Mississippi Department of Employment Security Mississippi Department of Employment Security
Job Seeker Services
We can help you with:
bullet Job Search
bullet Training & Education
bullet Job Hunting Tips
bullet Veteran Services
bullet Equal Opportunity
Employer Services
We can help you with:
bullet Business Registration
bullet Employee Job Training
bullet Job Placement Services
bullet Wage Reporting/Tax Filing
bullet Employer Change Request
Unemployment Services
We can help you with:
bullet Benefit Eligibility
bullet Weekly Claims
bullet Overpayments
bullet Claim Filing Information
bullet Appeal Information
Labor Market Information
We can help you with:
bullet LMI Publications
bullet Occupational Wages
bullet Occupational Projections
bullet Data Maps
bullet Unemployment Rates
Online Business Services
Online Services

Mississippi Online Job Opportunities

Find a WIN Job and Claim Center nearest you
Quick Access
We'd Like You To Know
  Unemployment Help Line
  Upcoming Job Fairs
  RFPs & Bid Notices
  State Workforce Investment Board
  Press Releases
Quick Links
  New Hire Reporting
  Required Job Posters
  Other Related Sites
  WIA State Plan
  WIN PY 2006 Annual Report
  MS Online Job Opportunities (MOJO)
Our Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Partners
Agencies working together to improve employment, literacy, training, and vocational rehabilitation programs.
Report Fraud
Governor Barbour Tommye Dale Favre




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The Mississippi Department of Employment Security is an equal opportunity employer. Auxiliary aids and services are
available upon request to individuals with disabilities.