Commission Information Collection Requirements Under the Paperwork Reduction Act: OMB Control Numbers and Expiration Dates

25 CFR Part 503


Authority: 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.
Source: 58 FR 16495, Mar. 29, 1993, unless otherwise noted.

§503.1 Purpose of this part.

This part displays the control numbers and expiration dates assigned to information collection requirements of the National Indian Gaming Commission (NIGC, or the Commission) assigned by the Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.

§503.2 Display of control numbers and expiration dates.


Part or section number of title 25 CFR Currently assigned OMB Control Numbers Experation Date
Sec. 514.1 (submission of fee reports) 3141-0007 6/30/94
Sec. 515.3 (request for access to records) 3141-0002 10/31/95
Sec. 515.5 (request for amendment to records) 3141-0002 10/31/95
Sec. 515.7 (appeals) 3141-0002 10/31/95
Part 519 (designation of agent for service) 3141-0003 10/31/95
Sec. 522.2 (submission and approval of new ordinances) 3141-0003 10/31/95
Sec. 522.3 (amendment) 3141-0003 10/31/95
Sec. 522.12 (revocation of class III gaming) 3141-0003 10/31/95
Sec. 523.2 (submission and approval of existing ordinances) 3141-0003 10/31/95
Sec. 523.4 (amendment) 3141-0003 10/31/95
Part 524 (appeals) 3141-0003 10/31/95
Sec. 533.3 (approval of management contracts) 3141-0004 10/31/95
Sec. 533.5 (modifications) 3141-0004 10/31/95
Sec. 535.1 (post-approval procedures) 3141-0004 10/31/95
Part 537 (background investigations) 3141-0004 10/31/95
Part 539 (appeals) 3141-0004 10/31/95
Sec. 556.4 (background investigations for class II gaming 3141-0003 10/31/95
Sec. 556.5 (background investigations) 3141-0003 10/31/95
Part 558 (gaming licenses) 3141-0003 10/31/95
Sec. 571.7 (maintenance of records) 3141-0001 7/31/95
Sec. 571.12 (audits) 3141-0001 7/31/95
Sec. 571.13 (audits) 3141-0001 7/31/95
Sec. 571.14 (audit reconciliation) 3141-0001 7/31/95
Sec. 575.5 (information to Chairman) 3141-0001 7/31/95
Sec. 575.6 (penalty reduction) 3141-0001 7/31/95
Sec. 577.3 (notice of appeal) 3141-0001 7/31/95
Sec. 577.8 (confidentiality) 3141-0001 7/31/95
Sec. 577.12 (intervention) 3141-0001 7/31/95
Sec. 577.14 (objections) 3141-0001 7/31/95

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