USDOT, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, National Transportation Statistics 2002 (Washington, DC: 2002), table 1-44.