Below are publications that can be accessed on this Web site. For a complete list of the Commission's publications, visit our Catalog of Publications. Please click here for a list of staff draft reports or other materials previously posted to this site but not accepted by the Commission.


Voting Rights Enforcement & Reauthorization (PDF) (May 2006)

The Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act of 2005 (PDF) (May 2006)

The Economic Stagnation of the Black Middle Class (PDF) (December 2005)

The Farmington Report: Civil Rights for Native Americans 30 Years Later (PDF) (December 2005)

Funding Federal Civil Rights Enforcement: The President's 2006 Request (PDF) (October 2005)

Federal Procurement After Adarand (PDF) (September 2005)

Language and Access to Health Care: Easing Barriers in New Hampshire (June 2005, State Advisory Committee Report)

Funding Federal Civil Rights Enforcement: 2005 (PDF) (September 2004)

Ten-Year Check-Up: Have Federal Agencies Responded to Civil Rights Recommendations? Volume IV (PDF) (September 2004)

Broken Promises: Evaluating the Native American Health Care System (PDF) (September 2004)


Affirmative Action
The Commission and Affirmative Action

September 11 Aftermath
Tolerance, Civil Rights & Justice in Wake of September 11 Tragedies

Voting Rights
The 2000 Vote and Election Reform


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