OCC 2005-33 OCC BULLETIN Subject: Hurricane Katrina Description: Supervisory Guidance Date: September 19, 2005 TO: Chief Executive Officers of All National Banks, Federal Branches and Agencies, Department and Division Heads, and All Examining Personnel PURPOSE This bulletin transmits guidance that the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) has issued to assist national banks and their customers affected by Hurricane Katrina and informs bankers that the OCC has established sections on its Web site and BankNET that provide information on, and links to, Katrina-related information. SUMMARY On August 29, 2005, the OCC issued a press release (NR 2005-83) encouraging national banks to consider measures to assist borrowers who have been affected by Hurricane Katrina. The attached interagency release (NR 2005-87), issued on September 2, 2005, outlines additional actions that financial institutions can take to meet the critical financial needs of their customers and their communities. Efforts taken by national banks to work with their borrowers and customers in affected communities, if conducted in a reasonable and prudent manner, are consistent with safe and sound banking practice. In accordance with the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), the OCC will favorably consider activities that revitalize or stabilize a designated disaster area. In addition to the steps outlined in the interagency release, the OCC has * Authorized national banks in affected areas to establish temporary branches with only an after-the-fact notice requirement; * Authorized several unaffected national banks to establish temporary branches to serve evacuees with minimal prior notice; * Permitted national banks to share branch facilities and employees without entering into a prior written agreement spelling out the rights, obligations, and duties of the parties, provided a formal agreement is entered into as soon as reasonably practical thereafter; and * Issued additional guidance, in the form of frequently asked questions and answers (FAQs), on various issues that have arisen as bankers work to address the needs and concerns of their customers and communities. Topics covered in the FAQs include CRA, Bank Secrecy Act, credit practices, temporary branching, and shared facilities/employees. A copy of these FAQs is attached to this bulletin. Given the need to get information to banks as quickly as possible and recognizing that mail service has been disrupted to certain affected areas, the OCC is using its Web site and BankNET to relay Katrina-related guidance and to provide links to other Web sites and information that may assist bankers and their customers. Bankers are encouraged to check these sites periodically for updated information. The OCC and other federal financial regulatory agencies recognize that Hurricane Katrina may affect banks' ability to submit accurate and timely regulatory reports. National banks that anticipate having difficulty submitting accurate and timely call reports or other required regulatory reports are encouraged to notify their supervisory office as soon as possible. The OCC will not take supervisory action against national banks that take appropriate and prudent steps to comply with regulatory reporting requirements but are unable to do so due to circumstances caused by Hurricane Katrina. More generally, consistent with its longstanding practice, the OCC will consider the unusual circumstances that banks in affected areas may have with respect to safety and soundness or compliance issues, including those regarding the Bank Secrecy Act, in determining the appropriate supervisory response. The OCC is committed to working with the banking industry and other federal financial regulators to respond to issues that arise in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and to minimize disruption and burden on banks in affected areas. In this regard, the OCC will work with national banks affected by the disaster and will use appropriate discretion in establishing the scope and frequency of examinations. For additional information or assistance related to Hurricane Katrina, please contact your supervisory office or Fred Finke, senior policy liaison, at (202)-874-4468. _____________________________ Emory W. Rushton Senior Deputy Comptroller and Chief National Bank Examiner Attachments: NR 2005-83: OCC Encourages Customers to Work with Customers Affected by Hurricane Katrina [http://www.occ.treas.gov/toolkit/newsrelease.aspx?] NR 2005-87: Agencies Encourage Institutions to Assist Displaced Customers [http://www.occ.treas.gov/toolkit/newsrelease.aspx?] FAQs: http://www.occ.treas.gov/HurricaneQA.htm [http://www.occ.treas.gov/HurricaneQA.htm]