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Maternal Child

Maternal Child HealthBreastfeeding ‹ Benefits

Breastfeeding Benefits

Breastfeeding is a healthy choice for lots of reasons

For your baby

  • Less illness – fewer ear infections, diarrhea, pneumonia, colds, flu
  • Little or no constipation
  • Less risk of obesity and weight problems when your baby is older
  • Less risk of diabetes when your baby is older

For yourself (mom)

  • Less chance of hemorrhaging after your baby is born
  • Less time post partum bleeding
  • Smaller uterus quicker – so your stomach will be flatter sooner
  • Possible delayed return to monthly periods
  • Possible weight loss
  • Easy night time feedings

For your family

  • Less illness to share among family members
  • Money saved by not buying formula
  • Money saved by not needing extra doctor visits and medicine

Your community

  • Less illness to be shared in the community
  • Less time from work or school because of a sick baby
  • Fewer health dollars spent on illness

The future

  • Less diabetes and fewer weight problems
  • Fewer health dollars spend on long term problems like diabetes and other
  • weight related problems

American Academy of Pediatrics new guidelines on breastfeeding
(Please refer to the article links in this article for further information)


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