OCC 2006-22 OCC BULLETIN Subject: Complex Structured Finance Transactions Description: Notice of Revised Interagency Statement for Comment Date: May 9, 2006 TO: Chief Executive Officers of National Banks, Department and Division Heads, All Examining Personnel, and Other Interested Parties PURPOSE The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Office of Thrift Supervision, and the Securities and Exchange Commission (the agencies) are requesting public comment on the attached revised interagency statement on sound practices for managing complex structured finance activities that may pose heightened legal or reputational risks to financial institutions. The statement will be issued May 9, 2006, and subsequently published in the Federal Register with a 30-day comment period. SUMMARY On May 19, 2004, the agencies issued and requested comment on a proposed Interagency Statement on Sound Practices Concerning Complex Structured Finance Activities (initial statement). The initial statement described some of the internal controls and risk management procedures that may help financial institutions identify, manage, and address the heightened reputational and legal risks that could arise from certain complex structured finance transactions (CSFTs). After reviewing the comments received on the initial statement, the agencies are requesting comment on a revised proposed interagency statement (revised statement). The revised statement has been modified in numerous respects to address issues and concerns raised by commenters. Specifically, the revised statement * Clarifies the purpose, scope, and effect of the statement, and makes the statement more principles- based; * Focuses the statement on those CSFTs that may pose heightened levels of legal or reputational risk to the relevant institution (referred to as elevated risk CSFTs); * Modifies the examples of transactions that may present elevated risk to make these examples more risk-focused; * Recognizes more explicitly that an institution's review and approval process for elevated risk CSFTs should be commensurate with, and should focus on, the potential risks presented by the transaction to the institution; * Clarifies that it does not create any private rights of action, nor does it alter or expand the legal duties and obligations that a financial institution may have to a customer, to its shareholders, or to other third parties under applicable law; and * Observes that it does not affect the vast majority of financial institutions, including most small financial institutions. Examples of CSFTs that often pose elevated risks and thus would be covered by the revised statement, include transactions that * Lack economic substance or business purpose; * Are designed or used primarily for questionable accounting, regulatory, or tax objectives, particularly when the transactions are executed at year end or at the end of a reporting period for the customer; * Raise concerns that the client will report or disclose the transaction in its public filings or financial statements in a manner that is materially misleading or inconsistent with the substance of the transaction or with applicable regulatory or accounting requirements; * Involve circular transfers of risk (either between the financial institution and the customer or between the customer and other related parties) that lack economic substance or business purpose; * Involve oral or undocumented agreements that, when taken into account, would have a material impact on the regulatory, tax, or accounting treatment of the related transaction, or the client's disclosure obligations; * Have material economic terms that are inconsistent with market norms (e.g., deep "in the money" options or historic rate rollovers); or * Provide the financial institution with compensation that appears substantially disproportionate to the services provided or investment made by the financial institution or to the credit, market, or operational risk assumed by the institution. FURTHER INFORMATION Direct questions or comments to Kathy Dick, Deputy Comptroller for Credit and Market Risk at (202) 874-4660; Grace Dailey, Deputy Comptroller for Large Banks at (202) 874-4610; or Ellen Broadman, Director, Securities and Corporate Practices Division at (202) 874-5210. Emory W. Rushton Senior Deputy Comptroller and Chief National Bank Examiner Douglas W. Roeder Senior Deputy Comptroller for Large Bank Supervision Attachment - Interagency Statement [http://www.occ.treas.gov/fr/fedregister/71fr28326.pdf]