The following provides a historical timeline of major Federal legislative and governmental activity addressing the needs of older Americans.
1920's |
1920 |
The Civil Service
Retirement Act provided a retirement system for many governmental
employees. |
1930's |
1935 |
The Social Security
Act passed; provides for Old Age Assistance and Old Age Survivors
Insurance. |
1937 |
Railroad Retirement Act provided
pensions for retired railroad employees and spouses. |
1950's |
1950 |
President Truman
initiated the first National Conference on Aging, sponsored
by the Federal Security Agency. |
1952 |
First federal funds appropriated
for social service programs for older persons under the Social
Security Act. |
1956 |
Special Staff on Aging established within the Office of
the Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare, to coordinate
responsibilities for aging.
Federal Council on Aging created by President Eisenhower. |
1958 |
Legislation introduced in Congress,
calling for a White House Conference on Aging. |
1959 |
Housing act authorized
a direct loan program for non-profit rental projects, for
the elderly at low interests rates, and lowered eligibility
ages for public-low-rent housing, for low-income women to
age 62. |
1960's |
1960 |
Social Security
Administration eliminated age 50 as minimum for qualifying
for disability benefits, and liberalized the retirement test
and the requirement for fully insured status. |
1961 |
First White House Conference on Aging held
in Washington, D.C.
Social Security Amendments lowered the retirement age
for men from 65 to 62, liberalized the retirement test,
and increased minimum benefits and benefits to aged widows. |
1962 |
Legislation introduced
in Congress, to establish an independent and permanent Commission
on Aging. |
1965 |
Older Americans Act signed
into law on July 14 1965. It established the Administration
on Aging within the Department of Health, Education and
Welfare, and called for the creation of State Units on Aging.
William Bechill named first Commissioner on Aging
Medicare, Title XVIII, a health insurance program for the
elderly was established as part of the Social Security Act.
Medicaid, Title XIX, a health insurance program for low-income
persons, was added to the Social Security Act. |
1967 |
Older Americans
Act extended for two years, and provisions made for the Administration
on Aging to study the personnel needs in the aging field.
Age Discrimination Act signed into law.
Administration on Aging moved from the Office of the Secretary
of HEW and placed in the newly created Social and Rehabilitative
Service Agency within the Department. |
1968 |
John Martin named Commissioner
on Aging |
1969 |
Older Americans
Act Amendments provided grants for model demonstration projects,
Foster Grandparents, and Retired Senior Volunteer Programs. |
1970's |
1971 |
Second White
House Conference on Aging held in Washington, D.C. |
1972 |
A new Title VII is created under
the Older Americans Act authorizing funds for a national nutrition
program for the elderly. |
1973 |
Older Americans
Act Comprehensive Services Amendments established Area Agencies
on Aging. The amendments added a new Title V, which authorized
grants to local community agencies for multi-purpose senior
centers, and created the Community Service Employment grant
program for low-income persons age 55 and older, administered
by the Department of Labor.
Arthur S. Flemming named Commissioner on Aging
Comprehensive Employment and Training Act was enacted; included
older persons. |
1973 |
Arthur S. Flemming named Commissioner
on Aging
Comprehensive Employment and Training Act was enacted; included
older persons. |
1974 |
Title XX of the
Social Security Amendments authorized grants to states for
social services. These programs included protective services,
homemaker services, transportation services, adult day care
services, training for employment, information and referral,
nutrition assistance, and health support.
Older Americans Act amendments added transportation under
Title III model projects.
Housing and Community Development Act enacted; provided for
low-income housing for the elderly and handicapped, pursuant
to the Housing Act of 1937.
National Institute on Aging created to conduct research and
training related to the aging process, and the diseases and
problems of an aging population.
Title V of the Farm and Rural Housing Program of 1949 expanded
to include the rural elderly as a target group. |
1975 |
Older Americans Act Amendments
authorized grants under Title III to Indian tribal organizations.
Transportation, home care, legal services, and home renovation/repair
were mandated as priority services. |
1977 |
Older Americans
Act Amendments required changes in Title VII nutrition program,
primarily related to the availability of surplus commodities
through the Department of Agriculture. |
1978 |
Older Americans Act Amendments
consolidated the Title III Area Agency on Aging administration
and social services, the Title VII nutrition services, and
the Title V multi-purpose senior centers, into a new Title
III and added a new Title VI for grants to Indian Tribal Organizations.
The old Title V became the Community Service Employment grant
program for low-income persons, age 55 and older (created
under the 1978 amendments as Title IX).
Robert G. Benedict named Commissioner on Aging
Congregate Housing Services Act authorized contracts with
local public housing agencies and non-profit corporations,
to provide congregate independent living service programs.
OAA amendments required each state to establish a long-term
care ombudsman program to cover nursing homes |
1980's |
1981 |
Third White House
Conference on Aging held in Washington, D.C.
Lennie-Marie Tolliver named Commissioner on Aging
Older Americans Act reauthorized; emphasized supportive services
to help older persons remain independent in the community.
Act expanded ombudsman coverage to board and care homes |
1984 |
Reauthorization of the Older Americans
Act clarified and reaffirmed the roles of State and Area Agencies
on Aging in coordinating community-based services, and in
maintaining accountability for the funding of national priority
services (legal, access, & in-home).
Carol Fraser Fisk named Commissioner on Aging |
1987 |
Omnibus Budget
Reconciliation Act provides for nursing home reform in the
areas of nurse aide training, survey and certification procedures,
pre-admission screening an annual reviews for persons with
mental illness.
Reauthorization of the Older Americans Act added six additional
distinct authorization of appropriations for services: in-home
services for the frail elderly; long-term care ombudsman;
assistance for special needs; health education and promotion;
prevention of elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation; and
outreach activities for persons who may be eligible for benefits
under supplemental security income (SSI), Medicaid, and food
stamps. Additional emphasis was given to serving those in
the greatest economic and social need, including low-income
The Nursing Home Reform Act (Omnibus Budget Reconciliation
Act) mandated that nursing facility residents have "direct
and immediate access to ombudspersons when protection and
advocacy services become necessary." Simultaneously,
the OAA reauthorization charged states to guarantee ombudsman
access to facilities and patient records, provided important
legal protections, authorized state ombudsmen to designate
local ombudsman programs and required that ombudsman programs
have adequate legal counsel. |
1989 |
Joyce Berry named Commissioner
on Aging |
1990's |
1990 |
Americans with
Disabilities Act extended protection from discrimination in
employment and public accommodations to persons with disabilities.
Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act reauthorized
the HUD Section, 202 Elderly Housing program, and provided
for supportive service demonstration programs.
Age Discrimination in Employment Act made it illegal, in most
circumstances, for companies to discriminate against older
workers in employee benefits. |
1992 |
Reauthorization of the Older Americans
Act places increased focus on caregivers, intergenerational
programs, protection of elder rights and calls for a 1995
White House Conference on Aging.
The elevation of Commissioner on Aging to Assistant Secretary
for Aging.
OAA amendments added a new Title VII "Vulnerable Elder
Rights Activities" which included the long-term care
ombudsman; prevention of elder abuse, neglect and exploitation;
elder rights and legal assistance development; and benefits
outreach, counseling and assistance programs. The legislation
emphasized the value of the four programs coordinating their
efforts. The amendments highlighted the role of local ombudsman
programs and the state ombudsman's role as leader of the statewide
program and advocate and agent for systemwide change. |
1993 |
Fernando M. Torres-Gil
was sworn in as the first Assistant Secretary for Aging in
the Department of Health and Human Services on May 6, 1993. |
1995 |
White House Conference on Aging
convened May 2 - 5, 1995 in Washington, D.C.
30th Anniversaries of Older Americans Act, Medicare, Medicaid
& the Foster Grandparent Program.
60th Anniversary of Social Security
Operation Restore Trust Initiated |
1997 |
Jeanette C. Takamura,
Ph.D., was sworn in as Assistant Secretary for Aging in the
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on December 8,
1997. |
1999 |
International Year of Older Persons:
A Society for All Ages |
2000's |
2000 |
Older Americans Act Amendments
of 2000 signed into law (P.L. 106-501), establishing the new
National Family Caregiver Support Program, and reauthorizing
the OAA for 5 years on November 13, 2000. |
2001 |
HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson released $113
million for first National Family Caregiver Support Programs
grants to states on February 15, 2001.
Josefina G. Carbonell sworn in as Assistant Secretary
for Aging on August 8, 2001. |
2002 |
Kick off of 30th Anniversary
of the Older Americans Act Nutrition Program in March. |