A guard stands outside of the Camp Five detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, on Dec. 10, 2008. Camp Five, modeled after a U.S. maxium security facility, houses the most uncooperative detainees, along with those of high intelligence value. Credit: Mandel Ngan/Getty Images Mandel Ngan/Getty Images

Gitmo Case Raises New Questions

The Obama administration faces a challenge in deciding what to do with terror suspects held at Guantanamo. That's especially true in light of the chief prosecutor's refusal to prosecute
a Sept. 11 suspect, citing torture.


Is The Financial Bailout Shifting
To Main Street?

Obama says at least part of the money should help homeowners and small businesses. Is Congress finally getting its Main Street bailout?

Apple's Jobs To Take Medical Leave Through June

The move comes a week after the 53-year-old co-founder and CEO, a pancreatic cancer survivor, said his health problems were "treatable."

House OKs Children's Health Program

The House signed off today on a bill that expands a popular children's health insurance program.


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Don't Miss ...

In Paris, a supporter of Barack Obama celebrates his victory. Credit: Boris Horvat/AFP/Getty Images.

French Minorities Push
For Equality Post-Obama

U.S. election has underscored France's failure to achieve a colorblind society.

Sea Kitten Credit: peta.org

Obama: A New Force In Publishing

As Barack Obama's reading list fuels book sales, publishers celebrate a president who loves to read.

Memo To The President
All Tech Considered
Planet Money
Political Junkie
Monkey See
Gary Ratner. Photo: Kathy Lohr/NPR.

Unemployed Without Benefits: A Couple's Struggle

The Ratners, who aren't eligible for unemployment, are seeking creative ways to make ends meet.


Gaza War Complicates Upcoming Election In Israel

The outcome of the war could have a profound effect on the major contenders: Benjamin Netanyahu, Tzipi Livni and Ehud Barak.

Peanut butter. Credit: iStockphoto.com.

Peanut Butter Recalled After Salmonella Outbreak

Bulk peanut butter is being investigated, but officials say the supermarket kind is safe.

Ken Rudin.

Political Junkie

How Can The Senate Vote On The Cabinet If Obama Is Not Yet President?

What happens is the Senate committees investigate the choices, hold the hearings and then vote on them.

George Clinton; credit: Kevin Winter/Getty Images

Interviews & Profiles

George Clinton Keeps The Funk Alive

The architect of Parliament-Funkadelic discusses Motown's influence on his new album, George Clinton and His Gangsters of Love.

members of The Alash Ensemble; credit: Peter Hasselbach

WNYC Soundcheck

Alash: Tuvan Throat Singing Re-Imagined

The Alash Ensemble honors Tuva's musical heritage, but it's also inspired by Jimi Hendrix and Sun Ra. Hear the group perform live at WNYC's studios.

A boy playing superhero with a towel for a cape. Photo: iStockphoto

Monkey See

Have Cape, Will Crusade

Rough times? Looking for a savior? Try the Web: The World Superhero Registry lists the DIY superheroes in your area.

Sparkly 2008 Credit: iStockphoto.com

NPR's Best Of 2008

Browse through our critics' year-end roundups of the best books, TV, movies and music of the past year. Also: NPR listeners weigh in on their favorite CDs and movies of 2008.


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