
For Immediate Release: For More Information:
Date: October 29, 2008 Robert Corrales

Phone: 609-777-2600
Governor Corzine to Congress: Infrastructure Projects Key to Economic Recovery
Committee Chair praises Governor Corzine for NJ's approach to public infrastructure

WASHINGTON, D.C. - In testimony before the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Governor Jon S. Corzine today urged Congress to "turn this period of adversity into a time of opportunity" through an ambitious federal program for up to $300 billion in public infrastructure projects.

"The nation's construction industry is on its back, our infrastructure is deteriorating, and in too many cases, compromised," Governor Corzine said. "Let's put people to work, build roads, bridges, tunnels, schools, wastewater treatment systems."

Governor Corzine noted that even in the best of economic times, New Jersey - as the nation's most populous state at the heart of the Northeast Corridor - is critically dependent on a well-defined transportation infrastructure. But considering the current national recession and the number of jobs federally-funded public works projects could create, such issues are doubly important.

"Our real economy and outlook is deeply troubled," Governor Corzine said. "As you are well aware, New Jersey's challenges are indicative of a broader trend among the states and I might add, our cities and municipalities."

Based on his October 16 remarks to a joint session of the New Jersey Legislature, Governor Corzine noted that the most immediate need is to assist those most vulnerable to the current economic slide: the unemployed, those facing foreclosure, and families struggling to purchase energy and food. Second, changes must be made to the tax structure to jumpstart the business sector. And third, he stressed New Jersey's efforts to expedite its own public infrastructure projects to create jobs.

But ultimately, he said, it will take a solid partnership with the federal government to get the economy moving. He urged Congress to take immediate action on a new economic stimulus package.

"While we cannot stand alone against a national economic tide, under no circumstances can we stand idly by," said Governor Corzine.

Following the testimony Congressman Jim Oberstar (D-Minn.), chairman of the committee, praised Governor Corzine and New Jersey for its efforts to implement infrastructure projects, particularly those that help the state conserve energy - and specifically the proposed mass transit tunnel.

"I compliment you, your predecessors but particularly you for making New Jersey the template for America in a mode shift to transit," Congressman Oberstar said, noting that statewide, New Jersey has seen more than a 10 percent shift to transit. "If we did that nationwide, we would save the equivalent of all the oil we import from Saudi Arabia, and that's 550 million barrels a year."



Photos from Governor Corzine's public events are available in the Governor's Newsroom section on the State of New Jersey web page,