
25 CFR Part 524



Authority: 25 U.S.C. 2706, 2710, 2712.
Source: 58 FR 5812, Jan. 22, 1993, unless otherwise noted.

§524.1 Appeal by a tribe.

A tribe may appeal disapproval of a gaming ordinance, resolution or amendment under part 522 or 523 of this chapter. An appeal shall be filed with the Commission within 30 days after the Chairman serves his or her determination under part 519 of this chapter. Such an appeal shall state succinctly why the tribe believes the Chairman's determination to be erroneous, and shall include supporting documentation, if any. Failure to file an appeal within the time provided by this section shall result in a waiver of the opportunity for an appeal.

§524.2 Limited participation by an entity other than a tribe.

(a) An entity other than a tribe may request to participate in an appeal of a disapproval under part 522 or part 523 of this chapter by filing a written submission. Such written submission shall:

(1) State the property, financial, or other interest of the party in the appeal; and

(2) The reasons why the action of the Chairman in disapproving an ordinance, resolution or amendment may be in error or the reasons why the Chairman's disapproval should be upheld by the Commission. The reasons shall address the approval requirements under §§522.4, 522.5, 522.6, 522.7, 523.2 of this chapter.

(b) The Commission shall forward a copy of a request under paragraph (a) of this section to the party of record under §524.1 of this part.

(c) The Commission shall review a request under this section and timely notify the requester of its determination. Such notification shall supply the reasons for the determination. The Commission shall also notify the party of record on appeal under §524.1 of its determination.

(d) The Commission shall limit the extent of participation by an entity other than a tribe to one written submission as described under paragraph (a) of this section, unless the Commission determines further participation would substantially contribute to the record.

§524.3 Decisions on appeals.

(a) Within 90 days after it receives the appeal, the Commission shall render its decision on the appeal.

(b) The Commission shall notify the party of record under §524.1 of this part and any limited participant under §524.2 of this part of its final decision and the reasons supporting it.


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