OCC 2005-41 OCC Bulletin Subject: Examiner Ethics Description: Final Rule - One-Year Post-Employment Restrictions for Senior Examiners Date: December 6, 2005 TO: Chief Executive Officers of All National Banks, Federal Branches and Agencies, Department and Division Heads, and All Examining Personnel The attached final rule implements new post-employment restrictions for Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) senior examiners of national banks. The final rule, issued jointly with the other federal banking agencies, was published in the Federal Register on November 17, 2005, and will become effective on December 17. Section 6303(b) of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 (act) imposes a one-year post-employment restriction on senior examiners of national banks. Under the final rule, an OCC employee who serves as the senior examiner of a national bank for two or more months during the last 12 months of the person's employment with the OCC may not, within one year after leaving the OCC, knowingly accept compensation as an employee, officer, director, or consultant from the national bank or any company (including a bank holding company) that controls the bank. This one-year provision applies to any senior examiner who leaves the OCC on or after December 17, 2005. If a senior examiner violates the post-employment restrictions, the act requires the OCC to seek against the former examiner a removal or prohibition order for up to five years. The OCC also may seek a civil money penalty of up to $250,000. The OCC anticipates that the restrictions will apply to examiners- in-charge of national banks in the OCC's Large Bank or Mid-Size Bank programs. As noted in the preamble to the final rule, the OCC will develop policies and procedures to identify and notify those individual examiners who are subject to the post-employment restrictions. The attached final rule, which is substantively similar to the final rules adopted by the other federal banking agencies, amends 12 CFR to implement the post-employment restrictions. The final rule also makes conforming changes to 12 CFR to clarify those procedures that apply to actions against senior examiners who violate the restrictions. For further information, contact Mitchell Plave, counsel, Legislative and Regulatory Activities Division at (202) 874-5090, or Barrett Aldemeyer, senior counsel, Administrative and Internal Law Division at (202) 874-4460. _______________________________________ Julie L. Williams First Senior Deputy Comptroller and Chief Counsel Attachment: 70 FR 69633 [http://www.occ.treas.gov/fr/fedregister/70fr69633.pdf]